> ZM explains why everything about Garou is retarded in two panels
> Garou answers by "2deep4you"
OnePunch Man
Other urls found in this thread:
OP explains why he's a faggot in a single post
Got more of these?
Not really, I made it last night in the Rokudou no onna tachi thread,
the last chapter had huge amounts of reaction image potential
I was looking for suggestions for edits.
I thought I'd try it out on a few threads here and there.
He is right though.
The innocent children of Sup Forums must be protected from the lewdness of handholding
>assblasted garoufag
Complex motives.
Elaborate on these """complex""" motives.
There are 1000 times more monsters around than heroes. Garoufags talks about how him beating heroes was necessary to become stronger, but that's retarded.
Inb4 zombieman speech is rewritten in the manga to make him sound like a retard
neither of them is retarded. It's just that Garou's is a bit more complicated since he's doing it becase of all the braggy arogant heroes like Stinger, Gatling or most of the Tank Toppers. Taken out of context, Zombieman's makes more sense, yes, but it's not like Garou is doing it just for fun.
Nice b8 btw
>Garou's is a bit more complicated since he's doing it becase of all the braggy arogant heroes like Stinger, Gatling or most of the Tank Toppers
Can you people actually explain how he's such a complex and complicated character instead of just saying he's complex and complicated? Zombie man still isn't wrong. That post doesn't even look like bait at all.
When will ONE grace us with another chapter?
> since he's doing it becase of all the braggy arogant heroes like Stinger, Gatling or most of the Tank Toppers.
That's hardly true. Garou was targeting every heroes in general. There just ends up being arrogant ones among them.
And even then, they still don't really deserve to get beaten up like that. The only one that comes to mind being complete garbage is red nose.
He is doing it just for fun, he is just an edgy teenager that decided that heroes should be crushed because they are popular.
Second this request, if Garou's actions have some deep meaning, the manga failed to convey it.
How did Saitama figure out Garou instantly?
In fact, Saitama figures out everyone instantly.
He was bullied :'(
ZM is the retard, you idiot. He got scared shitless and believed Garou was going to kill the kid. Kek.
Garou was never going to spill the beans to a weakling like him.
>saitama outs garou revealing that he's just a dumb manchild who wanted to be a hero but took the easy edgy monster route
>garoufags still believe he's some kind of complex hero with deep motives
>linking to an image on an imageboard
For some reason, for this particular image, upload was aborted at 27% multiple times so I stopped trying
He didn't figure him out "instantly", at first he tought garou was the boss, then while seeing fight he understood some things.
The two first hints he got how he was able to tell Garou wasn't going all out when fighting, and that the thing about murdering the kid was a bluff because he has good enough eyesight to see the kid was in another direction. Garoufags seems to present those two things like it should be obvious, but those were clearly seen by Saitama because he's insanely strong.
Saitama could tell unlike the rest because he's invincible and doesn't really take in account the strength of his opponent in the matters.
>attacks the character instead of his arguments
Being so strong that he doesnt get invested in any of the fights hes in.
Everyone else was struggling with Garou or the monster association to stop thinking about his motives
Hard to think when someone is beating the shit out of you.
Garou is pretty retarded, but Zombieman doesn't actually understand why. He's just calling him a dumb asshole.
and he's right
Rereading some chapters of the webcomic, I noticed the "breathing technique" that garou used in the last chapter and that Bang also used against the dragons was actually mentioned.
You'd think Garou would believe Saitama is Blast here. And he doesn't even mention King?
Not on my christian server
>Garou's goal is to change the status quo
>Zombie guy: Hurr durr evil is evil because it's bad and you're an outsider without reasons but you're a monster so we'll kill you because hurr I'm retarded.
Of course he didn't get shit. None of the S classes there could think outside the box. Just calling yourself a monster is enough reason for them to settle on killing you. That's all they fucking know.
>establishes himself as a monster by hunting heroes
> those cops are such simpletons, just because the guy is calling himself a terrorist, while wielding a dangerous weapon and saying he'll murder a kid is enough reason to shoot him
>Heroes kill monsters because of self-serving reasons
>Citizens don't care because monsters kill a lot of people and wreck a lot of shit so it all works out
>Garou: hurr durr heroes are hypocrites must kill all heroes I take the side of the monsters but oh wait let's murder all of the monsters anyway over a single child
Much like a woman, Garou doesn't know what he wants or how to engage his higher brain functions.
Nope, Garou was right. He scared them all shitless, including Zombieman, who can't do shit as a hero and save a single kid when the situation demands it.
Zombieman is also one to talk about humanity and evil when he was created by the evil genius Genus and still asks that guy to "upgrade" him.
And what is Garou right about in this situation here? Explain how Zombieman is wrong here.
Yeah, Zombieman's not wrong, I'm just saying he doesn't actually explain the full extent of Garou's retardation because he doesn't understand it himself. He's just pointing out the obvious flaws in Garou's logic.
>Zombieman is also one to talk about humanity and evil when he was created by the evil genius Genus
I don't see how that's related to anything. He's been chasing Genus for years because he was dangerous. But since the latter stopped doing anything bad, he might as well ask him to make him stronger.
