Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa 191 LQ

Ready for a return to drama?

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I love that the bats like Mei.




>I was felt truly afraid
Say what?


...Thank you. This chapter had a rougher than normal translation.

is this that manga that everyone turned out to be a yandere?

Nope, this is the manga where everyone turned out to be an idiot.












See you next week.

No more drama from here on out. Just bwakas and sappy moments.


>She was the coolest beauty all along

Her coolness is inversely proportional to her happiness.

love the typical Ninja wallpaper bed there!

Thanks as always Tarage.

cue the Huey Lewis song now folks.

pls don't cry


Thanks based Tarage!

Makes sense.

>even the perverts have nose bleeds
Truly the most charismatic of perverts.

Thanks Tarage.
That actually explains way too much.

Where is shiho foot touching?

Wouldn't you like to know.

I checked the sa thread but nothing was there I got worried Tarage

but it looks like you're ok

Working on uploading. Will post it there in a sec.

>Sucubus girl was there the entire time hidden by the speech bubbles
A shame she didn't get an mini-arc and just faded into the background

So it's just like dragon ball? They changed the future but still can only return to their shitty version of the future?

I am totally confused.

She went to fight the demons(perverts), but didn't know that her grandma was the arch demon(pervert).

>Charismatic pervert was Youko all this time

Thanks Tarage. Surprised that despite how well known Charismatic Pervert II was, nobody realized who she actually was.

Also, I've realized that the manga is so jam packed with little details and continuity gags that no anime would ever be able to adapt it properly, so I guess I can see why TMS failed. That said, they still dropped the ball HARD on the designs.

and just like Future Trunks, she went on and fixed it herself

She stayed in her castle. She just happened to be so damn sad, and thus sexy, she accidentally the world. It was probably her minions spreading the chaos while she moped.

Thanks as usual, Tangerine.

Several people here called Youko as the pervert long before it even was revealed in the raws.

what's up with the bats on kuromine sister's head?


Did Rin always do that?

D-does this mean a there's a chance that Shiho doesn't have to end up with Shima?

looks like the bats likes her

Youko's bats like Mei. You don't like Mei?

>that mountain of men
I love this manga so much.

Was Rin's sword a fire emblem awakening reference this whole time?

>Just remembered she actually was a cool beauty back there when she didn't have friends and was always sad

That demon is always too polite



Thanks Tarage. This has been one hell of a ride. When did you even start posting this on Sup Forums? I don't even remember when I started reading with everyone. It seems like years.

So, in this timeline Momochi will never exist? That's very sad

Thanks Tarage.
I don't want this to end.

thanks, based tarage!
I don't want this to end ;_;


She's cute

but that means in the new timeline the cute baka ninja will never exist

She might still exist.

Also she can still visit and be an idiot.

Yes. Her mooing department does that sound too when it's hungry

I'm a bit dissapointed that the baka ninja and the succubidiot didn't get too much attention


Oh and durriken.

fucking christ is "Liberty Leading the People" the number one referenced painting in anime and manga?

That's clearly Rin leading the Spats.

Heh, I like those

Tarage I fucking love you. Thanks for all your work.

She can just have someone else as her granddad. Trust me dude.

Thank you tarage

Once Jitsu is done are you going to quit the translation scene?

Nah, I already promised to do Bird Cafe.

Plus there's this that has my eye...

>more bird cafe at last
thank you thank you thank you

Make sure to tell TTF he's translating and running it.

I get that she's the charasmatic pervert II, but why did she decide to hole up in a castle with nosebleed fountains?

>He thinks Shiho and Shimada won't bang


user that sound was the joke flying right over your head

I think she was just moping so hard that she didn't notice everyone else around her doing dumb things.

This has been the first and only time my dick actually reacted to Dumpire.

That diagram looks somehow familiar.

thank you as always. is there another series you plan to work on after this?

>dat last panel

What were some of the other hints that Youko would be the Charismatic Pervert II, again? I remember her pose-off with the succubus, but that's all I've got.

I thought this whole time that it would be Ayylium, because of all the potential that her ass supposedly had.


>Heard from a real life friend that this series is great and that I should check it out
>Have seen severeal threads in a/ with chapter dumpings of the series and since I find the art appealing as fuck I give it a try

Holy fuck man. I read this whole thing in one sitting and I gotta say what a fucking wild ride it has been. I can't believe how such a great romcom series has eluded my eyes up until now.

>Okada's own arc about coming into terms with his crush with Akemi and his resolution played for the laughs
>My man Sakurada getting that sweet christmas cake pussy
>All those comfy and great slice of life chapters
>Sides from Asahi and Yoko the secondary cast and all the running gags in the manga are premier shit and they never get old

Last time I was this hooked into a series was when I read Aku no Hana and Love Hina in one sitting respectively

I'm so glad I started reading it and I really want to thank you Tarage for such a great work up until now Can somebody tell me how was anons reaction from chapters 146 to 150 (Okada and Akemi arc?). I wish I could see and find the archives and see the reactions myself.


>tfw it was sadness that made her sexy
>tfw she was so sad she almost took over the world without meaning to
I hope she gets more and more unsexy every day.

The romancing of Sensei were the wildest fucking threads we've had, but really there aren't that many of us.
There was probably another earlier thread with an initial reaction when someone posted the raws.

the best girl is either Karen or Shiho

How many chapters left? I stopped at 180 because i knew we were in for a wild ride and it was close to the end. I want to read it all at once.

5 more. 196 is the final chapter.

cool, thanks

Last chapter is 196.

Who are these characters and why were they in the anime?