The future of society

here is what a world with artificial wombs and without women looks like
I'm going to post this every day, until you remember or prove me wrong.

>no more souldraining 8 a day work to support a greedy money bitch
>an all male society, where status,clothes and all that nonsense doesnt matter
>a society which doesnt value consumerism, but rather intellectual pursuit
>less places wasted for useless consumption
>a sexy robot waifu with all the benefits of women, but no negatives
>no more welfare and stupid laws
>no slaving away for a creature which only wants more and more
>a technologically advanced society, where intelligence is valued
>men will be able to freely express themselves and evolve without female constraint
>no more having to worry about divorce and losing your children
>beeing able to spend quality time with your sons bonding while playing video games ( VR: Kingdom Come 7)
>have a harem of all the hot robot waifus ( the perfect women of your imaginations)
>no irrational creatures can decide the course of society
>breaking the cycle of civilization(patriarchy>womens liberation>death)
>no superficial value of men (money, fame status)
so what are we waiting for?

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Never make a bargain with the Devil, you always lose.

lmao what?

And all these machines will be owned by our governments and megacorps. And it will be illegal for a citizen.
What could go wrong ?

"people" bred in iron wombs with genetic markers for subservience to the state apparatus no matter what

basically ambulatory zombies, the industralization of the manufacture of bluepill liberals

"Men should be able to just go to some temple or other, put there some piece of bronze or iron, or even some gold –whatever their means would allow- and with that price paid, pick themselves the son they want. Take him home with him and there, the two men could live out their lives, in their house without a woman to be seen anywhere!" Hippolytus, Euripides

my man artificial wombs are trad. the devil is a jewish invention.

true, but your msitake is thinking that men wont go against it. if there are no women around, we wont have their "emotional state" burden society, thus making only wise and rational decisions.

Biocunts BTFO!!!

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you mean like now? or thx to single mothers?

with a.w. we could make them even stronger. anything goes.

>>an all male society, where status doesnt matter
Yea, dream on.

i want a companion

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not an argument roastie

This. And the neural damages of such unatural way of making babies could be devastating. The link between mother and child is more complicated than an exchange of nutriments.
Men could go against it, but i do not think there is much we can expect. Today, our women and children are raped by migrants, and everyone ignore it, while being fully aware its reality.
So machines ? Normies will see this as progress, and if they wake up, it will be too late. The globalists will have clonetroopers. They have to be taken before then can do that or the beginning of space conquest.


This can save the white race.

M8, your "society without status" is literally a different way of saying "society without hierarchy".

But hierarchy is intrinsic to all societies, from all humans to lobsters and below.

You are fucking delusional if you think it's the existence of females that creates hierarchy.

>Today, our women and children are raped by migrants, and everyone ignore it, while being fully aware its reality.
you and i both know who is largely responsible and emotional enough for this to happen. in an all male society kikes wouldnt even get to the position they have now.

>So machines ? Normies will see this as progress, and if they wake up, it will be too late.
well they wouldnt use a.w. for supersoldiers, because we will have cyborgs by that time.
again as long as there wont be a monopoly, we can probably compare it to nukes. the damage would be too much for simple kike takeover.

the post of a man who has never felt a beautiful (real) woman's vagina tighten around their cock
>tfw she goes nuts kissing and licking your chest and neck
>tfw she leaves
wait actually


>to lobsters
pls dont tell me you are one of "those"
>But hierarchy is intrinsic to all societies
the literal definition of alpha is someone who gets all the girls. thus in todays world bieber is more of an alpha than socrates.

i fail to see even if you were right, how this hierarchy would be worse than what we have with the roast. explain to me how you envision it.

who is more loyal user?

a robowaifu with programmed loyalty or a """woman""" ?