Zombieman is definitely an heroic guy. He doesn't have bad motivations.
He didn't have access to Garou's flashback and all of his scenes like the readers did.
Anyone got that screenshot that shows DoS' face without the mask?
Garou never determines to kill all heroes but rather make them obsolete. He wants society to stop blindly relying on these incompetent fags because of their title and grow themselves. His way of thinking is not black and white, unlike the heroes'.
Garou knows exactly what he wants. He wanted to become the kind of monster that even other people would cheer for. He literally says that shit and in the end he regains his desire to live because that ugly kid manned up and took his side.
You have to be a fucking brainlet not to understand something so simple.
>but rather make them obsolete.
They're not obsolete even tough Saitama is around. Garou would just makes thing worse, he's retarded and so you are.
> He wanted to become the kind of monster that even other people would cheer for.
Those doesn't exist.
>He wanted to become the kind of monster that even other people would cheer for
He wanted to be the kind of monster that people would fear, it's literally the opposite you peabrain.
Garou is not "black" and they are not "white". The sides are completely grey in this situation, retard-kun.
And ZM's reasoning is flawed at the core because no matter how much they slaughter "evil" monsters, their numbers are not diminishing at all. It's a society problem, they're contributing to it and shit's literally getting worse.
He's a mary sue that's why.
>in a world where monsters exist lets just destroy the anti-monster force
>garou did nothing wrong
it's not a societal problem because its not the society that is creating monsters you troglodyte
Garou just projected his being bullied by the popular kids onto the fights between heroes and monsters in TV shows and everything from there is an adhoc justification he made up on the fly to look like less of a manchild.
Garou basically believes that people should save themselves and solve their own problems rather than rely on a guy in a cape. He wants to become a monster that the people fight against, rather than simply stand by hoping to not get killed by in the hopes that the heroes to come along.
> It's a society problem, they're contributing to it and shit's literally getting worse
Explain how heroes facilitate the growth of more monsters considering the fact that many of them are beings which exist outside human society.
> And ZM's reasoning is flawed at the cor
I don't see how what you says makes it in any way flawed.
It's not as easy as that. Most humans aren't strong enough to make the difference.
And if that was really true, he would have let the ugly kid manages on his own.
>They're not obsolete even tough Saitama is around.
Saitama himself says they got absolutely shat on and telling him not to interfere was retarded. Without Saitama they'd be forced to back down or at least reconsider their ways a lot. By Garou alone.
>Those doesn't exist.
Garou exists, ESLtard. He got his wish.
Kill yourself.
literally what does he want the average joe to do?
There are hundred of thousand of monsters around, retard. As many heroes as possible is important to be here everywhere to help against the lesser threats.
> He got his wish.
The kid saw him as his hero and nothing else.
To start caring about the suffering of humans, he is mad because while heroes do save people from monster they do nothing to stop things like bullying or corruption from happening
> he is mad because while heroes do save people from monster they do nothing to stop things like bullying or corruption from happening
So he's mad that they aren't omnipotent beings. Too bad he isn't either. Garou needs to face reality and so do you.
Garou believes in saving everyone, he doesn't like that heroes are unable to save everyone and yet act like they can. Garou wanted to find a way to save those who fell through the cracks, who never got saved because they were ugly or undesirable or seen as unworthy or being saved for some other reason.
When he couldn't find a way to save everyone (even monsters and bad guys) as a 'good guy' he turned to becoming a monster to become something so widely feared that no one would hurt anyone because everyone was too afraid of the monster Garou.
It's basically what Light was trying to do in Death Note but without the conceit or the smug sense of superiority. Of course Garou was also a hypocrite himself for the reason that he decided it was fin to hurt people in the name of saving everyone else (the way he saw it, if he hurt all the strongest heroes enough that people would assume he was too strong to challenge that everyone would just do what he said when he told them to stop hurting each other). Of course ultimately Garou knew that he was a hypocrite deep down and was projecting this feeling onto the heroes. He was basically trying to do the impossible but deep down even he realized that his plan wouldn't work, he just didn't want to admit it.
"There are even kids around the world waiting for a great monster to take the stage"
He's talking about himself there. He's literally just living out his childhood fantasy of beating up his bullies by proxy of the heroes (whom he perceives as bullying monsters because his mind is stuck on how projected his own life into children's television).
Just realized that Saitama's expression in the last panel was like someone testing the taste of a new dish.
If he simply wanted to prove that he's better than the heroes he could've simply become one, why the fuck would anyone cheer on him? All monster do is kill and rampage, they don't even do that because human destroy ecosystems and nature or whatever, they spread destruction just because they're edgy.
I am not defending his actions, I am stating his goals
He blames heroes for this because they pamper the populace so to say, so they get lazy and apathetic
>To start caring about the suffering of humans
Again assuming people do care about that, what does he want the average joe to do against a monster trying to eat them?
A normal person does not have the strength to fight monsters like trained heroes do, which is why they need a specialized task force to fight them aka heroes.
