Take a moment to pay your respects

Take a moment to pay your respects

>everyone who kissed Yoko died right afterwards

What did they mean by this?


They meant don't kiss Yoko

F ;_;7



Damn, I forgot how much I love Gurren Lagann


>not take a moment to [s]believe in yourself[/s]


I wish i could be like him :,(

Why did they kill off Nia? Couldn't Simon inject Spiral Juice into her to keep her alive until they both could die of old age?
Surely there's nothing wrong with being allowed to use your spiral energy to save a life. The amount wouldn't even mattered compared to creating galaxy sized robots or creating a rift in space to teleport to Rossiu.
I am sure nobody would even blame him for "misusing" spiral energy after everything he has done.

would've been too easy thematically
the point was for them to accept loss

She wasn't loss, she was still alive.
Might aswell have let Rossiu blow his brain out if you're so adamant against using spiral energy to save lifes.

they knew killing the antispiral would kill Nia too and they kept going with it, it's not different from Kittan's sacrifice or anything else they've done so far, you can't back off with a technicality

>kill antispiral and let her die
>kill antispiral and use spiral energy to keep her alive
Letting your love of your life die just to prove a point is rather mind boggling to me.
Nobody would've complained about Nia being alive and the amount of spiral energy put into the world wouldn't have mattered since at the end they still use it as fuel to fly around in space.


The point of the show was that anybody can be like him. He was faking his confidence to instill confidence in Simon. However fake bravery can end up becoming real bravery eventually.

I thought the point of the show was that simon never becomes cool even with all the powers in the universe

Yeah, the idea that you are your actions and not what you think you are is pretty neat.

Why not tell them to fuck off? They're the villain for fucks sake. You gain nothing by letting her die, except maybe stroking your justice boner.

Simon promised the anti-spiral that he would protect the universe from the spiral nemesis. If he kept His alive with spiral power it would set a bad precedent and anybody with spiral power would be justified in using it to keep all their dying loved ones alive. If everybody abused spiral power like that the anti-spiral would have been right and the universe would be as good as dead.

then the show becomes pointless because there's no moral dilemma and the MC can godhood his way to happiness
storytelling 101

I am pretty sure they're still flying around with spiral juice at the end of the anime putting more energy into the universe.

spiral juice is electricity in their world
except if you bring someone back to life with it then it's more like nuclear power

She wasn't dead yet. Just use it to keep her alive.

same shit
something about playing god

Does the physician play god, by hanging a renal insufficient patient who's marked for death without treatment to a dialysis machine that keeps him alive?

it's a metaphor
calm your autism

That being romantic with any one named Yoko, ends in either death or the break up of the band.

Keeping her alive was very painful for her.


She was staying alive with her own power, I think, she was also part spiral right?
In any case the author said her staying alive was very painful end.

As usual antisocial piece of crap losers on Sup Forums have to dissect a feel good anime ending with stupid nitpicking and trying to be contrarians.

If you cretins spent as much time playing the joker in these threads and doing research just to annoy people, as you do in your own lives, you would be far more happier and successful. But fuck that and let's look at the most minute details in a Japanese cartoon just to have a conversation with a stranger. How depressing is your life that attention whoring just to get a response is your social life.

You dipshits make me sick.

Where do you think you are?

I gotta say the movie was one of the few recap movies that actually added to the whole deal. I must admit I didn't really love the final fight as much as I wanted to in the series, but everyone appearing in the movie to add their share really saved what was otherwise a fairly mediocre latter half.

>What did they mean by this?
Yoko is like Carter from SG1. Destined to always save the lives of others but never have one of her own.

Aniki lives in our hearts

They meant Yoko is trash and people who like her should die

t. niafag

Literal faggot

>Yeah, the idea that you are your actions and not what you think you are is pretty neat.
Just who the hell do you think I am?

I would bone her even if the consequence is slow tortuous death
the fact that yoko and simon did not canonically end up together is the worst thing about the show, even compared to the bullshit that is nia's death

Yoko is fucking cursed. She's better off away from people.
>falls for someone
>they die a gruesome death as soon as she confesses to them

I dont know

>lose your virginity to a literal 10/10 who is also a virgin
>die heroically trying to save the world
I would without a thought

Rewatched this just yesterday, F

I felt absolutely nothing at his death



t. simon

But they didn’t fug

Always my bro, always there to pick me up when I'm at my lowest


>dat feel when Viral's ultimate dream was to just have a family, something he could never have

Has any other showed used its OP so effectively during the final fight as a callback and to bring things full circle thematically?

That scene hurt.


It's strongly implied he developed spiral power due to his exposure to such high quantities of it. Perhaps he later evolved a pair of functional testicles.

>Couldn't Simon inject Spiral Juice into her to keep her alive until they both could die of old age?
Did I miss something? Was it possible to save Nia in the first place? By injecting spiral power into her body?
I thought she was fated to disappear no matter what.