Daifuku and Brulee join in battle with Katakuri, Luffy can't lay a hand on them either. Katakuri: "I'm excited. Next is a 10000 VS 1 hide and seek game, right Strawhat?" Luffy: "What do you want me to do in this situation." Luffy turns Gear 4, does a Gomu Gomu no Rocket Schneider and runs away while flying.
The scene moves to the Sunny. Nami took advantage of the weather rod and the falling rain to make a big mirage and activate a large Mirage tempo covering the entire Sunny. Jinbe gets a phone call from Aladdin reporting that all of the Spy Jellyfish have been disabled by the fishman pirates.
Big Mom is about to kill Perospero because she thinks the Sunny (and the cake) has been crushed but Perospero receives a phone call from Smoothie reporting that Germa 66 have been taken down.
>break last week >this What is the point of this chapter?
Gabriel Brown
raw spoilers straight from the chinks any moonrune Sup Forumsnons here?
Nicholas Robinson
Literally the ones in the OP
Brandon Cooper
It's basically the same as what's already written in the OP.
Joshua Hill
Fake as fuck, Smoothie does something
John Diaz
Literally the same shit as OP, are you retarded?
Jack Jones
Did Smoothie juiced Reiju? I would like to drink the butterfly venom.
Lincoln Campbell
Another chapter dedicated to the very theme of running
Gavin Rodriguez
i was only pretending to be illiterate
Charles Adams
It's ok, we forgive you
Brody Mitchell
>powerlevels make sense and Luffy cannot beat these superior opponents Bretty gud stuff there.
Colton Wilson
This, I'm really surprised since this is Oda we're talking about, and a bit sad because the meme might die after this. But it's still really fucking nice, based Smoothie.
Lincoln Reyes
>yfw luffyfags will get btfo by daifukufags and bruleefags as well now
Dylan Stewart
>Daifuku and Brulee join in battle with Katakuri Life is simply unfair. Where the fuck did the Daifuck come from?
Thomas Williams
What if Smoothie wasn't the one who took Germa 66 down? Off-screening doesn't help.
Sebastian Peterson
Chapter when? Release dates have been a mess these days.
Jose Carter
He was hiding inside Katakuri.
Could be that Oven just knocked them all out.
Carson Cook
then more pathetic for germa if they got taken out by fucking oven or compote
Brody Cox
He was bored because Smoothie was doing too good a job on her own so he went to check if Katakuri needed any help.
Ryan Thompson
>luffy not fighting and running away >nothings happens again >we waited weeks for this shit
Elijah Nelson
Powerlevels exist in real life, user.
Joseph Powell
>he was hiding inside Katakuri.
Matthew Lee
he was in mirror world the whole time
Aiden Rivera
I thought Daifuku was the second leader for this mission...
Ian Gray
>have to stall for 10 hours >use gear 4th Good job Luffy
Joshua Rivera
Is that the whole chapter? It ends on the shocking news about Germa's defeat? Blergh.
William Campbell
Germas all needed cheap tricks to get a hit on Sanji. They would get totally fucked by Oven.
Sebastian Jones
>Daifuku hiding inside Katakuri S-stop!
Kayden Parker
>those spoilers are real Im done. Im dropping the fucking series for a few years. Its just too much
Leo Perez
Off-topic but honestly I love how Oda's replacement for telephones and long distance communication in a world with varying levels of technological advancement is magical fucking snails.
Jack Watson
I'm saying it is good that Luffy can't beat them.
Jayden Russell
Why the fuck is Oda dragging this out so much?
Justin Davis
Fucking Mary Sue Jinbe again. Yawn.
Sebastian Garcia
Luffyfags BTFO again.
You can literally taste their tears right now because they been spamming Monkey God bullshit for the last 3 weeks already.
Jace Adams
>uses G4 to run away Confirmation that G4 is faster than G2? I thought they were roughly the same.
Adrian Edwards
G4 sure looked a lot faster when he fighting Doffy.
Oliver Nelson
He wants to make WCI longer than Dressrosa so people stop shitting on Dressrosa's length.
David Nguyen
- Luffy continues figthing Katakuri. With his trident, Katakuri is even most powerful. - Luffy wants to use Gear 4. Katakuri says: "Gear 4? That sounds interesting". - Big Mom and Perospero sail in the "caramel wave". They are near Peanut Island. - Pekoms is crying for Pedro's death, even Tamago is affected. - Capone is sailing in Fire Tank Pirates' boat. - Mont-d'Or contacts with one of Big Mom Pirates group, Niji responds. Germa 66 defeated all the group.