Many of them are humans who turned because of the society they live in and HA experiment on monsters for profit or what the fuck ever, when they don't kill them.
Killing them continuously is not going to "banish evil". Even Saitama realized that more and more monsters have popped up over the years and started doubting his contributions as a hero.
> so they get lazy and apathetic
Hardly. Monsters are an everyday things, it's not like they have much time to rest or that's it's not a dangerous as hell job.
>heroes do save people from monster they do nothing to stop things like bullying or corruption from happening
That's not a heroes job and hero hunting will do nothing to change this.
Monsters are like vermins. Just because they keep popping up doesn't mean they shouldn't be taken care of.
It's that or humanity gets destroyed.
people turn into monsters for inane reasons like eating too much fucking crab. removing heroes is not going to help anything you fucking 2deep4me faggot
They are an every day thing because evil is ignored
Yeah I agree but he thinks the heroes are to blame for letting it happen in the first place, for just treating the symptoms but not the disease
He didn't want to become one, you retard. He wanted to change the status quo and become that kind of monster, the kind that has a purpose and does not mass murder people for shits and giggles.
true though, heroes just bein heroes defeating mons, but here comes garo who one sidedly huntin heroes because i'm a monster hurrdurr. Garo is a psychopath who gettin high from beating people and he tryin to justificate his desire.
>AHHHH! The thread turned to shit!
every time
But garoufags' mind is so warped they don't understand that there would be no need for heroes in the first place if monsters weren't here to fuck shit up.
>and HA experiment on monsters for profit or what the fuck ever
The experiments are for analyzing them. The HA highups said themselves they wants to end the monster plague even tough doing so would pretty much end their jobs. Of course there are always a few assholes that wants to profit out of it, but most of the HA is well intentioned, it's doing their job properly or dying.
Addictions aren't a societal problem now?
Just because food is replacing drugs or other addictions in this context doesn't make it better
You're retarded. Society didn't invent that.
He's talking about the kids in their society, retard. Kids that feel left out, like Tareo. And Tareo was THE kid that ended up cheering for him despite his initial fear.
>Killing them continuously is not going to "banish evil
Neither is not killing them.
Zombieman is retarded and so is his fans. Being evil is not bad or illegal. The strong decides what is evil and Garou is strong so he gets to decide.
Is killing animals for food evil? For the animal, it sure is but for the humans stronger than them it's perfectly normal.
So people suffering and turning into addicts because of it isn't a societal problem, got it.
There isn't an idea world where none of that happens, no.
Garou's idea of a monster is something he took from Justice Man, not from the reality. That's why we see him killing actual monsters with no regrets. They don't fit his ideals, so he doesn't like them any more than he likes heroes.
Where did I say that?
What the fuck
>Is killing animals for food evil? For the animal, it sure is but for the humans stronger than them it's perfectly normal
No shit but of course he's speaking from the perspective of a human and what is considered "evil" for humans. Mass murdering innocent humans is undoubtedly considered bad and evil from a human perspective.
>And Tareo was THE kid that ended up cheering for him despite his initial fear.
For some reasons, people don't seems to want to accept that you can choose both Garou and the HA heroes. Garou saved Tareo, so of course the latter wants him to live. That doesn't means he'll begin hating on every other heroes. King and child emperor helped him in the same arc after all.
Living in a state of overwhelming fear and constant pressure, where bad habits are a luxury, can actually prevent shit like some faggot turning into a monster because he couldn't stop eating crab. Not to mention, there's more to it than just the obsession itself. Otherwise everyone would have turned.
You talked about it like it can be resolved. Except besides by killing every living beings, it can't.
First, I didn't do that and second I believe it is good to try, garou was wrong obviously but he had a good goal, killing monster is obviously not fixing the problem
And how exactly was Garou doing anything to change any of this?
He tells you what Garou was doing in the first few words, what the fuck.
Well, Tareo criticizes heroes in that instance and even tries to fight Sweet Mask. It's something he would've never done when we first saw him because he was too much of a pushover. The message is quite clear there and he's taking Garou's side specifically.
Tareo is that kid who does not blindly rely on heroes anymore, the kid who's bravely cheering for "the monster".
>killing monster is obviously not fixing the problem
Yet Garou was doing it just as much as the rest. The solution is to keep doing it until they can find a way to stop it, which the HA was shown trying to do. Letting the monsters roam free killing everyone on the other hand would be retarded.
Yeah but living in a state of overwhelming fear and constant pressure would surely create more monsters, not less.
> Tareo is that kid who does not blindly rely on heroes anymore, the kid who's bravely cheering for "the monster".
But that's wrong. For Tareo, Garou is a hero. He was just seeing this as "hero vs hero" in that case.
>Living in a state of overwhelming fear and constant pressure
Solves absolutely nothing. Evil will exist, nonetheless. Garou's "solution" is just naive and poorly thought out.
>Assistant: So one you need a new villain, eh? How about this, you make Stain, but worse.
>ONE:Say no more
>user: So I have this idea for a retarded uninformed comment, can you do it?
>also user: hurr durrr