You sure?
>amerimuttistan is a 1st world count-
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all you foreigners only look at surface level numbers and don't understand just how fucking big the USA is. most of the horrible shit you EVER hear about? it's like 5 cities, all of them full of niggers. 79% of whites are peaceful, gun owning, good people. the other 21% are near the black people or are on meth
Every country can use this excuse
>no Rio
All those brazilian cities in front of Rio, cities with a low crime rate if compared to it. It sounds fake and gay.
Altought, they may be talking about a ratio between murders and the number of habitants. That would make more sense.
fuck off muhammad
Maybe you're just dumb. Rio is nowhere near these cities since the 2000s
The word you want to use is ignorant. Yes, on this issue I am.
Detroit, New Orleans, Baltimore. “In America”. LMAO. None of those cities bears any resemblance to “America”.
All this proves is that we need to bring back lynching and the wall needs to be 10 feet taller.
It proves mutts are violent savages
>Altought, they may be talking about a ratio between murders and the number of habitants
Homicides per 100,000 people.
Implying black peepo in baltymoar are the same as true white Americans
Literally all of those cities are feral negro infested shitholes with entrenched leftist governments.
>Literally all of those cities are feral negro infested shitholes
Welcome to the USA
The Northeast being the Northeast
das rite huite boi, we ain't no slaves no more. we no longer work on ur coffee plantations. brazil is ours!
All you have proven is that niggers are feral savages and you are too stupid to recognize it.
Well Spain has way lower crime rates than later creaturaland, so do several African shit holes
Your future in pic related
The crime rates in white zip codes I the US are Switzerland levels. Literally.
You don't know what 1st world means
Again Even white states have at least 1, 1.3 murders very 100k people. Compare it to civilized countries like Japan
we ceased being a first world country when (((we))) let the third world shitskins colonize us.
The only first world places still here are the elites coastal enclaves.
>Brazilian demographics
>American gun ownership rates
Well, should be interesting at least
Literally second world
It's more spic than white now. Literally Latin America. Only Anglo country left that side of the ocean is Canada
Location: Kigali, Rwanda, Africa
Honor Human Rights: Not Capable
Inmate Population: 6000
Gitarama has the most overcrowded penetintury in the world housing over 6000 prisoners in a building design for only 500 people. Inmates are so hungary they bite chunks of meat out of each other to survive. The jail is so congested that inmates have no option but to stand all day and all night and many suffer from rotting feet. The floor is moist and filled with raw feces. Gangrene slowly sets on inmates toes, they turn black and fall off later. Inmates that are not so lucky to only have toes fall off, doctors have no choice but to amputate lower limbs to save the persons life. The unbearable stench is so horrible that it can be noticed a half mile away upon arriving to the prison. The survival rate is low due to the violence and the demimishing conditions in the building where one in eight prisoners will die from diesese or violence.
Seems treating them like the animals they are keeps them in line.
Who knew?
You mean white states like Illinois? Really?
>Inmates are so hungary
that they begin getting eaten by turks
Canada? Trudeau is browning Canada as fast as he can.
Illinois is far above that rate
I wonder why? (Hint: Chicongo). Look at Zip codes, not states.
>St. Louis higher than San Pedro Sula
what the fuck
Then stop moving goalposts faggot. Barely any state in the US is civilised
Yet he can't compete with the mutt down south
Fucking Balkans are more civilized
must be nice to be ignorant of how destructive niggers are.
Don't worry, the endless flotillas of Africoons streaming into Europe are going to show you.
>first world
t. I only watch (((american tv)))
>Not real Americans
Niggers gonna Nog. The American Nigger is the worst specimen on the planet. Id rather have 100 Muslims in my neighbourhood than 10 pure breed American Niggers.
Yes those West Virginian Africans really oppress the civilized white rednecks who are not violent at all
>Detroit is falling out of being a super violent place
Its looking good boys
This image is fake
This pic shows the police, not the average population, killing a nignog
In fact if the Brazilian population had guns this country would be torn apart in a civil war pretty quickly
>not REAL Americans
This, amerimutts are sad, soon 60% of their people will be "fake Americans"
Diversity is our strength
t. criminal thug
Mostly related to drug traffic. The Cartels/Drug Dealers fight among themselves for absolute control. Kill all the junkies from SA/CA/NA/Europe and part of the problem may be solved.
I look forward to it happening here. :)
>drug traffic
>in the Northeast
No, they keep killing each other because they are fucking niggers
This can't be, Mexico and Brazil have strict laws against guns! How could they possibly be so violent?
Gun traffic + inefficient police force + inefficient courts + poverty + drugs + niggers
This is actually a valid point. Americans point out that much of the violence is caused by niggers and that without it the US would have crime rates similar to European countries. This neglects the fact that a lot of violence in Europe is committed by nogs, muslims, turks, gypsies and other undesirables. Google-free US stats should be compared to Muzz and Gypsy-free European stats.
Exactly, and mutts still come out more violent
It’s at least the same order of magnitude at that point.
Yei, México
She's quickly browning-out and therefore becoming third-world (with attendant poverty, and other social problems) as all brown countries are indeed third-world. This is obvious but of course very Politically _In-_correct to mention? What's the name of this board again?
>muh dik
Not really. Us is still above 1 and Euros become 0.x like asians
Embarrassing desu
Not realizing it is kike media...
Still shows how black the US is tho