webm thread?
Webm thread?
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I expected the negro to be selling some cool animu stickers or something. But no, it's completely unrelated to this board. Fuck you.
what anime is this from?
I still have to finish this.
god i wish that were me
I wonder what his parents think about him
>you will never be as shameless as melonpan
Melonpan is a normalfag who fucks 3DPD. Don't mention him on my board ever again.
Is she trying to stretch out her stockings?
Pretty sure she's just putting it on.
I don't remember that part.
>ywn be some rich Swiss economist who instead of spending his cash like most rich ppl do, he spends on animu and autism
I didnt know tumblr supported webms now.
This one never gets old.
If japs are so scared of these pussy killer trucks wait until they see burger truckers driving around.
That was some of worst forced animation I've ever seen.
is there no HQ version of this? I could never find it
Was this produced by Marukami Teruaki?
It's not forced animation, it's the "camera" going everyfucking where. I almost got dizzy watching that.
Maybe a bird was holding the camera
god damn it
she decided to stab herself to test if she could stab herself
is that thing a fucking missile
Post something with cool character expression please.
Probably my favorite anime opening. Went in not expecting anything then this scene blows my mind.
Yeah it's an interesting anime, almost like two shows in one. Also has better cg than stuff nowadays.
You can tell they put a lot of effort into the CG, especially that CG house they kept showing.
Best anime fight scene of 2017 desu
We have an entire board for this shit
nice choreography
anime webms in an anime forum oh no
will backseat modding ever be banned
>video thread
>image board
>backseat modding
You mean self moderation you fucking retard? This might not be the best example but you can fuck off nonetheless.
>anime forum
>Sup Forums in a nutshell
>board about japanese moving images
>none of the images on the board move
What could possibly make some little girl get so pissed off to run with a bat and smile the entire time?
Is this from the OVA? I don't remember it.
It was the first section of episode 12
is this yuri?