It's Time for an Alt-Right Manifesto

Manifestos and Political Doctrines of the past have been the work of one or very few people
We have the resources here to have a Democratically written political manifesto with input from people from all over the world
The best and most functional ideas will rise to the top
A manifesto gotten under these conditions will facilitate unity and action

Let's start by having individuals discuss what they think our main goals should be

Attached: NoLeader.jpg (474x563, 46K)

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Dead kikes

>Let's start by having individuals discuss what they think our main goals should be
A Monetary System independent of The Central Banks
An ethnostate for whites which supports Ethno-Nationalism no matter the race
How to bring about the transition or destruction of our current system to establish this new order
What should be done about The left today and in the future

>Alt-Right Manifesto
ask plebbit.
Sup Forums is the real right.

Soon as you put a label on beliefs, they get corrupted. Decentralize your opinions, man.

>Dead kikes
Why kill them when we can take away their power to control?
Why not create a system in which Jewish trickery doesn't work?
Imagine a world in which Jews had to rely on their own manual labor to survive
Why not create that? A world in which there is a Jewish suicide, instead of genocide.

Can't control anything if they're dead.

>not wanting to give unlimited power to the guy most suited to the job
you're just as liberal as the neocons and neolibs you claim to hate

>Decentralize your opinions,
My opinions are all over the map
And I get to keep them that way even if we create a manifesto in which to work under which isn't 100% representative of how I personally feel
That's something I'm willing to accept for the advancement of my brothers

>>not wanting to give unlimited power to the guy most suited to the job
Who said I'm not?
Maybe that can be a principle discussed in the manifesto


Lead by example then. Write.

Alt right doesn't exist. It doesn't need a manifesto. If you need a written document to tell you how you are supposed to think and believe, then you are no better than a slave.

> Let's write it the way we wrote that letter to CNN

Fewer, better choices!


Why remove the problem if we take away their toys? Why not put them on expensive life support where they can't move? Imagine a world in which Jews had to cry like children and hear about it constantly. Why not create this? A world in which people born with empathy who don't know they'll be leeched off from by listening to their woes?

We already have a manifesto

>Pic kinda related

Attached: 51kiyaVTReL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (313x499, 45K)

>Alt right doesn't exist. It doesn't need a manifesto.
Contradictory statement
> If you need a written document to tell you how you are supposed to think and believe, then you are no better than a slave.

Post some of the best passages pls

>The first rule of Alt Right is: You do talk about jews.
>Second rule of Alt-Right: YOU DO TALK ABOUT JEWS
>Third rule: Did I mention jews already?

>>The first rule of Alt Right is: You do talk about jews.>Second rule of Alt-Right: YOU DO TALK ABOUT JEWS
Is this something which unites us all?
An unifying tenant of all ethno-nationalists?


Why create an actual opposition when you could just watch the left swing at the wrong people.

Don't do stupid shit that will look terrible later.

Attached: 1490669852543.jpg (3000x2370, 1.43M)

>Why create an actual opposition when you could just watch the left swing at the wrong people.
Because while the left swings away they're still being controlled by the same groups which are controlling us
The modern left will either be controlled by us or (((them)))

replace the word "left" with the word "right" and the principle remains the same

I would like to help your people create a Wakanda like nation which you'll greatly benefit from
Any black man or non-black man who feels differently is ultimately a bigger enemy to you than I could ever dream of being

A fucking leaf as usual
Duh let’s make a manifesto retards

>A fucking leaf as usualDuh let’s make a manifesto retards
Even the opinion of teenagers like yourself is welcome

We're not united by tenants. We're united by genes. A person can't agree with us on principle unless they hold the right genes, or the environment is pressing them to act differently than their natural predisposition. We can use fear. Leftists support child rape gangs. We can even use social pressure. Leftist men are weak. Go on offense. Don't worry about unity on our own side. As soon as you put words on our views, which are really a reaction to the same feeling of disgust, then you create pointless bickering.

>Dead kikes
>Imagine a world in which Jews had to rely on their own manual labor to survive
Implying the results would be different.
Also, not shilling for extremist action, just pointing this out.

Attached: Britler tongue.gif (343x356, 1.01M)

His name was Seth Rich


lmao get back in the oven kike


>post a literal 56%er
Kill yourself mutt

>American flag
>pushes anti-American shill meme
Cool proxy, bruh.

>We're not united by tenants. We're united by genes. A person can't agree with us on principle unless they hold the right genes, or the environment is pressing them to act differently than their natural predisposition
Sounds like a tenant we can get behind

>>Imagine a world in which Jews had to rely on their own manual labor to surviveImplying the results would be different.
You think the Ashkenazi can work a shovel?

This seems inclusive. Let's go with this.

>Democraticlmao get back in the oven kike
A democratic process in writing the manifesto, not a democratic government

i don’t care what you call it, but whatever is needed to eradicate SJW culture and bring healthy shaming and bullying back

get rid of equal opportunity. it is literally systematic racism

get rid of lobbyism

get rid of political insider trading loopholes

establish term limits and how any any standards for congressman? 80+ have received a DUI of the 500+ congressman. what the fuck is that?

and also, most importantly, eradicate islam. radical religion that has never been reformed has no place in a civilized society nor politics

>Let's start by having individuals discuss what they think our main goals should be

1. Convert to Christianity or die.
