Do you have any fashy items Sup Forums ?

Do you have any fashy items Sup Forums ?

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My fists and heart to live the German way.

>a literal ugric-slav rapebaby

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no, but I think nazi stuff looks really cool if I ever saw some id but it.

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You know, it just feels weird when a meme flag somehow questions the purity of my nation. This is the last bastion of german spirit and probabbly where the last true german genome resides.
Show me your flag, mutt

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I have a Nazi pin. Hitler Danks pin. I'd post mine but I'm out of the house. My grandmother got it at a flea market in the 60s for like 10 cents

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Will be worth >$10k when we take power.

If you destroy your white past black nigger future will win.

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My foreskin

Yeah bro

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Got a lot of these

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I'm not the one making outrageous unfounded claims my dude.

>last true german genome
>t. 45% russian 20% mongol mutt

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>blacked series

Neat, just got into coin collecting myself. I've got some buffalo head nickles, Morgan silver dollars, Babers, and a Mercury dime.


>a serb
Oh Jesus, put the mask back on..

>live in country that has literally been raped by shitskins for thousands of years
>calls other people mutts

Yeah my wife's family gave us a Walther PP & a Luger with markings. Both are in working order.

>My ability to swim

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grandfather gave me this one.

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What is it?

But user I am pretty sure that is the Tsar Nicholas II

I've got a sword my Gramps pulled off a Jap officer

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/thread data collection

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5 pyблeй 1898 r.

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one of these

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For some reason I thought it was something about the radical camp.

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