Former SS man Oskar Gröning was sentenced in 2016 to 4 years of prison for helping in the murder of 300.000 Jews in Ausschwitz.
He know died in prison.
Former SS man Oskar Gröning was sentenced in 2016 to 4 years of prison for helping in the murder of 300.000 Jews in Ausschwitz.
He know died in prison.
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how long had he been in prison for?
thats gorge soros on the left in that picture you fuck
Apparently, he hadn't gone in yet as of 53 days ago, so it seems he suffered a death sentence, in effect.
Press S to spit on grave. The good guys won ensuring justice, liberty and freedom for all.
Press F to pay respects
Press S to kill your mother in her sleep tonight
oh damn that sucks
>Standortverwaltung und Eigentumsverwaltung
The dude literaly was just there to write how many shoes and clothes they had in storage
Kek, they really got their priorities straight
Rest in Peace sir
wtf I hate the good guys now
How does one low ranking guy kill so many people?
Even James Bond hasn't killed that many people.
F because he was a SS.
S because he ended a cuck.
>German Efficiency
havent you heard that 5 guys were enough to kill the 6 Gorrillion ?
That left the rest of the SS officers with enough time to build the Masturbation machines and Holocoaster
I finally get the meme.
>The miscaptioned photo is easily debunked using a reverse image search. The young man in the Waffen-SS uniform is actually Oskar Groening, a Nazi who served at the Auschwitz concentration camp from 1942 through the end of the war. More than 70 years after this photograph was taken, Groening was found guilty of being an accessory to the murder of at least 300,000 Jews.
Kek why are you right wing retards so easily deceived?
Get wrecked you shitposting loser
George soros was a nazi. When is he getting sent to prison forever?
>Groening was found guilty of being an accessory to the murder of at least 300,000 Jews.
If only it were true
Get out of my country, faggot - WWII GI's kicked fucking Kraut ass, and fuck that old Kraut bastard as well. Kruat's are a county of Muslim dominated cucks, and the fucking Nazis only gave that insane leftist backlash it's raison d'etre.
>Died in prison
RIP Hail.
Worked out pretty fucking well, I'd say - richest, most powerful nation on Earth and the only true superpower (tho the Chinese will be there soon). Everyone else is just butthurt at our success, and I say fuck them. Achmed is running wild over Europe, and it's simply a matter of chicken's coming home to roost - our tangles with him are orders of magnitude less than shit like Paki rape gangs in UK et al.
Holy fuck, america was a mistake
If you say so
not as well as it could have worked out.
not to mention you fucked over a lot of countries in Europe in the process
Haha were the good guys!!! Based black man!! Amirite magapedes?!?! AWOOO!!
>freedom for all
>90% of western europe isn't even allowed to criticize domestic policies without risking fines, imprisonment and violence
to be fair...
1)more people
2)more niggers
you got a Point there
why cant these image creators spell?
>Oskar Gröning
>[he] decided to make his activities at Auschwitz public after learning about Holocaust denial. He has since openly criticised those who deny the events that he witnessed, and the ideology to which he once subscribed. The recorded accounts he provided to the BBC, however, contributed to the decision and ability to prosecute him.
We sure did goyim
Nope, try again, this time using a better source
Funny kraut.
that picture is Oskarr Gröning you retard holy fucking shit OP used it for a reason
I literally just read about this guy yesterday since some fag claimed he was George Soros.
God, I feel fucking bad for this guy.
>Works as a clerk at Auschwitz
>His job is just supposed to be taking stock of incoming inventory and currency
>Accidentally witnesses murders at the camp eventually
>Is so disgusted that he repeatedly asks his boss to be dismissed
>Refused multiple times
>He can't pretend he doesn't know what's going on, and now sees it everywhere at the camp and how they do it so nonchalantly
>Can't quit his job, must watch over this camp
>Cut to 40 fucking years later after moving on with his life
>He overhears some Sup Forumstard in real life denying the Holocaust ever happened
>He clams up, and tells the retard they should have a more in depth talk soon
>He divulges his identity to try and dispel Holocaust denial
>He is rounded up and tried for his crimes for being a fucking CLERK at Auschwitz and just being "aware" of war crimes occurring, like he could fucking do anything
>They send this fucker to jail when he's 90+ years old for 4 years.
