On the 9th September, Sweden is going to have a general election. This may be the last chance Sweden has to stop itself from falling over the edge before it’s too late.
After years of the establishment turning their country from a paradise on earth into the rape capital of Europe, the immigration issue is at the forefront of every Sven’s mind. We need to keep it there. We need to show the Swedish people what their government has been hiding from them, what their media has been downplaying & how the rest of the world is beginning to see them.
With less then 6 months to go before the election, we are already beginning to break through. We need to organise, build our support, and spread our message, our campaigns and our memes throughout the rest of the internet.
The silent majority are with us. If we can show them that they are not alone, we can break the stigma.
/SWEG/- Swedish Election General- SKURT 2018!
Other urls found in this thread:
Meet Skurt.
We started making Skurt memes around the end of January, and they are beginning to break through. Much like Pepe, this little frog is the public-friednly face of hatefacts. And he needs to be EVERYWHERE.
We need Skurt OC. And we need Skurt OC that’s directly tied to the current situation in Sweden.
See this poster?
You take the blue pill, you see a story or an article about the Mainstream parties. Their policies, their failings. The melting down of priceless artifacts, the Decemberoverenskommelsen, the anti-rape bracelets…
You take the redpill, you see the damage they’ve done. The murder victims, the rape victims, and the migrants who got away with it.
These posters won’t be torn down so quickly. They won’t be so easy to ignore; in fact, people will be intrigued. They’ll want to know what’s on the other side of the rabbit hole.
All we’re offering Sweden Is the truth.
We need QR codes of any related articles & sources, and we need people willing to go out and put these up.
The odds for a right wing victory?
I am curious as well. From the stories I read, it seems as if Sweden is far too gone.
Thee are three Nationalist parties running in Sweden at the minute.
The Sweden Democrats are the most popular, and stand a chance of winning the election- they were the most popular party in the country for a while and they're starting to go back up in the polls again. They're civicnats, but it's a start.
Then you have Alternativ For Sverige, which is explicitly anti-migrant and pro-repatriation. They were formed from the old youth wing of SD after they atarted purging more radical members. They lift it a bit late to get much success in this election, but if they get enough exposure they stand a chance in 2022.
Finally, you have NMR, who are hardline 14/88, but aren't really interested in electoral victory- in fact they will outright tell you they'd rather the Feminist or Green party wins the election so that the situation will accelerate.
Don't beleive the things you hear, user, even if they're true. Sweden has a fighting chance, we just need to give it a push to make the turn.
So the best shot is a Sweden Democrats and Alternativ For Sverige coaliton?
Yes, providing SD toughen up and AfS get the 4% minimum to get into the Riksdag (Parliament). An option is also for M to change party leader and make a coalition with SD but that wont happen for as long as its current leader is in place. (SD will get 20-25%+ this election)
Sauce on nmr claim?
eh, this sounds cool,
wish you luck.
If you guys can get a right wing government into play, it'll really spit in the face of Merkel and the rest of the EU. Finally, they may look at their situation and realize they fucked up with Muslim migrants.
NMR are right, nothing will change. To bounce up you need to reach the bottom. And the rest of Europe will learn a lesson.
That's the last thread we had. Read ID i+/69Nvm. That's pretty typical of the NMR viewpoint on these threads.
Not even NMR wants to force our way to the bottom tho. They demonstrate to get people to wake up so that things can turn. They may not believe in a political solution but they ain't going to actively help the shitlords make us hit rock bottom before that.
Bump for swed anons
Any way i can help?
>This may be the last chance Sweden has to stop itself from falling over the edge before it’s too late
No, we want Sweden to go over the edge. Sweden can be a warning to everybody else about the dangers of multiculti. What we need is accelerationism and more diversity for Sweden
Old generation swedes must go, they will not change their mind, they will still vote just as they voted all of their life. The question is - what the new generation of swedes want and are young native swedes many enough to make a turn?
Checked for truth
If you're the same guy from before, there isn't really anything we need in the documents department right now. Any examples of reports on Sweden by international sources would be appreciated, though. And thanks for the help!
Yeah same pajeet from before
Will International news be fine?
Bumping for a new EVROPA
International news is exactly what we're looking for. If Swedes sense that the rest of the world is looking down on them, that's going to have a far more powerful effect then the opinions of other swedes.
Civic nationalism will not help as all immigrants are provided with Swedish pass almost immediately
Just face it lads. Trump's campaign is over.
Who said anything about Trump?
