Well, I love you user!
Well, I love you user!
I love Flandre.
I love you too Rem
>tfw did the same shit as subaru when a qt confessed years ago
>now bitter and alone
killme, Sup Forums
Who's Rem?
I love Emilia
>is now the bottom barrel cumdumpster waifubait of Sup Forums and pretty much everywhere else
this is what your "muh popularity" did
The girl in OP's pic.
Don't talk about my waifu like that dragon ball mexican.
OPs pic is a blank image tho
No there's a girl with blue hair and bangs looking tenderly into a boy's eyes.
What are you talking about?
the only correct answer
rem sucks
You suck
This. Stealing someone else's boyfriend is fucking terrible. The blue-haired scum really got what she deserved.
Yeah. And she's good at it.
Every thread until Rem wakes up.
I bet she does give good blowjobs, unironically
Must've been a nice dream
What is he staring at? I love Lum.
Your future user
I want to pat Rem
Yes please
who is that?
Rem is the best girl to ever grace anime. Protip: if Sup Forums hates something, it's usually a sign that it's too good for their tastes.
Beako is number one in my heart!
>people responding to rembros with "who"
>not realizing the fallacy that if rem is erased, which erases everything she has done, it also erases what made Re Zero good in the 1st place, and its popularity, let alone the entire series itself.
Kek dumb fucks. When you say "who's Rem?", you're effectively saying "what's Re Zero?" Following that logic, you shitposters shouldn't be in this thread, let alone exist.
kys yourselves
Yeah I know Crusch is best girl. What does that have to do with your posts?
>it also erases what made Re Zero good in the 1st place
Is this nigga serious?
Then explain what makes it good, because the elf sure as hell isn't entertaining. Subaru is an annoying twat until Rem sort of neutralizes his autism and gives him the development he needs to become a great person and character.
>inb4 it's not good at all
then fuck off
He's basically right. A lot of the shit that makes Re:Zero good is stuff that built up around Rem.
"I love Emilia" was gold. Nothing can stop Remfags' salt over that scene.
>re:zero was good because of rem
Post that Twister game Rem
Heh, the irony of your post is that your disdain of Rem made that scene good for you in the first place. So no matter how you look at it, Rem impacts the enjoyment of the series.
It was
This show might have been memorable if white fox didn't pussy out like bitches on the last episode.
Yeah, but not because of the potato.
Seeing Subaru say he loved Emilia was much more enjoyable to me though. Remfags' salt was simply icing on the cake.
Haha she is a cuck
Good taste.
Quite frankly, no one is particularly salty. I'm more salty about how many better scenes were cut.
In one way or another, yes. Do you think it was Betelgeuse or Emilia? Roswaal or Ram? Or was it Subaru?
Ram only became a real character because of Rem, which then ties into giving Roswaal's character more depth. Subaru only became an interesting character because of Rem. The rest of him is fairly standard. Betelgeuse got initial attention because of how he brutally murdered Rem.
>In one way or another, yes. Do you think it was Betelgeuse or Emilia? Roswaal or Ram? Or was it Subaru?
You are implying that characters are the only thing that makes a story interesting. Fuck off.
>rem is a good character that makes re:zero from meh to good
>no she doesn't
>well, you see, here are explanations as to how rem impacts the story and makes it good
>well, uhh *burps after eating 5 bags of doritos and 7 bottles of mountain dew* uhh *sweats* uhh *scratches neckbeard* I LOVE EMILIA HAHAHA THAT MADE IT GOOD AMIRITE
sasuga emtards. incapable of critical thinking, as always. about as superficial as their love for their shit elf waifu.
That's usually the main draw, isn't it? I mean, it's good that Re:Zero doesn't have class levels or other stupid MMO mechanics, but that's basically just the standard for not being awful.
That's not particularly accurate as a comparison. You need to compare equivalent fanbases with comparable knowledge of the series. You wouldn't judge Sup Forums by tumblr's BS, now would you?
>well, you see, here are explanations as to how rem impacts the story and makes it good
Yeah if only they weren't retarded arguements like
They were all Remfags. That's why they got pissed off when she lost.
