>called local masons learned nothing
>redpill me on masonry
>called local masons learned nothing
>redpill me on masonry
The (((Official))) Shabbos Goy Club
It's a good organization to get involved in the community. What surprises me is how desperate they need numbers yet anons are too chickenshit to do a reverse Adam weishaupt and reinfiltrate it.
Idk how many people love George Washington, Ben Franklin, and Breivik, yet fall for all of the bullshit online.
Most members are conservative/ baby's first redpill in public but in private are pretty knowledgeable.
T. Freemason
well .... thought those fuckers were all about "making humanity better" and "muh secret order" like scooby doo
Only Christians can join the York rite and as for Scottish rite, Albert Pike was Evola tier redpilled.
Leaf is being a faggot as usual. Gotta remember that these rights are hundreds of years old and go back to the ideas during the renaissance. Faggots today warp it.
Example: the idea of tolerance back then was: hey look that guy is pentacostal....I won't go burn down his house because I believe he should be free to worship the Christian God in his own interperetation
It was more anti papacy than anything
i'd like to go in "undercover" to see what it is about ... do they get any benefits cus if they do this sounds corrupted and not like "Muh humanity"
freemasonry is old man boomer larp. The highest echelons are all Zionist puppets who do what their told, ie funding and resource management. Everyone else is just larping OooOOoo hoods and sacred obects, secrets of the universe desu. But please contribute a donation first. Maybe one day youll be appointed to the 33rd degreee, oOOooooOoo
oOo brother
may the great bull rub his scrotum across thy left eye
I may be leafposting, but there is no denying that there are strong ties between Marxism and Freemasonry.