competitiveness is an innate male behavior. If you select for betas who lack the spirit of competition, even if you remove all of the open borders types you end up with trannies, traps and fags, or passive aggressive omegas who end up endlessly arguing with each other about gnu/linux or video games. no top tier men would join an all men country because real men fuck women
now don't go crying soy tears because you don't like this post. i don't like it either. but ignoring reality is not a valid plan to make things better. we have to use artificial wombs as a tool to wrestle demographic power away from the kikes and their anti-white propaganda, not as a manchild excuse to retreat further

I wonder about the effects of gestating outside the mother. Certainly, there will be developmental differences. Also, possible ecological? differences You're not an individual organism. You're a colony. You contain 10+ pounds of bacteria. You have about the same number of inhabitants as you do human cells. And they start to move in before you're born. I suppose we'll just fill those kinder eggs with probiotic yogurt and sing to them or something.

robowoman could never compare
not to a person who has any religious belief
not to someone who has seen two people grow very old and very happy together
knowing that in some cultures people cultivate the moral aptitude to be faithful, and to work as one to build an unbreakable team
the family
fuck off with your robowaifu with attachable cock

Again, you are fucking delusional if you think hierarchy/status/domination is part of male behavior only because of women.

Hierarchy is no less exhibited in cultures where women are much loser to be just a breading apparatus than an equal of a man.

>competitiveness is an innate male behavior
yes, although once men realise that no women will love them, but rather what they can do for them, they will lose interest and then find another purpose.
>or passive aggressive omegas who end up endlessly arguing with each other about gnu/linux or video games.
most people who produce the biggest innovations are researchers and programmers. hardly people who "fuck women".
most learned men did what they did without women anyway. (Philosophers, scientists etc...)
>trannies, traps and fags,
these are mostly the result of isolation and bad parenting
>we have to use artificial wombs as a tool to wrestle demographic power away from the kikes and their anti-white propaganda,
so we are in agreeance that wombs are more beneficial for the white race than women?
each time women were liberated, birth rates fell. this is really telling.
>not as a manchild excuse to retreat further
>using roastie language
kek. i dont think you would suddenly become a beta faggot if there were no women around, would you?

You will always be slaves, goyim.

>Hierarchy is no less exhibited in cultures where women are much loser to be just a breading apparatus than an equal of a man.

Of course it isn't. In those cultures women are the commodity. They still drive the market.

>sing to them
you can do that yes

in general i am very interested in seeing how this would turn out. i think scientists will find a way to go around it.

>not to a person who has any religious belief
"Men should be able to just go to some temple or other, put there some piece of bronze or iron, or even some gold –whatever their means would allow- and with that price paid, pick themselves the son they want. Take him home with him and there, the two men could live out their lives, in their house without a woman to be seen anywhere!" Hippolytus, Euripides
>not to someone who has seen two people grow very old and very happy together
knowing that in some cultures people cultivate the moral aptitude to be faithful, and to work as one to build an unbreakable team
the family
you mean cultures where women were pressured to be this way and now that they are free they would rather slut around?
prove to me that women are capable of loving men. divorce stats and male disposability prove otherwise.
in early societies 1 men in 17 women reproduced. is that love to you?

i for the life of me cant see it. if you could illustrate examples, go ahead and learn to speak like normal human beeing.


Do you think as a 20 year old I will see the ability to reverse aging in my lifetime? I don't want to be old desu.

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>Of course it isn't. In those cultures women are the commodity. They still drive the market.
And artificial wombs and robowaifus will not be a commodity?

le post

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>if you could illustrate examples, go ahead
Hardcore muslim cultures. Women are pretty much a commodity.
Is the hierarchy/status abolished?
Fuck no.

>8 hr a day job
Christ, I haven't actually thought of how much my father works until I think of what 8 hrs is: 6AM-2AM, while my father works 12-13 hr workdays....
My cunt of a mother would always complain how he and her never do anything together while she only works 8 hr days with little IQ, experience, labor or communication skills needed now. And she only had to start working the last 2 years.
God, what a stupid cunt. Also guilting him for being tired alot. I'll wait till' I get a good stable career and savings before I marry. He'd want it

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>women are the ones who are draining the soul of their men
i feel for your dad. no man deserves this. remember this is what women have pushed for. a situation where they are the rulers.

