Who is the cutest loli mahou shoujo from an anime series?

Who is the cutest loli mahou shoujo from an anime series?


It's Sakura of course.

This little retard

Why a chibi moon instead of the three moon of Jupiter?

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Especially when she gets teased by her brother. Those are the best scenes.

Akko's not a loli. She actually has a body.

I get it. If Sakura was my imouto I'd bully her all the time.

The only right answer.

>fits into a dress made for an eleven year old

She's retarded both mentally and physically, she is a loli in mind and body

Shit, now I want an imouto

Don't prove me wrong, retard.


Vivio is cute.

Vivio used to be cute.

Vivio will be cute tomorrow.

Watching your loli grow up is a very complicated feeling.

Only when the loli turns into shit like Vivio. Good lolis turn into fine women.

There's no need to be rude about it.

I am just telling the truth.

No you're bullying Nanoha's precious daughter.

Bullying is the only thing she is good for. Bullying and NTR.

Vivio will get a better girlfriend, Einhard is stuck with some non-combatant.


Too hard to pick just one.

Miyu is too lewd.

Sluts =/= cute.

Do Madoka's Magicas count as lolis?

They are neither lolis nor cute.

Mami is a milking cow, not a loli.

you can always go with madoka/homura

or nagisa
