Why would jews want to the islamification of the west? Wouldn't that give muslims the confidence to rid of the jews once and for all?
Why would jews want to the islamification of the west...
there are some red pilled Jews who actually talk about this, I know some user has the video of the kabbalah guy talking about this
Muslims are very Jewish themselves.
Yes but jews cannot help themselves. they are blood thirsty right now, and want to eradicate whites and Christianity above all else
You type like a foreigner. Show your real flag.
Stop asking this question
It is very simple.
Many people ask well why would Jews want this? That doesn't make sense. So they don't believe it. However, Jewish leaders and politicians do in fact advocate the Islamisation of Europe which serves 2 purposes: 1. Forces European jews to migrate to Israel which is desireable for the Jewish state. A record number of jews have already settled down in Israel in recent
years because of the influx of Muslims to Europe. Muslim hating newcomers will support the state's far right policies and they will be great recruits for the Israeli army which will have an easier job engulfing more and more Palestinian
lands. 2. Islamisation weakens Europe and genocides white natives. The USA's congress is full of US-Israeli dual citizen congressmen who serve Israel's interests. An economically powerful and independent Europe is not controllable and not
beneficial for Israel (and the USA). Israel only needs the US as an ally and they want Europe to be a subordinate vassal, and not an equal, problematic partner. You know with jews you lose but not if you kill them first.
The problem is that the Jews actually believe in their own prophesies that there will be a huge war between them and (gog and magog) and that they will win so this is inevitable.
In reality the Jews will just become exterminated.
Islamification will take care of the white man. The Muslims will be cattle to the Zionists
jews dont plan ahead. they act for short term gains.