Japan is counting down until new Geass and you don't care?
How awful Sup Forums has become.
Japan is counting down until new Geass and you don't care?
How awful Sup Forums has become.
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Were we given any dates at all?
This is a dragon ball, boku no hero and naruto only area now, get with the times.
Are they going to continue where S2 ended?
Is it going to be Nippon stronk bs like Akito?
Because only creayus cares and also because it’s just a recap movie for now.
Oh boy, can't wait for the new Pizza Hut commercial.
Wait, the first movie will be out on the 21nd then?
Huh, neat.
It's going to be a long time before we have anything but camrips, and I'm not interested in giving myself eyecancer
pizza-flavored smoochies
We have a rogue mod deleting Yotsuba threads while leaving 12 DBS shitposting threads intact. Forgive us for focusing on that issue instead.
>recap movie
CC fap thread?
Wait I thought we were getting S3? Did they change that to a movie like so many ill-fated S3s before it while I wasn't looking?
i care very much, but not when it;s a recap. The day the new stuff hits I will be either paying for a jewpass so I can spill my excitement, or catatonic in despair.
No, there's a recap movie (maybe multiple? I can't remember) and then S3.
>Wait I thought we were getting S3? Did they change that to a movie like so many ill-fated S3s before it while I wasn't looking?
They are releasing recap films that are basically going to be the new canon, over-riding the TV series. This is their opportunity to remove things that they regret and make sure the new season would start on the right foot.
And let's face in the 2nd half of the TV show in particular had a lot of trash.
I hated Sup Forums in '08 when S2 was airring.
Goddamn. One of my friends cosplays as C.C. all the time. It's extremely hard for me not to imagine her doing this when I see this picture. Now I'm extremely hard. I really want to know what she'd think if she was ever browsing official art and stumbled across this.
Then you must really abhor Sup Forums now.
I come back occasionally for some reason.
If you're hard you should have a wank.
>If you're hard you should have a wank.
What did he mean by this ?
If you cut CC in a half - will she regenerate into two CC?
What are the chances that this is good, and not just code geass:astral ocean
Name, and go.
Are they going to fix the chess scene?
You can't fix a core demonstration of Lelouche's daring character.
How awful has Code Geass become?
It already had a nice conclusion. Now they're trying to raise it from its tomb, like some shitty necromancers and you just know that it's going to be shit.
what do you mean I don't care? JIBUUUN WOO
>How awful Sup Forums has become
Actually I would say they have good taste this time, but eventually many faggots will watch this new season for the sake of faggotry.
Nah, just try and imagine a 5' shortstack bouncing around in the R2 black knight uniform.
I'll watch the recaps when they come out in non-camrip, but I won't do any countdowns.
Also based creayus drawing my waifu looking as good as always
I waited for Clovis.
i kinda got bored while waiting
Good night, sweet prince.
Sup Forums busy with Dragon Ball.
Because there's no point until it's about time. Every once in a while you get threads but it's mostly just CC, which I'm ok with because best girl needs to win for once.
>Ohgi gets the world
>nice conclusion
>>Ohgi get the world
It's supposedly going to have additions which will explain the upcoming season.
Yes and no IIRC. So when is the new season starting? I can't wait to see Sup Forums not give a shit.
2 days from now
How soon can we expect subs?
Only 2days?Is my japanese fucked?
Don't worry gg will save us like that time with delta.
yeah, right.
Please, go ahead. Give me some military outfits.
No it really is in two days
Ohgi only became PM of Nippon
Depends; torso/legs would probably just lead to one growing a new lower body.
Down the middle might lead to that Starfish thing from Animorphs.
>Huh, neat.
Why is that? Is there something I'm missing?
Meant fo r
Ohgi needs to be fucking murdered in the new season.
They've killed off characters like Shirley and Rolo. They better not let that trash live.
It's a recap movie. You should be able to understand it without subs.
I think it's been said in this thread already but AFAIK it's only recapping the series thus far.
they also added new voicelines and replace some stuff too
Her lower body would probably just rot away.
this series died after S2 trainwreck. The fanbase left already.
Good thinking. Seeing 3d might just end up being disappointing. What you see as shortstack might just end up being a whale.
I couldn't imagine her as anything but a whale. And oddly enough with black hair.
>Not knowing that Clovis is alive and well selling his artwork in California.
>yfw lelouch wins suzaku
I'm still here.
They're changing things a bit up and laying the grounds for R3 apparantly
I quite like this devil
>Zegapain got itself movie retelling
>Code Geass got movie retelling comp and 3rd season
What will Mai Hime get?
>this series died after S2 trainwreck. The fanbase left already.
rip in piss moot
>and you don't care?
The story ended, there is nothing left to tell
so why SHOULD i care?
>ogi isn't dead
You should care.
would watch Mai HiME reboot by SHAFT
>kallen dates a brit chad
story not ended, faggot
A movie retelling and a new series made by Bones
>Not watching Mai Otome reboot by SHAFT