All the ambulances in the world couldn't save Bleach

All the ambulances in the world couldn't save Bleach.

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Member when bleach was comfy ghostbusters?

No, you're going to need-

Literally Rukia 2.0 coming through.

I might be a Bleach hater but I must admit, this is one of the very few good scenes.


>hating bleach
Now now. We're not in drama class

Still hurts

why does every anime with a long run time eventually lose its identity and become Dragon Ball Z?

What do you mean? Dragon Ball is a comedy manga.

I always liked those title cards at the beginning of each episode, the final opening using them was a nice touch

i mean how it always ends up with mega powered DBZ type battles with the fate of the world at stake. bleach started out as kids just fighting supernatural crime in their neighborhood and then eventually became a series of god fights where every time someone swings their sword they destroy half of a city. same with naruto starting out as ninjas performing diplomacy and espionage missions for their village, one piece starting out as pirates hunting for treasure, fairy tail starting out as wizards going on bounty missions. they all drop their initial settings and themes and turn into massive world ending battle simulators

Battle Shounen Manga is far from "every anime" although until the relatively recent popularity of moe it was the most popular genre in the medium.

But to answer your question it's due to escalation, MC defeated enemy A, therefore enemy B has to be stronger than A to keep the plot interesting (otherwise there would be no tension). When the author is good he can keep the power-levels in check, however most manga-ka are retarded and like to throw around statements like "strongest in the world/universe/whatever", Toriyama is of course guilty of that but so is Togashi and Tite Kubo.

The problem with this statement is that is usually said by a character with enough authority/knowledge that it's nearly impossible for them to not know if there was a stronger anything anywhere.

Bleach has many more problems like the generic powers (everyone has the same fucking powers unlike Naruto and OP where even side-characters have unique traits).

He probably means powerlevels being the end all be all in every fight, constant flashy escalations, and constant ass pulls

I dunno man. Dragon Ball was a comedy manga.

Literally a poor man's version of Yusuke.
That scene only cemented it.

Fuck Kubo.

But Yusuke had a small pee pee

>Dragon Ball Z
>Dragon Ball
Yeah, they're the same shit anyway

Fuck I got baited :^(

I miss 00's protags

I don't know. Never finished the dragon ball z manga because there's a billion different versions and it wasn't that great to begin with. I like the original DB though. But Gantz did the whole bringing back dead people game better.

Dragon Ball is essentially just a rewrite of Journey to the West. After the original series it becomes a never-ending "who has the biggest power level" contest, presumably because the author couldn't come up with anything better

>tfw you were literally in grade school when Bleach was good, nearly an entire decade ago

Just fucking leave it alone Kubo, it's already dead.

>until the relatively recent popularity of moe
There are actually people making ignorant shitposts like this on Sup Forums now with impunity. Sad.

He said Z not Dragon Ball



What is this from?

Bleach turned into Soul Society shit early on. The whole 'It was comfy crime" shit is misleading. That was a hot minute before the obvious plot about where Rukia came from kicked in.

>recent popularity of moe
From the beginning of anime's existence is not recent.

from one of the later fillers

unironically the best animated arc of the anime too shit looked like a fucking movie

Pierrot delivers

too bad the plot was shit but main girl was fappable enough to compensate

But that is a main girl(man).

actually forgot that part to be honest

Because kids eat it up. By the time the manga is over a new generation of kids are going to eat up the next manga that turns into DBZ. It's an endless cycle.

damn that opening always gives me feels

>unlike Naruto
Oh look giant monster fight
Oh look giant monster fight
Oh look giant monster fight
Oh look giant monster fight
Oh look giant monster fight between shit tons of giant monsters

I'd say yusuke without the fun. Ichigo never had fun with shit

The most memorable joke in bleach

it wasn't good when it was comfy ghostbusters. Everybody likes SS arc the most

wasn't that like the first 3 episodes though?

No, it's like 7 volumes of the manga.

fuck dude, I had some good times watching bleach as a kid with my aunt and cousins. Fucking Kubo.

Gintama is running good

I miss my comfy Thursdays..

>tfw I was literally a senior in high school when Bleach was good, nearly a decade ago

>all those happenings wasted with a rushed axed ending
Watching a fun shonen go to shit and get axed is like going through an RPG, leveling and grinding, only to fuck up the builds and run into a game breaking bug.

God this scene looks so visually crap compared to the manga

Yeah plebshitters like you that should blow your brains out
Patricians likes the first arc the best

>Dragon Ball is a comedy manga.
Fuck you

>“One of the other big reasons I liked Journey to the West as an influence was because with Dr. Slump the story mainly happened on something like the West Coast of the U.S., as in the environment and overall setting. However, as we were trying to start something new I thought we needed an almost opposite setting. In those days, China was not a popular topic in manga and I thought that would make us stand out, by being unique and fresh. So we wanted to have the story operate in a very different world from that of Dr. Slump, so the opposite of California for me was something like China.

>“I wanted to make the whole thing completely different in fact. The opposite of Dr. Slump. The protagonist wouldn't be a girl but a boy. Move the setting from California to China. Change the focus from comedy to story."

>same with naruto starting out as ninjas performing diplomacy and espionage missions for their village
Naruto started with Nine-Tails Fox

>Bleach turned into Soul Society shit early on.
No it took like 50+ chapters which is at least a year in publication. Early on Bleach was a horror/comedy monster-of-the week manga with a bit of continuation here and there

The whole "Rukia had a purpose" plot came way later and wasn't really planned at all.

