How many more scandals have to come out of our kids being attacked and groomed by these dirty shits before we actually do something. Our freedom of speech is under attack to the point that e-celebs with right leaning views are not even allowed into the UK to share their views. Our pathetic nation sits back and just ignores when it comes out that hundreds and thousands of white British kids are attacked.
It's about time that we start compiling lists of the dirty traitors of the the British people. I'm talking politicians,, police commisioners, councillors and any other important figure that has anything to do with selling out our country. We've sat back for way too long and done fuck all but watch our once great nation fall apart.
The thing I don't understand the most is how this has gone on for so long and no-one has retalliated. If my daughter/cousin/sister was ever touched or groomed by these dirty shitskins I would of rounded them all up and tortured the cunts. Where are these girls fathers/uncles/brothers. It's about time we retaliate.
I feels sorry for kids. Their older generation fucked them over with their support to Pakistan/terrorists/Islamists.
As for Pakis, hope they get fucked in ass with a pineapple.
Andrew Rodriguez
You guys fight over soccer matches, but won't knuckle down on child raping shitskins. If you keep your mouths shut, you could beat the fuck out of the ones that occupy your transit systems. I have seen videos of them assaulting and making crude comments to Brit women.
Logan Hernandez
Like every other Western country, people have become so apathetic and disconnected with one another that the only way anything will happen that will actually change things is if most peoples' everyday lives get fucked up to the point they can't ignore everything anymore.
Aaron Russell
It's sickening, how much longer does this list have to grow and yet the people that want to stand up against this mass immigration which has completely changed the face of Europe are detained and deported from our country. It won't be long till Tommy Robinson is killed also and it will be the police and medias fault. Every movement that comes out that speaks out against this is instantly marked as racist and banned. Our pathetic police state is more interested in policing the internet for "hate speech" instead of attacking the real problems we have here.
What you don't seem to realise, is this grooming, is a worldwide phenomena. It's a scandal here, it's a crime here. The police did not do their job, failed the public. Which is also a crime. In Europe, it's not even a crime. So no reports, no one jailed.
Lucas Jackson
Their soccer fans are being directed into fighting each other for silly little things like match outcomes and flags and scarves by government agents, I can see no other explanation.
In russia a shitskin inadvertently killed a fan in a drunk fight, the next few day all kinds of shitskins were literally being stomped on in the streets and police wasn't even able to help them. Whne Rotterdam was in the news has anything happened? Exactly. Mother fuckers are dumb misled goyim not much above than the soy boyim.
Zachary Jenkins
uk will be a high intensity warzone in 10-12 years. maybe sooner. screenshot this.
Evan Wright
quintessentially british aren't they.
Michael Powell
Yeah, I am shocked this shit doesn't go on more often. I saw a video in London where a Muslim came into a pub and started preaching and dumping out beers. If that happened here in South Boston, he would be beaten severely and nobody would talk. I don't get why a bunch of them can't mask up and hit the streets and dish out some good ol' fashioned beatings. Nothing too severe, but enough to make them feel unwelcome.