does bnha or hxh have better villains?
Does bnha or hxh have better villains?
Hxh does.
Quirks are stupid and they have no rules or limit. Some kid could be born with the ability to be god and there is nothing to stop that.
There are no villians on HxH
I will get so much hate for this... Bleach has the best villains!
>Quirks are stupid and they have no rules or limit. Some kid could be born with the ability to be god and there is nothing to stop that.
Im a huge HXH shill but c'mon, nen is even more bullshit than quirks in terms of rules and limits. though its a lot more interesting.
Who fucking cares?
>Series with simple as fuck villains vs series with complex villains.
Nice bait.
How so? user made a point when your future is totally decided at birth while hxh has to make you work for it.
>does this shit or that shit have less shittier shit?
Really makes you think
I don't remember the Cleaners/Yakuza boss being much more than a generic villain. Facehands is even worse
On the other hand, HxH has good villains
I like both series, but BnHA has throwaway villains for the heroes to beat up. HxH's villains are more entertaining than the heroes.
Why has somebody been forcing HxH v BnHA bait threads, lone HxH bait threads, and lone BnHA bait threads?
HxH is on hiatus so we have nothing to talk about but comparing it to inferior shows.
Bnha villain crew is a godawful bunch of losers, dumbfucks and jobbers.
Overhaul is a closest thing to being actually spooky villain in the entire series.
>complex villains
Not an argument.
Why are you comparing the two? One does one thing, one does another.
>make you work for it
boy did pitou have to work to be born already stronger than 95% of the cast
also that's not a bad thing, everyone being potentially dangerous is what makes jojo interesting(partially)
One does good thing (HxH), one does bad thing (BnHA).
o my magical dragonball sister that kills off all consequences and emotional weight of the previous arc
Then why have this thread? People are going to like Academia, people will like HxH. For different reasons. It's almost like different people have different tastes.
>kills off all consequences
If you're going to read (You probably didn't knowing your grammar) HxH, it helps to pay attention to what you're getting into.
Except it didn't give Gon his nen back or repair his friendship with Killua.
>we are literally like half an arc past that point with another character getting their focus
>fucking implying he wont just get his nen back after this arc, given the hack author ever finishes it
Also from his dad's wording it sounds more like a reset than it being taken away completely, so he literally just has to train himself back up
HxH. boku no shit's villains get defeated all the time.
Gon won't fight anymore.
see you in 30 years when this arc is over and he will fight again
Hell, even if
If the character is not gonna be part of the story anymore, what's wrong with leaving him in the state that he was?
And don't get me started on kite
>HxH has good villains
Fucking embarrassing
What, is it too deep for you, user?
>did pitou have to work to be born already stronger than 95% of the cast
Fuck off, she's an anomaly like her kind, all normal people are not like the ants
>HxH has good villains
I don't even think he had motivation
The translations vary, so don't take THAT page as pure fact. The Viz translations also word it differently, and I think it also says in another translation that if he wanted his nen back, it'll come at a price. Either way, the implication is that Gon isn't coming back in the spotlight anytime soon.
>I-i-i-i-i-i-i-t doesn't count!
>O my rewind quirk
In all honesty, as much of a hack Togashi is, he knows how to write good protags and antagonist.
You need to have high IQ to understand HxH.
bnha has better villains, they aren't as generic as in hxh
If no one responded the first time, they aren't going to period.
Humans are... so very interesting.:^)
I like the prospects of villains getting better as the story goes along side the heroes so the VA being a group held together by their comradery towards one another is more interesting than a group who's whole appeal are that they're just mysterious for the sake of it especially when they're not given much if not any development.
When HxHfags means their manga have better villains they're just referring to Meruem
No, he doesn't. Gon doesn't have any character and out of all of the antgonists I think I remeber fondly only Hisoka and Pitou. Both are your standard OP villains with a laid back attitude though. HeroAka heroes and villain are som uch more entertaining as characters.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Hunter X Hunter. The action is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of shounen manga most of the moves will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Togashi's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his poor work ethic - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Tite Kubo literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these arcs, to realize that they're not just shounen- they say something deep about MANGA. As a consequence people who dislike Hunter X Hunter truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Hisoka's existential catchphrase "O MY RUBBER NEN," which itself is a cryptic reference to Toriyama's Japanese epic Dragon Ball. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Yoshihiro Togashi's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a HxH tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
But Meruem is villain, not villains. Anyway, I like how Shigaraki is growing slowly and finding his own way, you can even compare it to Meruem's growth (the two share the same VA, coincidentally).
why are you babbling like a tard
You must be a fucking retard then user. As much as I enjoy BnHA, it just doesn't hold a candle to HxH.
Nice arguement, togashill
It looks like the problem lies within you, since you can't grasp well-defined characters and have the memory of a goldfish.
>Gon doesn't have any character
Yo what exactly? Muriem existential autism? I prefer Shigaraki who actually acts like a human being and not how people with no social skills imagine human beings.
You need to take an English refresher class before posting your nonsensical spic shit here.
Boy, I wonder what characters are you talking about here.
Meruem is not a human being, that's literally the whole point of Chimera Ants.
Every character in every media is a human being, my autistic friend.
Muruem is a cell + freezer RIP off
It's a spic thread, spic shit is more than welcome.
Well it has James Bond, Reinhard Heydrich, Joseph Joestar and Franken Fran for villains so you'd be correct.
faggot wars part one: the thread
HxH is more fun but Academia is smarter, do with these facts what you will.
Genthru and his gang, maybe. And PT also but Meruem's not a villain, he's an antagonist but his and Gon's motivations and goals have nothing to do with each other. They didn't even make eye contact.
>o my magical dragonball sister that kills off all consequences and emotional weight of the previous arc
So Eri?
This is why I prefer HxH villains. All the characters just want to do whatever they want and not because "wow I'm so fucking evil".
Jesus, is every BnHA fan just as braindead as you?
I wish every anime was as deep as HxH
No, but some of them are as dumb as you are. Did I answer your question?
He's probably just saying any dumb thing for attention.
You're both are o dumb you don't get basic stuff about any storytelling.
Shut up brainlet.
dumb spic
HxH fans are so smart, not only they don't know shit about tories, they can't even guess my nationality. Not only it's a show for autists with no social lifes, it also is a show for hilarious dumbasses who think they're smart.
No you don't get it, the point of Meruem is that he's literally not human.
This is getting embarrassing now.
Neither is Bugs Bunny, that doesn't mean they can act like literal rabbit or an insect.
When I'm looking at you, yes, it does, but I try to bare with it.
Like I said, any dumb thing for attention.
You are an idiot, don't pretend that you're not understanding basic shit is a call for attention.
at least he killed the thread
bnha having garbage villains is why it's a slog to get through as well as the dull main characters.
Overhaul presented himself as an intelligent and reasonable criminal ringleader at first at least in comparison to the lame ass shiggy fag.
Too bad Hori sucks dick at elaborating his characters.
i agree with you. And best overral cast in general desu.
>Overhaul presented himself as an intelligent and reasonable criminal ringleader
Who is the lame ass shiggy fag?
I like bnha more. I think shiggy developing with his master counter to the main character is cool. But god damn do I love chrollo and hisoka.
Not the person you were replying to, but it doesn't count.