Power creep isn't even really a problem in Bleach though. Fights in Bleach are generally decided by who's weirdly specific ability happens to be a hard-counter to the other's, there's only a few guys that can just outmuscle everyone around them.

Bleach's real problem is that it introduced too many characters. The first major arc introduces the entire Gotei 13 at once, meaning 20+ characters even if you only include captains and lieutenants. And then they all become Ichigo's allies, meaning that even more badguys need to be introduced in the next arc so that there can be any tension whatsoever, and immediately you've got this situation where there's a million literal whos fighting each other while the protagonist stays offscreen for dozens of chapters at a time and meanwhile no significant plot or character developments are happening because just keeping up with who's fighting who and drawing all those battles is already more than most mangaka could reasonably keep up with.

>dragon ball z manga
No such thing unless you're referring to Viz's arbitrary bullshit split for the burger audience

>After the original series it becomes a never-ending "who has the biggest power level" contest
That's how it was in OG DB too you dumb shitter
Sure you didn't get the power level numbers but it still played a huge role.

The difference is that it was good back then and in fact it is still very good until the end of the Freeza saga. After Freeza it just declines massively.

Huh I didn't really remember this joke at all
Funniest joke to me was the Urahara blood wall thing

>Fights in Bleach are generally decided by who's weirdly specific ability happens to be a hard-counter to the other'
Like what. What fights in bleach were ever like that rather than a simple contest of speed/power.

>That one time Chad and Rukia teamed up

>the call that saved Soul Society

How would you rate Bleach if it had ended after the SS ark, maybe adding a final fight with aizen then and there on the Sōkyoku Hill?

One Piece didn't though,still has the same atmosphere and sense of adventure it always had.

even dragonball became dragonball z lul


Who else currently playing this?

We'll you're making the claim, what fights are decided by pure strength and power?

I can think of a few. Any with Zaraki Kenpachi, but that's his specific gimmick. And then Ichigo vs Ulquirra, but that had a specific sub-plot where we had reason to believe Ichigo was not stronger and then he mysteriously gained overwhelming ass fuck amounts of power for at the time unexplainable reasons. So it's kinda different. Really just Kenpachi fights. Which aren't even bad btw.

Oh and ascended Aizen vs Soul Society. Not vs Ichigo. But that was just hype for the character. The ignoring shikai or bankai with reiatsu thing IS genuinely retarded, granted. That's the worst decision of the series before that last arc.


It did seem like it was falling into DBZ syndrome with some of the first few post-timeskip arcs and Film Z, but WCI is the first time since Thriller Bark that the series has felt like classic One Piece

this picture always makes me so sad.

I prefer the other one.

>le monster of the week was the best

Just stop. There's a point where contrarianism has gone too far.

Anyone actually wanna see this in anime form? I do, but ehhh... feels like interest died long ago, especially with live action adaptation movie.

Bad authors


>Bleach has many more problems like the generic powers (everyone has the same fucking powers unlike Naruto and OP where even side-characters have unique traits).

Everybody also likes SAO so fuck off


SS arc was terrible and anyone who says otherwise is braindead

>The ignoring shikai or bankai with reiatsu thing IS genuinely retarded
It never really happened aside from that one instance where Aizen wiped out the cleaner.
Against Soi-fon he just made it so her needle couldn't inject poison into his body.
For some reason the anime made him negate the effects of the poison all together when in the manga he just tanked the needle.

It is the best though.
Why else do you think Jojo is hailed as an all time great?

>"Now you feel like number one" starts playing in the background

What are the odds that SJ gives the anime a better ending if it gets greenlit again?

The only way I'd watched the anime again anyways is if it diveredgws and did its own things, Kubo is a hack

There are arrancar in paradise lost already?
I wonder if they'll reach bloodwar characters like brave souls.

>What are the odds that SJ gives the anime a better ending if it gets greenlit again?
You mean perriot.
Anyway since they're a bunch of IRfags they'll probably just swap the pairings and call it a day like a bunch of morons.

Not a shipfag, but it would be hilarious if Bleach had two versions of the Hall of Anal Devestation. Both diadems wiuodnbe eternally BTFO

Sorry had a stroke , both sides would be*

the anime will just be considered non canon by the fans besides the more delusional rukiafags who will cling to anything they can get.

IchiRuki 4ever!!!

Who will Orihime and Renji end up with in the anime? Ishida for Orihime and Renji's left hand for Renji?

>the anime will just be considered non canon by the fans
depends on how superior the ending is.
If it has an "and everyone dies" ending to go in line with the series themes and such I'm sure most people will consider it more canon than the manga's ending because it actually stays true to the series.

>"and everyone dies" ending
>go in line with the series themes

and even if that happens, it will just lead to the character reincarnating to the human world again or just going to soul society.

>and even if that happens, it will just lead to the character reincarnating to the human world again or just going to soul society.
If the soul king dies too and nobody repalces it all souls will just get erased from existence or something

Post Aizen.

mayuri will be successful in getting the zanpaktou spirits to manifest and he can get it on with zabimaru.

I always worry that the day I'll have to call an ambulance, I'll be overly calm and they'll think it's a prank.

it was a good time

Yes, I too remember when Bleach was boring and going nowhere.

Orihime > Yoruichi > Soi Fon

This is true, indisputable fact.
