You did remember to buy tickets to see her movie, right user?
Heaven's Feel
I'm Polish. There's no movie here.
Of course. NYC showing at 11am.
Reminder that this just happened.
It'll probably just be the LA showing.
I wanted Shirou's VA to come to ask him why he became a muslim
>why he became a muslim
Wait, what?
Noriaki Sugiyama converted to Islam in 2006
Thank you user.
Also, be sure to add :orig to Twitter files to (often) get the fuller size.
>Sakura's seiyuu at the event
>several autistic IRL shitposters will without a doubt show up for the Q&A session
I'm going to the LA showing. I swear, so help me God, if one of you autistic Rinfags grabs the microphone during the Q&A session and makes wormslut joke at Sakura's voice actress, I will follow you outside the theater and literally punch you in the Goddamn mouth.
I'm Canada.
Do it inside the theater, those losers will shit themselves.
Inform SJWs about Sakura being one of the hugest targets of misogyny in fiction, and they'll be glad to go punch out the "wormslut"-spewing retards.
There is a theater airing it an hour away from me but HF was the only route I didn't like at all.
Post more sakura tits.
More seats for me and my pals then.
>literally being a casual shounenfag
Even Nasu sees people who dislike HF as being plebs.
Close enough?
>H-Heaven's Feel is the least popular route, everyone loves UBW the most!
>UBW made 38 million yen
>HF made 413 million yen, and it still has two more movies to go
>Deen made 38 million yen
>Ufotable made 413 million yen, and it still has two more movies to go
I'll be in fucking Japan with friends on the day it's showing nearby. Pretty pissed they couldn't pick a worse day then this. Does anyone know if they are still showing it in Japan?
It's literally opening week.
Going to the Kahala showing. Can't wait.
Camrip when?
Nearest theater's 5.5 hours away. I don't think I care to see this enough to drive 11 hours.
Sadly I don't live in murika.
Will have to wait for home release like a good cuck.
>sold out
Well shit, I guess they're only doing one showing.
>screening at an anime con in like two weeks
>going to it means dealing with cosplayers and chuunis and shit
On the fence about this...
Where the fuck is Asakawa Yuu-chan?
>going outside
>going to cinema theater filled with normies
Fangirling out at the latest Jigsaw trailer, probably, because she's an exceptionally stylish lady.
I would if the closest one wasn't in fucking Gurnee, IL
same here
>tfw Ohio River Valley
No theatre showing for me.
I was going to say yes but all the NY showings are sold out already, didn't think Fate was popular here because no one buys the shit at Kinokuniya
Its thanks to Fate/go not Sakura
Does the above play during a flashback scene?
who /chicago/ here?
It's just the premiere showing. They'll have more showings later.
That would be nice. Some of the other cities already have a few showings scheduled so I wasn't sure.
>tfw Poland
>too backwards to ever have a showing of an anime film
>will have to wait for shitty subs like a subhuman
Fucking shit sucks.
>live in Southeast Asia
>still doesn't get exact date for HF movie
shit sucks.
>the person walked to open the window
>the window, which was closed, the person walked to open
>walking over to the window, the person opened it
>now that the person had opened it, the window was opened
>the window, which the person had just opened, was now open, which it stayed.
Dies Irae:
>There was no way to open this window. It was bolted, fastened, chained, locked, restrained. Its beriah had created an artificial world of restriction preventing all who hoped to open it from doing so, caught with their desires just out of reach like Tantalus in Hades. How could I, with my puny arms, hope to open a window so impossibly closed? "Latin latin latin latin latin (ruby text ruby text ruby text ruby text)" the window mocked me as it howled with the effervescent laughter of a thousand cherubic demons. This window could not be opened. It had been sealed shut forever, any attempts to open it doomed to fail, myself inevitably the next in line. The FOREKNOWLEDGE that this ghetto had brought me had already shown me all of a billion million possible futures, and lo for it had remained closed in all of them. Nothing and no thing could be done to change the status of this window. The impossible human cognition of 'open' could simply not be transposed upon it by a fragile mortal mind. It was shut and sealed beyond what any attempt to open it could say. This window could not be opened.