We'll see. We like to call it Generation Zyklon for a reason
Heartwarming picture Slovakbro
Legger ved dette bildet for å påminne samtlige om at vi horer sammen :)
Hvorfor forbli små, irrelevante og uten betydning når vi sammen kan skape en stemme både i Europa og verden som ikke lar seg overse, og dessuten også sorge for bedre muligheter for vår ungdom og vårt folk.
Ha en fortreffelig dag, godtfolk, og Gud bevare Skandinavien :)
I would not take posts on Sup Forums as to serious directions for the goals of NMR, they speak quite opposite in their own platforms. They would not spend money doing all their political stunts, they would not even enter the election if they didn't want votes...
Ill do by best viking user
They were saying the same thing in their discord before it got shut down, and they've been quite clear in public statements that you should avoid voting for any other nationalist party, and that they'd prefer to see a far left government.
They're certainly interested in increasing their own success, but you can't say they aren't accelerationist.
save your nation my swedish brothers
I'm not a rightie, but in Swedens extreme case, I know where my vote'd fall.
Of course they wont try to convince you to vote for their opponents, but that they rather have you vote for F! than any of the nationalist is just a sheer lie, in fact they talked about AfS just yesterday in Radio Nordfront(
It's not a value judgement, it's a statement of fact. I've yet to speak to a member of NMR who didn't beleive in accelerationism over "half-measures". If that's your strategy, then fine. If that's a point you disagree with NMR on, then that's fine too. But i'm not a liar just for pointing out their own words.
oh, this is nice! good idea
Jag vill oironiskt ha en skandinavisk federation (med lagstadgad rätt för norge att ha exklusiv tillgång till sin oljefond, såklart), bland annat så att norska och finska politiker och medier kan läxa upp oss naiva svenskar.
Like I said, what someone says on Sup Forums is not really the agenda of the party, they say the opposite in their public statements. Like the link I posted.
No, it's the agenda of the party *members*. And like i said, it's not just on Sup Forums.
Well many just larp as NMR members when they actually are not
I might be late on this, but /r/svenskpolitik/ allows links again. Sweddit is trying to get rid of politics on their page after our posters.
Let's carry on making them nervous.
Bump for links
>Gud bevare Skandinavien
Ta livet av dig. Det är den där djävla jude-guden som fått oss dit vi är idag - långt nere i SKITEN.
Vi behöver göra oss av med ALLA ökenreligioner och dess följare. Kristna, Muslimer och Judar. Hudfärg på dessa har ingen betydelse. De ska UT.
From Nordic Alt-right. Cup reads:
>Swedes are white
high energy
>Right wing
Even the far "right" parties are socialists by most standards. The only party that is gonna have any chance at winning is Sweden democrats. The rest is white trash idiots. Alternetiv för sverige is swedish democrats ex youth group and their leaders are just butthurt and now scamming people for donations since no one will hire people that was so radical sweden democrats flushed the whole youth group and was forced to create a new one just because Gustav kasselstrand refused to step down.
The only thing NMR demostrate is stupidity. They fight only for their facists beliefs while claiming to fight for the people and their rights. The same rights several people from NMR wants to take away since they are anime fapping diaper nazis
so wholesome you are Norwegian friend.
This campaign is about keeping the issues in the public eye. People are free to vote for whichever party they want. Infighting and dragging the conversation away from action isn't helping anybody.
"B-but muh rights ;-;" civic nationalist faggot.
Is this you, Pewds?
Nope. But you're not the first person to ask.
Hope you Swedes pull through. It vexes me to see what's being done to your country and its people.
I'm a bong, but thanks for you support. That's why i started making the threads in the first place.
Found all i could today viking user hope it helps
If you need legal advice or any. Help contact me on
[email protected]
It more than helps, HindiBro. You're a godsend, thank you.
You're doing Odin's work, user.
I am Roman Catholic user
But helping others is a family tradition
All the beat Viking user
History in the making, lads
För Svea!
Lugna dig för satan. Du kan framföra det där på ett bättre sett mot välvilliga nordmän
För Knugen!
Nya testamentet är mycket tydlig med att judarna inte är något vidare. Och dessutom ska vi inte glömma den tusen år långa eran där Sverige var kristnat. Däremot ska muhammedanerna och judarna självklart ut.
this is a joke
>stop itself falling before too late
No, we talked to one of the admins on their discord. I have a cap.
Finspång is not a joke. It's something mutts won't understand.