>before I marry.
oh god

im talking about societies with artificial wombs

This is so sad, op is broken.

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It's a nightmare. My father works 50 hour weeks, and guess what he does the moment he gets some free time? He's off hunting or fishing. Like he should have always been able to do. Fuck this society & it's 'convenience'. Even if it meant you'd die at 40 because no antibiotics, I'd throw this shit in the trash just to feel real. Chasing bits of fucking paper.. my god.

I'd still suck it.

>im talking about societies with artificial wombs
And? That artificial womb will still be a commodity. So will the robowaifues.

Unless, of course, you plan to also abolish capitalism and usher in glorious communist utopia.

Why would you get cyborgs ? Drones + cheap unlimited cannon fodder is far more efficient and cheaper. Anyway, its simple : its an important tech, so you will not be able to own it. If you rebel, you go to prison. Unless globalists are removed from power, the more technology advances, the more we are fucked. So its the priority.
And when i see how children from single parents often end, i can imagine how the progeny of a machine will be.
>you are just another number user
>you will know nothing but what your owner will tell you.
>brain damaged and brainwashed, obedient and expendable
Its a nightmare, not something we should hope for.

not an argument

and how would hierarchies be there formed?

>not an argument
Correct, it's an observation. I'm sad for you user.
Also you sound like a rule 63 version of one of those crazy "I don't need a man" feminist lesbians.

Sign me up user!

Divorce laws in Aus really are beyond fucked. A woman only has to live with you for 6 months before the State declares you married (at which point she can steal half your shit). Fuck whoever let women vote and fuck those who ruined the traditional family unit.

>: its an important tech, so you will not be able to own it. If you rebel, you go to prison.
true, the way i see it this is going to happen either way. better make way for an all male utopia somehow.

And when i see how children from single parents often end, i can imagine how the progeny of a machine will be.
>you are just another number user
>you will know nothing but what your owner will tell you.
>brain damaged and brainwashed, obedient and expendable
and how is that different from how normies are now? also there will probably be tech to replace the need for mothers

after learning everything i know about women, its hard to even want to be near them. why did all ancient peoples hate women? they were onto something. a woman will never love you.

is this a new trend in europe? the gynocracy is fucking unbearable.

>and how would hierarchies be there formed?
The same way they are formed in cultures where women already are, in essence, commodity.

> get a good 70k-100k job
> spend less, therefore work less & still save far more than most people
> invest 60%-75% of your net-income
> retire by 30-40

My dream, I'm literally studying Computer Science in the pursuit of this. I just want to live a good life, not be a mindless consumer and save. Retire young and buy/renovate a small brick Church Church into my dream home. Maybe a small garden, a few trusted friends, a few guns and a loyal dog.

If you don't have to provide for a parasite (woman), don't buy useless shit and don't really want kids. Then life is on easy mode.

Nah, by AUS I mean Australia.
Europe has this too, it's just a lot worse here (yet the normies literally have no idea because they're too fucking stupid to research legislation).

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yeah we need more of that communism

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this, though you could have a son, if you know had artificial wombs. imagine sharing your field with your son, growing up there.

thats another added thing without women. men could live in more rural places, since mostly women abandon them.

no i got ya. i should have said the west sry

cant say i can agree with you. although there are many things wrong with capitalism.

How's your cybernetic planned economy doing in Venezuela?

kek holy shit

so you are saying that non whites are the women of the races?

I can see your point, but i think its worse.
And i keep in mind the following:

The unintended side effects alone are a major concern. But the intended consequences? Come on folks, let's not be naive to how this will be made to play out.

you're also taking the family out of the mix. if we let children be grown in artificial wombs then what's stopping a corporation from growing babies? what's stopping a government? the state can raise it's own children, in mass. brainwashing and total control from birth with no family to protect or influence the kid.

think about that. the people need to maintain their monopoly on reproduction. the state can not be allowed this power, the abuse is inevitable and catastrophically abusive.

