Be Finnish national broadcast news agency

>be Finnish national broadcast news agency
>interview mine company's employees
>this ends up in the story
>pic related ends up in the story

Attached: finland no.jpg (1080x1321, 173K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1e7c1662.jpg (940x1182, 112K)

I see nothing wrong there

Translate for us?

the tweet is just pointing out what slipped in the news story unnoticed





Attached: 1506236469602.gif (500x291, 484K)

Looks like an average work män break room, I don't see anything wrong.

Attached: kahvi adolf.gif (239x270, 594K)

Wait! What's this?

Attached: ylen yt-neuvottelut 2_1.jpg (800x600, 60K)

The generation that grew up during the war is very fond of the Nazis. All my grandfather used to talk about was what great people the Germans were.

Scandis, never change

>Let me tell you about the jews

>average yalutta poster


That soil sample library has only two employees, it's far from anything and they smoke inside on the job. I bet a purge is coming and they use anti smoking laws as an excuse.

Bullshit. Here in north all they talk how fucking krauts burned Lapland after we had betrayed them.

Oh you

Attached: bora (1).jpg (683x387, 30K)

>Here in north
99% of us live in the South m8

Oy vey!

Attached: 0a789a2436e822d01bd0a076cf4098ba131d74e058ebb0f8932844b938b7fc9d.jpg (1023x768, 201K)

Ebin :D;D:D;D

Btw when is Kai Murros coming back finbros?

btw that meme picture on left says "Are you starting to miss me now?" in finnish.

>what great people the Germans were
>Germans were
Feels bad man...

"YLE's reporter apparently did not notice that something interesting slipped in to the picture of the report about mining industry..."

We aren't Scandis

>"Joko alat kaivata minua?" Hitler meemi
>Mannerheim ja Hitler

Kek, saakohan äijä potkut?

Toivon mukaan. Rupeaa vituttamaan tämä teidän lautanatsejen pelleily.

Attached: hopotuttaako.jpg (500x641, 63K)

>Yalutta Ylilauta :D

Attached: ylis.jpg (805x900, 110K)

What is the big deal, its Finland, not USA or Germany. Who cares?

Could not find the tweet btw, got any direct link?

>sdgeqihgzi oqihsgsoighq oqgihrshq joshg
haha, I really love it.

No big deal, just thought it was funny with the guy's face and all.

Yeah and he's almost doing a little roman salute :D

klasöäk no kesöekö aädsleel yltyöäaltya mölöö tröö :DDD

Holy fuck Finland, I bet commies in Helsinki are flipping shit

Attached: 1512419808177.gif (252x252, 912K)

Found no mention of this on swedish version of yle?

That's what you get for being a whiny and bitchy L*plander

Here's the link to the article. Haven't removed or edited anything as of 15:10 GMT+2


Attached: 1519332994001.jpg (1001x1001, 198K)

Wörk män best män kjeh kjeh ;)

Attached: homo city.jpg (659x960, 78K)
The image is at the bottom of the article

>Save Finland from homo city (helsinki) and cucks

Is he one of those bitcoin miners I keep hearing about?

God I love you guys more and more every day...

Attached: 66a.jpg (680x740, 64K)

Same. I have an affection for spurdos for 10 years now and still going strong.
Very nice people.

Funny stuff. But i hope the company and/or workers don't get in trouble...

>tfw lterally the second Finn I ever met in real life was an old man who immediately started to lecture me on the Jews
thought he was just a crazy old man at the time, boy was I mistaken

Its still finland.

You have to see it to believe it just how crazy racist those snow monkeys are.

Love them to bits.

They would get in trouble if it was Helsinki, but it isnt so they are ok.

Was he pic related?

Attached: onko martti jo mainittu.jpg (555x313, 20K)

Is this insane or am I insane?

>there should be a crystal ball here

Attached: Screenshot_20180312-082902.png (1080x1920, 221K)


What? It said fortuneteller
>ignites little sister
Light up a small cigar

And the crystal ball, they could use one for their high risk investments.

Is jews mentioned?

>Jews have ruled the world from the shadows since begging of time with their banks, usury and nepotism

Attached: 1507403148814.png (555x313, 186K)

Google translate has never been good with finnish. These days it can at least churn out coherent sentences, but most of the time there's still a disconnect with the context itself. Finnish writing can be really idiom-heavy at times.

Some says that you should first translate finnish it to swedish and then to english but haven't bothered to try it myself.

>betrayers deserve mercy