Yotsuba Thread!
Yotsuba Thread!
Hey! This isn't DBS, BnHA, or Nurutu! Get this shit out of here kid
She's so cute
I can't wait for christmas, I re-read the whole manga every year.
yotsuba anime when.
Just woke up, did hiroshimoot do anything about the cowardly faggot mod delting Yotsuba and rule abiding Loli threads?
Is it still going?
It seems to have stopped, remain vigilant though
Why is this manga so cute? Why is Asagi so best? Why is Tiger-chan so cool? Why is Jumbo so big? I want Yotsuba& anime now!
>faggot mod delting Yotsuba
Why though? If NNB threads are ok, why can't Yotsuba&?
I want Yotsuba back instead of this literal who.
I know it's still going, but can I ask, what's the release schedule? Weekly or monthly? Or annually like Berserk?
Around two months.
It's whenever the author wants, I think. One each 2 months or something like that.
I thought moot stopped paying the author when he left Sup Forums? Was probably expensive to finance a manga for a site mascot.
Mods don't even watch anime
Did Azuma Kiyohiko ever mention Sup Forums? Does he know that his creation was ever used as mascot of a website for nazi pedo hackers on steroids? How do you think he feels about that?
Also...will we ever see Yotsyba grow up? Shouldn't she be in kinder by now? I have yet to catch up with the manga.
Quads confirm.
>New chapter introduces a new woman
>Maybe it's Koiwai fuckbuddy or whatever.
>It's just his little sister
Koiwai has no dick.
Fuuka will not be happy
I like Yotsuba!
So if Yotsuba got an anime adaptation, who would you want to voice her?
Chiyo chan's V.A.
It'd be great if they got an actual child to voice Yotsuba. However I doubt any voiceactress could match how I've been reading Yotsubas voice.
Sorry kid, I just got word from the moderation team that Christmas is cancelled this year.
Are mods the grinch?
>Mods deleted quads because their feelings were hurt
It could be a childhood friend too.
Never. Author refuses.
yotsuba sucks
Is an user going post it again this year?
How can you live with so much hatred in your heart?
Ban when?
are you kidding, numod probably made that post
The mod would rather ban OP.
What do you mean? Our current moderation bans people for posting yotsuba sometimes.
Haven't you heard? Mod is deleting Yotsuba threads because we are "Sup Forums-tards"
mods give public PROMOTIONS for this and loli posts all the time
So how far behind am I? The last thing I read was GRANDMA IS COMING and she still wasn't there a year later.
I hope she doesn't grow up. Some people might consider it fair game to rule 34 her
Dumping some classic edits.
It didn't stop them so far.
I don wonder how popular the manga is in Japan, Azumanga did reasonably well, and that was only after the anime.
Thanks, I need some in my life.
>tfw no pervert gf
>tfw no oblivious loli bro
>tfw not even a cool video store clerk
Just so You know, kill yourself You piece of shit.
>video rentals were still a thing
Man, this thing has been running for a long time.
Koharuko showed up and is best girl.
Which chapter do you want to be animated the most? Mine is the hot air balloon chapter.
Atleast they just closed instead of deleting
Its an improvement.
Grandma is the most powerful being in the Yotsubaverse
Yeah I guess so
Leave it fucker. Just be happy it's not on auto-sage.
Anything with Yanda.
I need to catch up then. Knowing Azuma it wouldn't take long.
Ah, I'm glad we only get one thread and the other ones get deleted or closed, seeing as generals are now banned.
What a fantastic moderation team, truly top tier
It’s times like these I miss moot. At least he had control over mods.
No, no. DBS is the only one where the generals rule is in effect. All others have containment threads.
post fuuka
This is great.
Sup Forums - Dragon Ball Super & Miscellaneous Generals
Fuuka is not fat, she's perfect.
Yotsuba's serialized for 14 years so it's about 7 chapters per year. But the average since 2013 is around 4 chapters. See you next year
Only one part of your post is correct.
fuuka is cute! CUTE!
Pretty sure it's Asagi
How is this man still paying his bills? I he secretly a doujin artist?
He actually had done h-manga so it's possible, but if Azumanga and Yotsuba aren't paying the bills, doujin certainly wouldn't.
I can't talk sales figures but, for a series that exists only as sparsely released manga, Yotsuba merch of all kinds is all over Tokyo.
I honestly feel like Yotsuba should not have a voice but if it got an anime, I want the kid who voiced Naru from barakamon
Yotsuba merch, particularly danbo sells like hotcakes. The dude can just live off the royalties forever.
You are around 10 chapters behind
I like that it's still popular, but fuck man. The Death note guy said that he could live from his manga for about 5 years, and that was one of the biggest things in manga at the time.
Shit taste. Ena is the perfectest.
Japan ain't like the west my dude. I don't know what kind of deal the Death Note author had but there's a hierarchy to things. Who knows how much of the profits of Death Note he gets compared to what Azuma does from his works, even though they're both original creations.
Popularity doesn't get you money, managing the IP well does. Death Note will have made bags of cash for someone, just not the artist or writer. Presumably Azuma was savvy enough that Yotsuba merch actually gets him money. Most artists can't say the same.
She'd have to have an accent of some kind if they go with the implied idea that she's a foreigner, but I can't imagine Yotsuba with a "country" dialect.
What's the deal with the mods and Yotsuba thread?
No more bump?
Essentially my point, but it's likely that the author of Death Note got a shitter deal because he's young/new/etc and just accepts his place.