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there is no such thing there

For a quick rundown, children, without love and human interaction, die.

>after learning everything i know about women, its hard to even want to be near them. why did all ancient peoples hate women? they were onto something. a woman will never love you.
Good idea! Double down on the rule 63 feminist lesbian thing. I think it sounds pretty sad but at least you guys have your cats/robot waifus to keep you company. Btw, what happens to the women that already exist?

>without love and human interaction

>you're also taking the family out of the mix
not true, also happens either way, with female divorce.
>if we let children be grown in artificial wombs then what's stopping a corporation from growing babies? what's stopping a government?
why should they when they have robots?
>the state can raise it's own children, in mass. brainwashing and total control from birth with no family to protect or influence the kid.
and waste so many ressources for what? eep in mind that in an all male society, the state wouldnt be this strong.

>shaming tactics
fuck off roastie. you will depart from society either way. with working bots and wombs, 3/4 of the male population will never see pussy anyway.
you will probably form societies, where chads will have harems of you.

>feminist lesbian thing.
kek roastie, though a man could probably love, unlike women

Not-real-communism strikes again, eh?

> have a son via artificial womb
legit, I just got hit with feels. fuck I'd love that, well al I can do is wait...

the government only expanded after women got the right to vote, the government would naturally shrink if men were majority voters (and not cucked).

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Their time on top is coming to a close. Machines have nearly replaced them entirely already. Once pussy can be simulated to a degree that men can’t tell the difference between it and a biological snatch, and once artificial wombs go commercial, women are finished for eternity. The saddest part of it all is that this is happening to them because of the behavior of women. Their childishness, selfishness, and lack of humility has truly damned them.

>legit, I just got hit with feels. fuck I'd love that, well al I can do is wait...
the biggest goal fo manking right now, is to convince all smart men, that a.w. and sexbots are the way of the future.

>the government only expanded after women got the right to vote, the government would naturally shrink if men were majority voters (and not cucked).
hear hear

>when you are so annoying and worthless that men have to invent artificial ways to replace your primary functions for society

Perfectly said.

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M8, Venezuela was not in the 60's.
It right fucking NOW.

We wait for the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Within this logic, men are next in line for replacement with machines.
Persuade gullible males to help us perfect the technology by replacing the females first, proceed to replace males, enjoy being the rulers of society hardwired to never rebel.
My internal globalist smiles upon ye.

Women are not the problem, weak men are the problem.

Weak men allow women to take control and make stupid decisions.

Stop being a cuck soyboy pleb and take the control back.

I'm just trying to point out that you are the other side of the coin. But this is all pointless anyway, your mind is made up. I'll never convince you that not all women are parasites just like I could never convince a feminist that not all men are rapists. I just think it's sad that you gender warriors have such warped views of one of the most beautiful aspects of being human, you seem broken inside. I genuinely hope things get better for you user.

>you will depart from society either way.
Also I'm still not sure if you intend to murder my daughters or not.
>you will probably form societies
Maybe just exiled, but to where?

MGTOW faggots will hang along with the degenerates and shitskins on the day of the rope, remember that.

Why waste perfectly good rope on idiots who will die out naturally anyway?

absolutely toasty

can't wait. i want 3 sons and a houseboat in the pamlico sound without a wife to bitch at me.

>boyfriend and I can now have genetically matched children from both of us

lmao you are a fag kys

Without the drive to compete for women, men revert to hunting and fishing. Civilization crumbles. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I love hunting, just saying that's how it is.

But you guys don't understand, it's gonna be the most hetero manly society ever. You can even buy a robo-womb to grow your own kids. ONLY BOYS THOUGH! This is a manly hetero society and we don't want any women, just lots of little boys. What could possibly go wrong?

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I still want my videogames even if I had a harem of women

Then how did get daughters? Checkmate! lol

>What could possibly go wrong?

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