ITT: lolis that aren't really lolis

ITT: lolis that aren't really lolis

>legal loli

Literally the worst fetish on Sup Forums since ryona.

It's not a fetish, it's a cop-out.

That's inmortal loli for you.

Like goburins?
Too bad the official manga with her in them were so boring.

My first encounter with a lolibaba


Shh, you'll attract the mods that aren't really mods.


Nips don't need cop-outs.


(forgot pic)

Women who smoke are terrible.

common as fuck character type but I'm not mad.



Oppai loli is trash.

If you can't enjoy a smoke after a little drinking you're a prude and you're not my dude

She was cute but her show wasn't very good.

I bet you only drink beer, you pleb.

I want to fuck a snail.




What about ryona on legal lolis?

You need to get rid of this

That meme dragon from that dyke maid anime.



>Giving a fuck about age
It's the body that counts.

Oppai loli best loli



So did we ever find out what her deal was? Was she formerly a guy who chose to become a little girl as people speculated?


>bumping a thread in page 5
>bumping with "bump"
fucking retarded newfaggot, lurk more