Wow. I did not know coherent and informative posts were retarded "arguements". I guess "I love Emilia" is the pinnacle of critical thinking and inductive reasoning.
Either way I still love Rem. I don`t need others to acknowledge her existence.
>coherent and informative posts
Same, but she was absolutely crazy and not in the way i like crazy ,so i don't regret it that much
I wonder how my life looks in an alternate timeline where i kissed her at that moment, my life would probably be 10 times more boring
Not him, but whoever made that post looks like he was pulling stuff out of his ass. Not to mention that whether X character is good or not is subjective to begin with.
>A-user, can Remu be of assistance to you?
No, I'll have another maid.
Shhh Remu. Let us just hold each other.
Japanese fans have more ready access to the source material, where Rem reverses that loss in two days. And let me tell you, I actually checked the Futaba threads when the anime was running. They weren't exactly happy with all the things that were cut or changed.
No asspulling involved. Rem and Ram were initially conceived of as background characters. Converting Rem to a more significant character had a major effect on all of the characters tied to her, and how the story as a whole ended up being told. The author describes her as having moved the framework of the story. The rest is just looking at what precise kind of impact Rem has on everything.
As for Rem herself? She's a character that regularly leaves me pleasantly surprised when reading her scenes.
Rem might have changed a lot of the story yes. But its unknown if the changes were good or bad. Chances are, the series could have a lot more enjoyable without her. Something like Echidna being the antagonist would sound better.
Sometimes I wonder. Do people see her as anything other than mere fap material?
>Japanese fans have more ready access to the source material...
But we're not talking about nips.
>No asspulling involved
No. You were clearly ignoring the high induced salt that happened on Episode 18 that lasted so long and even to this day.
>As for Rem herself? She's a character that regularly leaves me pleasantly surprised when reading her scenes.
That's just your opinion.
>Implying that all anime girls are not just fap material
you're right she deserves better
>That's usually the main draw, isn't it?
You are still implying that characters are the only thing that makes a story interesting. Fuck off.
Why would Rem have any major effect on Echidna being the antagonist? That's a few steps too removed. If anything, Rem's existence lent Echidna's manipulations some real weight.
>That's just your opinion.
Everything is just someone's opinion man.
People fap to her personality, so there must be something there they're responding to. Beyond the whole "sweet girl in love" thing, because that's common as hell.
People are allowed to fap to Rem. But I'm wondering if all she can do is being a fap material. If so then she is just as interesting as bland girls from hentai shows.
>Everything is just someone's opinion man.
Then don't force your OPINION on me or everyone else.
It's just your opinion that I'm forcing it on you. Stop forcing your opinion that I'm forcing my opinion on you on me.
Then what makes a story interesting? The events? Those are just the things the characters go through. The setting is what provides the rules the characters operate under. Maybe there are other kinds of stories that aren't so character-focused, but Re:Zero isn't one of them.
EMTards just needs to accept the fact that their taste is shit. It's okay, some people are born with good taste and some aren't, just learn to accept and deal with it.
>inb4 it's just an opinion, my waifu still a best!
Nah, even opinions can be proven wrong with actual evidence. It's a fact that Rem has been a better character and more worthy to be considered the heroine rather than Stinkymelia.
>The setting is what provides the rules the characters operate under. Maybe there are other kinds of stories that aren't so character-focused.
So why was Re:Zero a fantasy and set to a parallel world if the setting and genre didn't mean shit like you say?
>but Re:Zero isn't one of them.
I'm not even going to tell you why you're wrong here. Think about your own arguement for once.
That was just an example of how a single change could make the story sound better. If you want a Rem-related example, then I would say Subaru and Emilia's relationship dynamics possibly getting shafted because of her. I even think Emilia's personality got butchered so Rem could compete with her and the love triangle would be formed.
who are you quoting?
>it's just an opinion!!
Not liking Rem is an opinion. Rem being a strong character that develops Subaru and the plot overall is an indisputable fact.
To be honest you have to be pretty intelligent to understand Re: Zero.
Yeah I never said she wasn't. Who are you quoting?
and any posts like it. Just used your post to quick reply faster.
