Yes or No?
To whom?
Why? Condition?
Legally asissted euthanasia
Other urls found in this thread:
if you're suffering and there is no cure for whatever you have you should have the option to end it.
and yes
as long as you do'nt force people to fund it (ie no subsidies, though all healthcare should be private anyway), nor force doctors to do it if they don't wana
also let anyone willing to get it indeed get it (no health condition criteria)
and because fuck you, that's why
So untreatable depression or immense poverty would qualify too?
just wanting it and being able to afford it would qualify
just so to clarify, it's forced subsidies, I'm against
I'd be perfectly OK with organizing wilful fundraisers to offer scum class assisted suicide (actually, I would readily give for that)
Oh I sign up today, can even pay for it.
Yes, to whomever wants it. No conditions.
Don't you listen to Alex Jones? He said the idea was to make life unbearable and then legalise euthanasia. You're either woke or you're snoozin
>Yes or No?
>To whom?
Unwanted demographics.
Murder is ethical. Kill all the gypsy's
>Yes or No?
>To whom?
Anyone who wants it
Because it's the only humane and respectful choice
No prerequisites other than being of legal age. Who am I, or you for that matter to decide that person A is ok to decide to die, but not person B? It's their life, if they want to end it, they should be allowed to.
No I listen to Lana del Rey.
Don't do it in a public facility and don't keep a record of the people who are helping you with it. The practice of suicide is unsavoury in any condition, it is literally a sin, but if somebody is so bad off that the person really wants it, it's not the job of the State to stop that person, though there of course should be societal implications for anybody who does it when it really doesn't make sense.
This is the only rational answer so far.
No, only those strong enough to kill themselves deserve death.
The weak must suffer.
I'm a sinner.
>a likely heretic
No arguments from me, you silly.
Burn me at a stake.
Yes or No?
>To whom?
Just be patient you'll be dead soon enough anyways.
>muh trollz
I'm on meds. Levaquin for pneumonia, it must be it.
Reminder that cuckeeists, ie. cuckold atheists, (as well as those of heretical lineages) are damaging to any political cause.
Go to the Emergency Room. Look at people dieing. Tell me if you can see God.
>a cuckeeist (and an individual of likely a heretical lineage) is desperate for the attention of a christian man
This is not a christian site.
this is
I'm not posting there, it's you who assume too much of yourself and of your beliefs.
>he wants that (you)
Lying cuckeeist (with an heretical lineage) just can't make it on his own merits.. Many such cases!
apparently its already legal in switzerland and even foreigners can apply.
>muh light leaks
Ffs if /p/ sees this
When they ask like they did in the 40’s
I was raised Eastern Rite Orthodox. It is you who are the heretic in here amerimutt.
Oh look it’s Lana. My dream Girl.
That's a quality post. I shall book an appointment.
Are you sure you know what happens to suicides?
Yes anyone any reason.
People who want to die are not useful alive.
Yes I am because I already tried it.
they fail. hell is forever. if you think hell isn't real then visit indonesia
Reminder that cuckeeists (atheist cuckolds) are the biggest proselytisers there are, much bigger than any door-knocking types. "Bake my cake!"
Go on..
Yes, for all nigs...whether they want it or not
Sorry but no, I get called a coward and loser all the time if I do.