As with a lot of this shit, it's a pun in japanese on snails and phones.
Jose Hall
Jesus Oda stop dragging this on already.
Eli Brown
See ya next week senpai
Carson Campbell
Eli Murphy
They ran away and then defeated the force that was sent after them. Good for them
Jaxson Watson
>Smoothie lost to Jobma 66 Pathetic
Jace Ross
So Germa defeated Smoothie and Oven when they jobbed to Sanji, what the fuck?
Robert Young
nothing is said about who was in the group
Brayden Brown
>need to log in Fuck that. Post a screenshot or archive the page.
Adrian Miller
Joseph Taylor
Jose Lee
These are the real ones, guys. YP spoilers have always been legit.
I wonder if we are going to see Pedro's body? He can still get his lifespan back from Big Mom but he could still become blind/totally crippled and missing all his limbs.
Carter Barnes
>germas >win
Samuel Phillips
What the hell, Niji is a literal who stop copying Sanji, nigger.
Dominic Hall
>when the spoilers are contradictory and you don't know if Smoothie is a jobber or based now
Liam Baker
We don't know who was in the group, but since it was already attacking Germa when they formed the Straw Hat-Bege squads it probably didn't have any of the bigshots.
Bentley Taylor
Leave Big Mom pirates to me.
Jayden Flores
Unless Bege is with them I really doubt Germas are anything but jobbers
Nicholas Ortiz
The new ones are legit. Confirmed by Redon and Yonkou, so IF Smoothie really lead her group to catch Germa instead of Bege for some reason, she jobbed.
Angel Martinez
When have YP or Redon ever lied?
Colton Wilson
Thanks user, have a hug.
Grayson Miller
>so IF Smoothie really lead her group to catch Germa instead of Bege for some reason, she jobbed So there's still a chance for her not to be complete shit, good to know. Still no chance of a badass Smoothie, that stings. That fake spoiler got my hopes up.
Logan Brooks
i want nudes
Easton Morgan
>Nothing happens: the chapter What a fucking hack
Luke Long
Holy shit, I wonder how the anime will drag this on.
Asher Turner
It was one week, user. It's not like you've lost valuable time waiting
Robert Rodriguez
>no fighting in the chapter might as well not have one.
we're all here for fights and this chapter doesn't have any.
Evan Bailey
>no chapter last week >this weeks chapter is no happening: the chapter for the 50th time Is oda being a hack on purpose or is he just pretending?
Landon Powell
If Smoothie lost against the fucking Vinsmokes she will be the laughingstock of the entire arc
Luis Peterson
Is Tamago sad that Pedro died, or did he get burned by the blast?
Austin Morales
Chapter when 2-3 hours?
Matthew Richardson
Tamago wasn't ever around when he died. Of course he's sad.
Joshua Thomas
Jason Scott
No. Tomorrow. Way later today, at best.
Kevin Moore
Might as well release it next week. This chapter beyond sucks
Joseph Lewis
One Piece is my favorite battle manga XD
Christian Martinez
I don't think she is there.
Julian Nelson
Dominic James
Pedro already did his job dying >He blew himself up with bombs attached to his body >His sacrifice completes his character arc and puts Carrot in a position to 'inherit his will'. >It's pure speculation that BM could give him back his lifespan >A crippled surviving Pedro, left in WCI would fit no purpose for the story. He is condemned to die there no matter what at this point.
I mean yeah, he could have been saved by Caesar last min still, but against that: >Major characters are already reacting to his death >Observation haki users should have sensed him if Caesar retrieved him/Pedro survived
Nathaniel Flores
What's this nigero meme I missed out on the fun.
Jayden Diaz
Weird, I'd have assumed Tamago thought of Pedro as an enemy and was alright that Pedro kicked the bucket.
Wyatt Gray
chapter when
Owen Hall
Fightfags are mad Luffy is running away from Big Mom&co
Jonathan Hall
redon transcribed it as him being in shock, like Pekoms
Caleb Thompson
Delicious salt
Brayden Evans
List of things hapenned: >
Josiah Jackson
He said earlier that he's always respected Pedro despite being enemies.
Mason Wright
I dont care if luffy loses. Just finish it already
Tyler Watson
you should know by now that Oda prefers to draw running over fights