I love you too Rem, but I love my wife Hibike more
>strong character
She's the opposite of that.
>if the setting and genre didn't mean shit like you say?
Who said that? I said Re:Zero is character focused and that its characters are why it's good. Unless you think isekai-fantasy settings are good by default. Being dark and having some edge doesn't make it good by default. What makes it good is how it utilizes its characters to make it all work.
>I even think Emilia's personality got butchered so Rem could compete with her and the love triangle would be formed.
Where does her personality show signs of butchering? Emilia seems to me to be quite well designed as exactly what she was intended to be. I just don't find her to be anything new.
I had sex with her. She is strong.
Then how come I understand it just fine? Now, explaining it to people who are somehow less intelligent than me? That's the real challenge.
She's quite strong as a character, but the anime softens her up a lot and takes away much of what makes Rem actually Rem and not just any other loving and supportive anime girl.
That's what I THINK, given that Emilia's personality was different in the draft than in the official story. That's why I think the so-called "Rem's impacts" sound very vague. I would need more details to know how much she affected the story. Otherwise, everything would just be guessing.
She's clingy as fuck in the source material. That's far from being strong.
>I said Re:Zero is character focused
>and that its characters are why it's good
Wrong. Half the time Re:Zero was interesting because of the lore and mystery surrounding the setting and how "return by death" mechanics work. Characters aren't the ONLY thing that made it good. Also Arc 1 director is good.
>Being dark and having some edge
Yeah that's bad.
>Unless you think isekai-fantasy settings are good by default.
No, they aren't good.
>That's why I think the so-called "Rem's impacts" sound very vague.
Or we could go by things the author has said directly. She had an impact on Subaru's personality. This is very directly observable. There are sides to him that wouldn't have come up without Rem. Ram is a character that exists. The author has stated that Ram would just be another background character if Rem had remained as she was. Which means Roswaal would lose the depth associated with Ram.
>given that Emilia's personality was different in the draft than in the official story.
I've seen nothing to suggest it was drastically different.
She has a varied set of personality traits. She is strong in some ways and weak in others.
>Half the time Re:Zero was interesting because of the lore and mystery surrounding the setting and how "return by death" mechanics work.
A fleshed out world is certainly good to have, but a fleshed out world isn't going to mean jack shit if the characters don't make good use of it. As such, I focus on the characters on why it's good. Other things contribute, but that's the main draw. Same with events and shit going down. The quality of that sort of thing usually relies on how well it makes use of the characters.
>A fleshed out world is certainly good to have, but a fleshed out world isn't going to mean jack shit if the characters don't make good use of it. As such, I focus on the characters on why it's good
Completely ignoring the setting over the characters have been your retarded opinion since the first post. You're not proving anyone wrong nor are you proving your own point. I'm not going to argue to opinions. Okay bye.
>Or we could go by things the author has said directly.
Nope, it still sounds very vague. And again, its unknown if the changes would be good. What if the story would have been better had Roswaal and Ram been "background characters"?
>I've seen nothing to suggest it was drastically different.
It's because we haven't seen enough. It would be very cool if the author can disclose the whole original story so we can compare the changes.
>ITT brainlet remfags
>Roswaal and Ram been "background characters"?
Roswaal wouldn't have been a background character. He'd just be lacking the depth his connection to Ram supplies.
>can disclose the whole original story so we can compare the changes.
You probably would get some disjointed notes. I believe he actually had the idea for Elsa before he came up with Emilia, and Elsa's role was reduced after he came up with Emilia. Going by the first draft, our main cast would be Emilia, Frederica, Garfiel, and Roswaal.
>Completely ignoring the setting over the characters have been your retarded opinion since the first post.
Nice hyperbole there. I'm saying the setting is secondary to the characters. Good characters can redeem a shit setting. Shit characters will ruin a good setting. Ideally, one would have good characters and a good setting.
Stop guessing. Nobody knows how the original story looks like except the author himself. Some leaks from him wouldn't cut it.
>I'm saying the setting is secondary to the characters. Good characters can redeem a shit setting. Shit characters will ruin a good setting. Ideally, one would have good characters and a good setting.
Yeah. But you're missing the point.
>re:zero was good