>Anyone who actually wanted to talk about Yotsuba would have found the existing thread where people are actually discussing the series.
Why can't there be more than one Yotsuba thread when there are a dozen DBS threads at any point in time? Why did you delete and autosage the original Yotsuba and Ilya threads, which were completely rule abiding, in the first place? Then when we get angry and call you out on it, you delete and autosage everything, hiding behind the "no meta" rule and acting like you aren't the source of the fucking outrage to begin with?
None of this would be happening if you hadn't fucked up in the first place. You are expecting us to follow the rules of Sup Forums when you're fucking breaking half of them. But it's ok because you're a fucking mod, right? Just admit that you messed up and give us the ok to post loli and Yotsuba as long as it doesn't break the rules, that's all we are fucking asking for. The longer you keep pretending like you didn't do anything, the worse it's going to get.
Noah Thompson
Juan Butler
i for one welcome our newfagmod overlords
Lucas Baker
Mods are fags, as always.
Parker Nguyen
Don't act surprised when shit meta threads get deleted or locked but yeah that mod acting dumb like nothing is happening is sad and counterproductive.
Brandon Gonzalez
bump for solidarity
Jacob Lewis
>inb4 autosage
Tyler Mitchell
>our mods are newer than the current Sup Forums user base
Cooper Gray
Place's a mess. Don't except anything.
Elijah Cox
Why is this happening
Jonathan Russell
>tfw hiro allows 1 meta thread on a board at a time yet mods still autosage and delete the threads Honestly this is ridiculous. Someone needs to tell hiro to get the fuck in here and explain this shit.
Robert Watson
They should make me a mod. Who's with me?
Jacob Flores
i bet Hiroshima Nagasaki is behind this
Jonathan Flores
>the absolute state of moderation.
Adam Scott
>expecting good things >on Sup Forums
You realize this board likes things such as >KLK >Bleach >Moe And you're expecting good threads?
Luis Reyes
Anthony Jenkins
Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums are the new containment entry-level boards. Sup Forums is some kind of bizarre aged enclave now.
Anthony Phillips
Mod deletes stuff he doesn't like even if its not against the rules
Josiah Jones
Post your three favorite anime
Elijah Stewart
Literally all I would do as a mod is clean up spam and porn. It's not my place to police the fucking board based on personal tastes
Julian Jackson
it's porn dumping central now were 50% of the posters would suck a traps cock.
Zachary Turner
because mods are faggots, and seems like one imouto thread, non-lewd loli threads etc arent anime or manga related anymore, they seem to think that 3 threads full of shit posting are ok
Jonathan Brooks
DBS, Nurutu, and BnHA obviously, friend.
Brody Phillips
Sup Forums is the EXACT same cancerous piece of shit as plebbit and the rest. I like when delusional faggots try to prove the opposite. DBShit, Nurutzu, Tokyo Gayhole threads are all they need.
Christopher Wright
The only person I know who still posts on Sup Forums is a 28yo schizophrenic who's used Sup Forums since 2005 and thinks other boards are pathetic.
Jonathan King
It's coming
Lincoln Parker
I am frankly relieved that seiyuu threads were moved to other board. Despite the subject being clearly off-topic to the board in question at least we don't have to deal with this godawful board and it's even worse moderation staff.
Aiden Reed
Sound like oldfags are still alive in all it's glory.
Josiah Hill
It all started with an Illya thread.
Parker Moore
Nothing wrong with liking any of this as long as you are allowed to like your own things, faggot
Angel Evans
That's why we are fighting to keep the one sacred thing: Yotsuba. If Yotsuba falls, it's over and we will need to move to a different site.
Aaron Smith
Brayden White
Samuel Harris
It's been happening for years but yeah there's been a bigger spergout than normal within the last couple of days.
Andrew Garcia
>Anyone who actually wanted to talk about Yotsuba would have found the existing thread where people are actually discussing the series. so they want generals? I don't understand
Angel Lopez
Movies, series?
>movies >Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade >Perfect Blue >Memories (1995)
>series >Hokuto no Ken >Welcome to The N.H.K. >Yu Yu Hakusho (until tournament arc end)
>manga/lightnovels >all you need is kill >berserk >Yotsuba&!
Have fun
Lucas Richardson
>he wasn't there for the spergout over loli in 2011 >Accelspammer was actually on our side and helped fight against faggot mods
Kevin Gonzalez
>be a boy/man >like things meant for girls/women You're the faggot here.
Juan Cook
>responding unironically in any way more embarrassing than your taste.
Michael Harris
Just keep contacting Hiro everywhere you can. Even if it's hopeless it's better than doing nothing.
Jonathan Flores
>newfag detector
Grayson Perry
>Entry leveled shit
Did I stumbled into Sup Forums?
Cameron Carter
Kill yourself
Jackson Hughes
>newfag and samefagging Sup Forums's taste has always and will always be shit.
Asher Hughes
It's hitting a boiling point. Sakurafish, r/a/dio, etc is banned while 12 DBS threads are on the catalog at all times. I've seen those threads, they are 99% shitposting. Kemeno friends was treated like ass as well. Ilya removal got people mad. Then they went and fucked with Yotsuba, the one single thing you don't fuck with on Sup Forums.
This was all going to happen anyway, Yotsuba just expedited it.
Hudson Rogers
It's funny how it's happening all over again. With Index season 3 announced and the deletion of yotsuba threads, it's only a matter of time until Accelspammer makes his comeback.
