Sawgate 2018

WTF I love the ATF now?

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Archive that shit.

Either the laws apply to everyone equally or you abolish them. Anyone who disagrees with this should be lined up against a wall.


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I don't have the heart to hope, but it would be great. The only way I see her getting in trouble is if she only cut the barrel and stopped there.

>WTF I love the ATF now?
Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative: "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law."

I doubt she, "finished the job" like the article says. Why would she not film herself putting 3 diagonal cuts with a torch each, removing .25" of material, when she is obviously doing this for the attention. I hope the ATF shoots her dog and her husband.

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>a DEMOCRAT gets the NFA abolished

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It's funny and it helps demonstrate the absurdity of NFA law to normies
That being said, she will face no repercussions beyond a stern warning AT BEST

Get the fuck out of here with those quads. We don't need that shit happening.

This isn't going anywhere and I think you all know it.

They know it, theyre just e-bating

Let us dream.

Time to wake up.

Alright, time to riot in the streets, then.

The ATF executed Sam and Vicki weaver for doing this to a couple shotguns

Nothing is going to happen faggots.

>because we needed the 100th concurrent thread on this

Let it be so.

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Calling it now, the ATF "investigation" will entail them giving her a call and saying something to the effect of "Hey we are going to stop by next week and ask you some questions, btw we really hope you cut that rifle up a bit more with a torch because we'd hate to have to take you to jail." They will show up and the rifle will be torch cut into lots of bits and they will nod their heads and say "Yep no crime here. Everything is in order." and that will be the end of it.

Remember to use those foia requests so we can prove the aye tee eff utilizes selective enforcement

4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4
of truth :'(

Exactly. In an ideal world I hope she wouldn't be prosecuted because the NFA wouldn't exist. But since it does she needs to follow the bullshit rigid guidelines that law abiding gun owners have to deal with regularly, including fines and imprisionment for commiting a felony, whether intentionally or not.

You don't. Because she won't get prosecuted. They'll cite "Ignorance of the law" and move on

You fell back asleep, wake up again.

Fuck the mods

Serious question, why cut the barrel? The gun can still shoot with a destroyed barrel. Either it’ll blow up in your hand or shoot in a wide range. How dumb do you have to be to think destroying the barrel will destroy the gun?

IDK that black rifle become an ultra short baby killing high capacity machine for 60sec before it was destroyed.

Those 60 sec deserve the mandatory minimum 20 years in federal ass rape prison if you ask me.

>ass rape prison
Stop projecting your fantasies, ladyboi

did they shoot her dogs?

Have they shot her dogs yet?

lots of reasons
>replace barrel, still working rifle after political gimmick
>barrel is most obvious part of a gun to retards
>removing the barrel symbolically represents castrating male aggression

guys chill the fuck out, they will kill her dogs when they are good and ready, jeezus it's like Sup Forums is filled with children. The dogs are gonna die sweetheart, maybe not on your snowflake schedule, but it's gonna happen.