>$50,000 of Hot Dogs
>$50,000 of Hot Dogs
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With walnut sauce?
Don't forget the pizza.
Hot dogs? I figure a guy like him would want to spend that kind of money on fried chicken.
It was $65,000
Did he buy the whole HotDog Stand?
Anyways we might see a McDonald's franchise in the WH
He bought every hot dog stand listed on his pizza-related map. Then he attended a pool party with children (7) and (9), where he sacrificed a chicken to Moloch. You never know when you might need 50K worth of delicious hot dog meat.
Conservative conspiracy theorists later misconstrued all of this, of course. Damn blasted Alex Jones!
Or a Weinerschnitzel
Whatever. Im just wondering if those kids will be in that pool for sure?
Doesn't chicken mean "little girl"?
I don't know what chicken means in crazy land but here chicken is another word for a bird we sacrifice to ancient Middle Eastern gods associated solely with human sacrifice and not with chicken sacrifice.
If you've never had walnut sauce, you don't know what you're missing. Try it next time you eat pizza for one hour!
chicken lover = boy lover
Obama put his legacy in the hands of Hillary and the progressive left and they handed it to Trump.
thats a pope kosher hot dog. standard in the business.
Let’s assume they flew in 65k of hotdogs and pizza from Shitcago to DC.
A: it would taste like shut because it would be at least 5 hours old.
B: NO secret service would ever allow that to happen for safety. Imagine the opportunity for poisoning between order, packaging and delivery.
C: there’s NOTHING whatsoever that justifies having this flown in. There’s nothing special about shit assembled in Chicago. They could’ve made all of that on site.
D: they’re talking about KIDS.
Never IN YOUR FUCKING LIFE have you seen more grown ass people discuss pizza and hot dogs like these people. Never.
Peyton Manning and Papa fucking John never talked about pizza as much as these people did. NO ONE eats that much pizza. It’s KIDS.
It COULD be drugs. But probably kids.
who says 50k worth of kids tho? it doesnt make sense. if there is an international child smuggling ring, how many kids is 50k$? like 2? @25k each?
why brag about 2 kids?
>muh the hotdogs are a speciality from Chicago
so how many kids do you have to rape and kill before you start to brag? guess u into double figures . whats your religion rabbi?
That makes more sense since Obama has been referred to as gay many times.
Ten pounds of Ballpark hot dogs wholesale for around $60. So $50k would buy 8,333lbs of hot dogs.
Even if they were some fancy, expensive hot dogs that sold for twice as much as Ballpark brand, that's still over two TONS of hot dogs
It was $65,000 not 50
if you dont rape children how the fuck else are you supposed to talk to your alien overlords in the 4th dimension?
Depends on if you consider traps gay or not.
his legacy of being a mystery babalon cock sucker from the bathhouses of chicago?
Kosher hotdogs are more expensive, this is a total nothingburger
>A: it would taste like shut because it would be at least 5 hours old
No no no no. You're still thinking like a pleb. Obama is backed by the Pritzker money (Chicago Zionists who own Hyatt Hotels). $65k is a night's bar tab to them.
They way it would work is you'd essentially set up your own Portillo's on-site. That includes ingredients, ovens, wait staff, all of it.
And the event for which this was done was an election gala celebrating Obama's first election in 2009. The Obama clique had only been in town a few weeks.
So, as much as Obama (real father: Frank Marshall Davis) is a polesmoking psychopath "married" to a tranny and allied with Clinton and Skippy - all of whom deserve to hang - this event is one of few times where it's legit.
Don't discredit all the real pizzagate stuff by focusing on this one. The pizzagate perps are evil, evil people. Don't give them extra ways out.
tell me im not the only one who sees the px combination as a cock and balls going into a butthole?
why do you fucks jump straight through drugs and go right to children?
Look at this Podesta e-mail.
It talks about underage children in a pool.
OH! So the Jews come from THIS religion.
The "hot dogs" are slang for the pizza disposal service. Obama's eaten pizza was turned into sausage.
>underage children
The worst kind of children if you ask me.
I prefer 25 year old kids.
Not clicking that shit, sir.
Because Adrenochrome is the ultimate drug.
The "evidence" for this is one sarcastic remark by a guy who hates Obama.
Fucking Trumpists and Russians are still spreading this bullshit.
Fuck you all. Fucking scum.
What? You're afraid of wikileaks? You're more afraid of clicking a wikileaks link than posting on Sup Forums? There's no context where that makes any sense
NSA won't put you on a no-fly list for visiting Sup Forums.
You're absolutely more likely to end up in a list posting here than visiting wikileaks. If you're concerned at all, use a VPN or tor
I would love to know the number of people at this party. That would help a lot to determine how crazy 65k is.
If there were only 500 people or something, it's pretty odd. Even at $13/hotdog that's like 10 hotdogs for every person.
Maybe Sup Forums is not the place, if you can't take cognitive dissonance like all the other losers out there.
Are you fucking someone that was born with a dick?
Yes -> You're a fag
No -> You're a fag but for other reasons
dont give this link to anyone youtube.com
It was a post-inaugural gala in early 2009 for about 1,000 people. See
No he requested the same servers
They are
Hamburger patties
Top kek
They aren't that expansive.
don't search for img scr on Google image search, don't do it anons. Don't turn off safe search either. I really recommend against doing this and don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. Again don't use your favorite search engine and look for images with the search term img scr. Just don't.
What happens, I’m too big of a pussy
Send censored results?
I said don't do it. I didn't and I just want to spread awareness so others don't do it either. These people are sick.
Why not do it though, what are the results? CP?
Its CP
There was a thread last night about it, don't search it. It's probably a key word to put you on a list.
Listen to the leaf. Don't do it. Not even once.
Trumps trips to Mar-a-Lago cost about $7M last year. Why do we allow politicans to waste so much of our money? It's fucked up when Obama does it, it's just as bad when Trump does it.
Too soon.
Delete this.
He is a subversive Marxist agent. They're ALL fucking degenerates . It's not strange that a pizza place that features bands that say they kill children get invited to the fucking white house? They literally make art that shows pizza penises ejaculating.
Pic related: Tranny demon-faggot reading to children at the Michelle Obama library.