Name one flaw (Manga comparisons don't count).
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not enough yelling
>Manga comparisons don't count
Why not?
A film should be able to stand on its own.
Plus, it's obvious that the manga's better.
Not enough merchandise. I want an akira tshirt
It's impossible to understand.
I might actually get a Good For Health / Bad For Education one.
Blue children cant make up their minds as to if they want Akira to come back or not. If they dont want Tetsuo to find him, why do they give him clues as to his location?
> manga's better
both is meh tho
it's good from a technical point only
it's not as good as Eden
shame they didn't make anime
It is better than Eden, if only because Eden becomes bullshit. It started off well enough, though.
>It is better than Eden
akira is not even close to being as good as eden
Like I said, Eden started off great, but turns into dogshit. It has too much pseudo-philosophy and politics and sociology. I really wanted to like it. Akira isn't exactly great, but it is consistent and visually superior to Eden.
>but turns into dogshit
literally the most complete manga i've ever read
>too much pseudo-philosophy
it doesn't. those are simple things, there nothing "pseudo" about them
>politics and sociology
it's fine, go read shounen shit or something
It's not, really. This video does a good job of contextualising the film:
who /preorderedthemangaboxset/ here
eden's good for three volumes the n it becomes trash lol
I don't like shonenshit. I will confess that it's been a while since I read Eden. But shit like the Biblical references were lame, and the crammed-in socio-political conversations really bogged the series down. It was written like a mediocre Western comic.
>literally the most complete manga i've ever read
Read more manga.
>But shit like the Biblical references were lame
so you do like "uguu~" garbage and has no taste for anything serious whatsoever.
>crammed-in socio-political conversations really bogged the series down
it's manga about the Earth and it's destiny, it's completely logical to have politics
>Read more manga
acquire a taste
It's incredibly easy to understand, it's not deep at all
If you read the manga, everything in the movie becomes clear.
It exists.
You got me all wrong. This is the sort of manga I like. I don't like shonen and I avoid moeshit like the plague. My problem with this series was how mediocre it felt. The references are handled the way a young adult novel or pretentious Hollywood movie handles them. All the serious talk was not handled well either, which is why I used words like "pseudo" and "crammed-in."
It is very much a large work and is definitely better than a lot of other so-called great manga, but from memory it just fell apart and I stopped enjoying it. Maybe I should give it another read.
it's not that kind of piece you can read in one sitting. It's not very easy to process
Give it another try
needs more sex
Faggot tumblr artists keep fawning over and making references to the motorcycle slide as if they're so brilliant and sophisticated
>Name one flaw (the most glaring ones don't count)
Ironic, considering all the product placement in the film.
Isn't it more interesting to discuss the less obvious flaws?
Half-Life did the elevator scene better
>(Manga comparisons don't count).
fuck off retard
it was literally only half the manga that got adapted. it's much better with the whole story.
he's mexican