How do Libertarians deal with automation?

I have never seen them address this subject. What happens when 90% of the population becomes essentially useless to the job market? Survival of the fittest?

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Those who can find work or have marketable skills will thrive. Those who have pity taken upon them will live. The rest will die.

Basically you enslave the losers after a duel. Then you and your genetically engineered catgirl(male) acquire their land as you exploit them.

global war that purges the underclass

the libertarian maxim of "let the free market sort it out."

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The same answer for technology. The bar for owning a business is lowered by automation.

automation increases production, therefore it is a desirable thing


also, hazlitt already debunked the "muh technology is gonna rip us apart!!!" in his Economics in one Lesson, chapter 7

so stop crying and embrace a new era of rising living standards for everybody

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What did people do after 99% of agricultural jobs got automated? Surely society almost collapsed?

You have a huge war where the lowest iq people are sent to the front lines to be slaughtered... then you rebuild after the dust has settled, under more freemarket conditions.

Remaining people who were not slaughtered can enjoy the economic boom.... then people will get rich again, poor people will whine about wanting gibs, politicians will give it to them for votes and power, lower class grows again, system collapses again , then we go to war again... it's all part of the cycle.


The answer to anything in lolbertarian lala land is muh free market.

How do we solve the problem of automation? Free market.

How do we manage the migrant problem? Free market.

How do we prove the Rieman Hypothesis? Free market.

If you can't learn to use excel and fucking add some value in a digital world then you deserve to die in the street.

"Made by human" will become a thing. Also art will see a new rise in value.


mecanization not automation thats how

memetic ideologies believers will have a chance to prove their worth
ancap/ancom/communists etc

The goal of an economy isn't to create jobs, it's to crate wealth.

When robots are doing menial labor all of mankind will benefit

Yet another reason why it's for faggots

This is different, robots are will not just replace manual labor anymore. Even rudimentary AI can cut off a lot of jobs. Self-driving cars/trucks, for example

It's already happening. FOXCONN of all places is automating. The only reason the world hasn't gone this way yet is because 3rd worlders are cheaper than massive infrastructure investments. But now even Chinamen aren't that profitable anymore.
Look at productivity vs wages, most of that is done by computers.

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Everything can't be automated if nobody has money to buy what the robots are automating

at some point it will be more profitable to hire people than have more robots

>get in-demand tech skill
>company decides it's paying too much
>train your Gupta replacement
>parallel roles all filled with Guptas
>start the trek to gibs
Almost there anons