Carter Martin
>Movies, series? Stopped reading there, newfag.
Landon Torres
>be a boy/man Your first mistake, faggot. I'm a little girl and this is a little girl's board. Now fuck of you creep and let us discuss out shonen boys and shows about cute girls like us in peace.
Luke Mitchell
>No one in this thread is actually talking about Yotsuba. Anyone who actually wanted to talk about Yotsuba would have found the existing thread where people are actually discussing the series. Literally what is the point of this post if you are just going to close the thread afterwards before anyone even replies? No shit people aren't discussing Yotsuba, the problem they have is with the moderation, so instead of making useless posts try actually to talk to the community about the issue at hand.
Jaxon Reyes
Grow up, kid.
Nathaniel Martinez
>OMG HAVE YOU SEEN K-ON! XDD >What this user doesn't like cute girls doing cute things?! WE MUST BE ON Sup Forums DX Kill yourself.
Owen White
Autosage soon
Elijah Scott
Sakurafish is by far the worst casualty. Kind of disappointed that the outrage was limited to just a few hours with maybe a dozen or two posters.
William Bennett
>calling others newfag on Sup Forums
Sebastian Reed
Mods don't have the fucking balls to ban Yotsuba Prove me fucking WRONG
Hunter Ramirez
>implying other boards aren't full of trapfags
Joshua Bell
I literally just found out about it yesterday. Mods are trying to suppress this shit,
Nathan Taylor
>Sakurafish No. They didn't. MOTHERFUCKERS.
Xavier Green
K-on is great
Tyler Mitchell
You watch anime and you unironically use the term >kid Let me guess you're 35 years old and have never had someone touch your pee pee. You realize how fucking stupid that makes you sound? >I watch little children's shows and i'm going to call someone else kid even though I have shit taste and my opinion doesn't matter to anyone even on a board I so desperately need the approval of
Luke Gomez
I see that ban didn't last long.
Parker Watson
they didn't like it user
Jordan Rogers
K-on is okay.
Leo Perry
what's wrong in liking little girls
Wyatt Turner
We lost our sense of community. No one wants to riot until something would happen to the thing they like
Michael Wilson
Mods even mock it by calling it "muh board culture". They know what they're doing.
Kayden Perry
Yeah I got a three day ban for posting in Sakurafish threads during the spergout likely along with most people who were angry at the time.
Alexander Murphy
You can't just do that. Sakurafish is one of Sup Forums's most ancient traditions. This is hateful iconoclasm!
Wyatt Hughes
The movie was cool.
Tyler Wilson
Fucking normalfags on my board
Ryan Bailey
It's dead
Caleb Edwards
RIP in Pisces.
Luke Edwards
Christian Torres
I agree with that.
Joshua Powell
Why are many of you mad? The mod probably is a long time poster/lurker in Boruto/DBS/Jojo/HxH/Love Live etc threads. He's just cleaning up the weird other series that show up on Sup Forums for whatever reason like cancer. These other series no one really posts about were just left to a blind eye, at least the mod is doing something now.
Austin Torres
Kill yourself kid
Tyler Adams
Wait they banned r/a/dio? What the actual fuck??? Why the fuck hasnt there been a shitstorm about this yet?
Josiah Richardson
I mean if you really want to make yourself look like you just walked in here ignoring your previous posts, keep acting like calling someone a virgin here is an insult.
Ryan Cook
Poo in the loo?
>The mod probably is a long time poster/lurker in Boruto/DBS/Jojo/HxH/Love Live etc threads.
Found the mod.
Luke Adams
Nah, mods are just suppressing it. Every time someone mentions it on these threads, people are shocked.
Ethan Wilson
my filters rn (I'd like to filter naruto too but they never use the naruto word in their fucking threads) >/one piece|dragon ball|tokyo ghoul|touka ghoul|ghoul:re|yu-gi-oh!|yu-gi-oh/i;boards:a;op:only
Luke White
>it's fine as long as they don't touch my baby.
Josiah Bell
See People don't know about it because they ban the initial whistle blowers
Michael Hernandez
Is this what being mad feels like?
Kevin Long
You're forgetting Made in Abyss.
Owen Parker
Dunno...there are lolis in that series, user.
Brody Mitchell
Do you guys think Daiz planned this somehow?
Eli Perry
I haven't been this mad since I read pic related.
Samuel Sanchez
For once i agree with OP. This is board culture.
Adam White
Mod, I know you're here. Just fucking say you're sorry and this will be over. People are just getting more angry, especially since things like Sakurafish and r/a/dio is getting spread. Dragging this out is just making it worse for you.
Kayden Nelson
where did everything go so wrong?
Brandon Morales
I want to believe that poster was rusing, and that he didn't really do that. I need to believe that.
Jason Sanders
>spamming posts about yourself every single thread in an attempt stay relevant
Michael Clark
everything lies on mod's preference, you can't discuss any serialize manga or new anime if it has sexualize lolis in it.
Gabriel Nguyen
Can we delete spic threads now?
Gabriel Price
No fuck you, I know what that is without even opening. I'm already heated enough as is.
Noah Johnson
This board is SFW, it should be a place where 12 year olds using smartphones in even Spanish speaking countries can post without worry. Anything over the line like bad images of little girls should go out.
Jayden Brooks
This makes no sense. The fish gets posted, it gets a few posts, and drifts off to Oblivion. No way it makes it feel like it's above others.
William Morris
Nolan Butler
MiA has essentially had daily generals since the anime started, your explanation would make too much sense.