Tell me why BHA is the best shonen manga you have read this year. Or any year...

Tell me why BHA is the best shonen manga you have read this year. Or any year. It have some of the best are seen on weekly manga. The characters have some real depth you dont see in most manga's or anime's because they are mode only to sell stuff with no real love. BHA is a love letter to us shonen fans who want to read something new yet very familiar. The manga is not hiding what it is and people love it just for that. But what made you fell in love with it?


HxH is better in every way. It has better world building, much more layered characters, and it either strays away from common shounen tropes or purposely subverts them to surprise us. It poses themes about morality, and demonstrates those by depicting sympathetic and morally gray villains along side protagonists with black and white morality who become corrupted. BnHA poses themes about overcoming disadvantages by trying hard and keeping a positive additude by depicting an MC who overcomes his disadvantage by trying hard and keeping a postitive additude. I like both series, but anyone who claims they are on the same level hasn't read them both in full.


I saw many BHA fag and HXH fag in Sup Forums where is BC fag?


Why do you talk about hxh? No one is saying thats its bad or better than bha. Both have there plus and minus. But I believe BHA is better in way that I think are better. Hxh have big problems with art and cant convey emotions correctly.


Try harder

>Hxh have big problems with art and cant convey emotions correctly.

I got bored on episode 2

You should read the manga then. Really its a lot better but thats the case with many shonen adaptations. You can read it on you phone so while traveling so it wont take up you time and you can see how good it is. Just read 20 chapter and you will be hooked.

>episode 2
stopped reading here

>it either strays away from common shounen tropes or purposely subverts them to surprise us
hxh is the rick and morty of Sup Forums

>Sup Forums image
>Sup Forums meme
You are the cancer killing Sup Forums.

I thought the cancer was moe?

The samefag

Stop Falseflagging

Why not both? I just hate that pasta and rick and morty in general. Everything is being called that lately.


He's the op , he's been starting HxH vs bnha battles in the bnh threads

>better in every way
How is it better in art tho?

it's the poster child for the fandoms who read way too fucking much into their show
hxh is just a shitty shonen that recycles everything from yyh

good luck arguing against Togashi's fundamentals

>Anons actually responding to a bait thread

With a post like that, OP is practically begging for BHA haters, critics, and contrarians to fight against actual fans.

No, it's basically a more polished yyh in most ways and I frankly don't care about the fanbase. You can find fans like that in every series.

>No, it's basically a more polished yyh

Is this from Reddit?

No. This is what I really think about the manga. I know its hard to make a full sentence but you can try it too. All I`m trying to say is that My Hero Academia is superb manga.

That's one terrible cover desu.

It's fucking shit, genuinely the worst shonen I've ever read and I've read my share of them.

If you actually like BnHA you are cancer on Sup Forums and don't think for a second you're not a fucking cunt that would fit better in a hugbox site.

What? The manga have the best art from all of jump and you think that this cover is bad? I mean dude how can you do that?

Not an argument, Sup Forums.

I was talking about the manga, it's just blah blah and i don't like the designs midoriya looks like a character from rugrats

>episode 2
>in the manga

is the manga really better? im on ep 7 of the anime and that shit is a struggle to get through. so fucking boring

>Tell me why BHA is the best shonen manga you have read this year
>This year
Beat The Vandal Buster is off of Hiatus so this loses