>All because he tried to stop people from denying nazi war crimes
I want to barf.
I'm going to be against you faggots for the rest of my life then. It doesn't serve my principles to let this country be ruled by spics and niggers and I'm going to behave according to my principles.
so it was made and gets posted by marxists like most of snopes "debunking" that isnt wrong.
>Sup Forumstard
>debated deniers
That halls of valhalla await him
Pep-pep Jewslayer
>count belongings of a few thousand partly criminal and terrorist inmates during war
>4 years prison
>help rape thousand of children and responsible for several dozen murders
>1-4 years prison
No, the Sup Forumstard denied the Holocaust, Oskar revealed he was a real life nazi after overhearing it(he hadn't previously been aware that Holocaust denial was a thing)
Rest in peace Oskar
Sieg heil \o
The goodness of the goy
>being this good
Himmler speaks of the extermination of the Jews (Audio recording)
Whether they gassed (ahem) jews or not, their extermination was planned. Holocaust is real.
You're preaching to the choir. I'm not sure if you're just misunderstanding me. I'm not a holocaust denier. I'm saying Oskar Groening was jailed for attempting to dispel the myth that nazi war crimes never occurred.
He was a nazi who was upset to learn that people denied nazi war crimes.
Stop being so self important. Jackass.
S for spit
its been like 3 years since this came out, better late than never
Am I seriously supposed to give a fuck about some old dead Nazi?
>get coerced by usual threats of "consequences" and "making things just worse" if he wont campaign against holocaust questioning and debunking
>too old, family
>plays along, making up that tory about debating some denier, says everything they want to hear and adds more "never before heard testimonies"
>did that goy seriously believe we would not make him suffer and let him just die?
>gets burned on stake to force it all over the news again
Thank you for your honorable service sir. We know it's all a scam. One day, your name and many others will be in history books, but this time it will be exposing the lies against you. The Jew will be named in time. Rest in peace.
Are you fucking stupid or something? Is English not your first language?
That's some hot conjecture there, friend.
good, fuck all germans
It’s like you can anti handle banter.
No one believes that retarded story. He was a puppet and part of a sharade to flame the narrative up, he was always in their visor and he thought they would leave him alone if he played along. After he lost his use (((they))) would just show their sadism and backstab him and make him suffer on the deathbed.
Jew smiles as he stabs you in the back
>No one believes that retarded story.
You mean you don't, and other holocaust deniers don't. I believe him. He is a confirmed nazi who was documented at Auschwitz. And not even when old and dying did he ever utter a single word about it being made up.
That's a pretty far fetched sell to tell me he was compelled when you have zero evidence of such and can't even spell "charade" correctly.
"""Based"" KEKistani faggot
The court's greatest mistake was not sentencing him to hang.
Show me your flag goblin
This is why I laugh when American WWII veterans are beaten to death/raped to death by niggers.
Fuck them.
quality boomerposting. good larp.
No one would be butthurt by your success if you weren't a punch of primitive and uncultured barbarians who lucked into a continent of your own off the hard work of actually civilised people. Your "success" (if you can call the mindless worship of money and superficiality that) is based on imported European genius and geographical fluke (bent to crass and perverted ends).
And yeah, you are going to collapse long before Europe does. The UK is so fucked up mostly due to the toxicity of your influence, which has debased that country beyond repair over the past century.
and why was this recorded?
My grandfather had a great time killing his friends during the war.
>grandfather had a great time killing his friends.
friendly fire is bad, user. Your grandpa had problems.
>My grandfather had a great time killing his friends during the war.
You mean
>makes sense since coercion and worse have been common practise to fabricate almost all of the other "testimonies" since and including the Nurenberg trials and this kind of backhanded coercion is used by Jews in their daily busines regardless of the Holocaust, like that kikess who recently tried to rob Spencers unrelated family members out of their property with a "donation", effectively to her, to "distance herself from Nazis" or the kikess may cause problems for the family too.
>My grandfather had a great time killing his friends during the war.
Do you happen to be born with a big nose?
Dude. There was a real plan to exterminate all the jews in occupied Europe.
>Straight from the horse's mouth - not from the horses ass:
why does anybody even care if it happened? To me it's irrelevant, just like the Armenian genocide. It should have zero bearing on European and American policy.
Himmler was a snake.
Nigger faggot