DDLC (kamige)
>I opened the window
F/SN (kusoge)
>There was no way to open this window.
>Indeed, the opening of the window was beyond the capability of a normal human.
>Locked, chained and restrained, like a mollusk hiding behind the aromatic and tender caress of an educated prostitute
>That was how the window was deemed to be, a world where not a single entity was allowed to approach near it's majestic visage and open it.
>The fire that burned inside my chest, willing to claim that statement as false reminded me of the flames of that day, reminding me of the shade of a man I once knew, trying forever more to attain happiness by helping others, but losing everything in the end
>Faster, faster, faster. Lighter, more precise and with more vigor, I aproach my objective and with a heavy roar, I use all my remaining strength to prove my resolve.
So is this a recommendation to read Dies Irae ?
In my country there is no HF in theaters
FGOshitters are the exact kind of casual audience who HF makes butthurt, though. It’s the Zerofags who like HF if anything.
I'm Canada.
We need the opinion of more people.
I heared some good opinions about F/sn [UBW] while it's airing and then I watched and it was bad adapted.
I wish I could see it in my country
This bait is too obvious
It's an adaptation done by UFO, directed by Miura and supervise by Nasu. It's literally the best of what a Fate adaptation can realistically be.
That's not from Heaven's Feel. It's a remix version from the new F/Z soundtrack released last month.
My bad. I'm searching for the new movie's OST but it doesn't seem to be out yet.
I don't actually like Hana no Uta all that much, the little chant at the end of the PVs seems much more appealing.
>I don't actually like Hana no Uta all that much
It's meh, user. Sakura's not that great aside from her tits, either, I'll be jizzing over the ost if they decide to remix A Church on the Hill or something like that.
Then why did Apo flop?
I wish this was the OST
Or similar
People hate tryhards.
Heaven's Feel has always been the least popular route by people who actually read the VN
It's the opposite of surprising that the farther away from the original work we get, the more Sakurafags there are
Someone camrip this ffs.
More like as the VN fans got older the more they appreciated the HF route. Nasu even says this himself.
Fate was my favorite route when I first played it, but HF has climbed to the top over the last couple of years for me.
>Heaven's Feel has always been the least popular route by people who actually read the VN
I can't hold this bait
It's funny because the people who are the most obsessed with hating Sakura are the FGOfags who never even played the VN and just regurgitate memes to be edgy. This was always the case even before FGO, with crossboarder secondaries circlejerking over their retarded interpretations of the route based on random spoilers they read.
>Heaven's Feel has always been the least popular route by people who actually read the VN
how popular was the UBW movie at the time
Japanese have been asking for a HF adaption since 2011. Why are people surprised that it's successful compared to UBW.
>F/sn [UBW] while it's airing and then I watched and it was bad adapted.
what was badly adapted?
Is that DEEN UBW or Ufo UBW, though?
>HF made 413 million yen
And it made this much in less than a week since the film released the 14th.
HF has never been the least popular route. Maybe not the favorite route, but UBW and Fate have always dueled for bottom place.
>since 2011
Since 2007 maybe?
>no Canada showing
Hollow Ataraxia when
>Hollow Ataraxia
You mean "Avenger fucks all of your waifus"?
Nobody expected F/SN to get the luxury of more anime adaptations until DEEN decided to adapt UBW in 2010.
He fucks Caren. The Eclipse scenarios take place in their route's respective timeline.
Not a burger
It's showing on both days I have work and I can't take off. Nor can I take the train to DC for it. I'm pretty hosed.
Please, do it for me.
>IRL shitposters
Just stop. No one will ask such thing in IRL but how /fit/ and old are you?
Doubt it'll even be out until all three movies are shown.
I hope someone explicitly told Kajiura to cover that track.
But the director said he made the movie to compliment the visual novel and stay as faithful as possible, even against Nasu's wishes to change things, because he was that big of Sakura fan.