ITT: Best couples

ITT: Best couples



Is ABP any good?

If you like Sento, yes.
If you don't, no.
I really like Sento, so I enjoyed it a lot.



Me and this cute bote


>best boy & masturbator







Why do you ship these two? Do you self insert as him?



My waifu and I, any other answer is unaceptable

She's dead though

Not in my heart, she is not

>Not liking Sento

Is such a thing even possible?

I used to think I didn't like her, but I think I have a soft spot for her since she resembles my wife.
Last night I even had a dream where something bad happened to her in one of the newest volumes, and I felt bad about it for that reason.

Who is your wife?

>not kanye x latifa

user and his waifu.

post more /u/ I want to derail this thread.




pffft Kino didn't even remember him when they crossed paths again








The gayest magical girls





Jesus Christ, user.


Latifa already lost. Kanye and Sento are already canon as fuck.


c-cute !

Rebellion literally gave me depression.

She remember his dick.




poor Takahiro
I want to read YKK again



is this show worth finishing, i think this is from amagi, ive quit at about 4-5 episodes in.... anyone?




The film was like a bad dream you keep waking up from - I'm just exhausted. I love how the cutesy, carefree depictions of Homura/Madoka never actually happen, but just become more of an impossibility. To think I didn't think much of the original series.



After all shit they went through, kinda envy for them.



My waifu and me

Me with your waifu

Me and me

Me with you while your waifu slowly bleeds out

fuck you

Me and you, user.

Wasn't she a dyke



do people still remember this show, the main romance has got to be my favourite in anime thus far.


I'm still glad.

Best ship right here




Definitely this one


oh yes




But what would their babies look like??

great taste


>Latifa already lost. Kanye and Sento are already canon as fuck.
Gatoh really doesn't know how to write love triangles. Basically he just naturally deviate towards the relationship that felt right and the third wheel is left out.

As it should be. Fuck love triangles and the needless drama it brings.


>Tadayasu actually asked Kei out
>Kei refused
Years later I'm still mad

It's brilliant

>2nd ova never


>marrying kami-sama