
ENTP fag here

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I'm surprised anybody watched Nabari no Ou.

tell me a joke

ENTJ here :)

(should probably get to read Berserk, one day...)

you'll need a week to spare

I like you

>INTJs lead again

There's no time to explain! Post you're type and you're waifu!


more of a crush that never left.


>the virgin newfag troll
I still don't get it.

i'm a capricorn, op. we're practical, ambitious and patient.

Something you can relate to.

What is this, MAL?

who else /working class drone/ here?

Is it okay if you and your waifu have the same type?



But all of them sort of make sense.
INTJ - virgin newfag troll doesn't.

I was happier when I was NEET and scored INTJ all those years ago.

Is the MBTI just horoscopes for people who shit on horoscope?

ENFP btw

Sometimes got ENTP, sometimes got INTP. INTP's been a lot more consistent lately.

>limiting yourself to all the possibilities
Have my favorite girl of the season instead.

INTJ. Through secret techniques I have discovered that my waifu (pic related) is an ENFJ.

INFP. I don't have a waifu. I just genuinely enjoy watching anime.

Pic related is the closest I hate to a waifu. Not because I chose her but, I didn't even try to roll for her and got her NP5.

INTP, Rika

Meant to quote

Not only am I a workaholic I never have fun

Right on time my brethren.

Jisatsu Circle reenactment when?


>Mopst people on Sup Forums are INTP and INTJ
Why am i not surprised (intp btw)

I don't really have a waifu

>ENFP waifu


ISTP here. Used to get INTP when younger.

Don't ever call Doumeki a rei clone again you fucking pig.

never seen it but does he act like jotaro or guts?

INTP. The blue one.

Neither but if I had to pick he's like a guts that doesnt talk as much and doesn't have his life ruined. Now that I think of it that way he might be a bit like guts.

like impersonal deadpan

the field of psychology in general is astrology for people who shit on astrology. equally inductive.

>using Nena Trinity for a picture of a whore
OP confirmed to be a faggot.




Apparently INTJ, waifu is pic related.

What's my diagnosis doc?


There is no cure for what you have.

I think I'm INTP


What's wrong with me doc?

Don't play around.


Don't worry, it is still possible to live a fulfilling life with your condition. However, there will never be a cure for great taste. Just remember to take your medicine everyday. Here, have a dose.

good taste

I'm INTP but I never felt like I really was INTP, I don't really relate to the INTP description and I'm pretty different from every INTP I've seen online.

I took multiple tests throughout my life and I always get INTP, no matter the test.

IDK, I feel weird, anyone else like that?

ENFP, at your service

Thanks doc, I'll be sure to take my daily dose as prescribed.

Iv done the same and I think that's normal for us,Iv even tried taking the test through the day under different conditions(understress,after a fap, before bed,workout etc.) and it's mostly the same unless I hangout with friends and have a good day which throws me off baseline.

Good motherfucking taste, motherfucker.

Nipah here.

That's a good lad

I am ISTJ I think. I haven't taken a test since high school since they're bullshit. extroverts should get the fuck off Sup Forums though.

it's bullshit if you look at it too close.


Went from in introvert fag to ESFP fag after a year of college.

that responses was for this guy



this is where al the INT's congregate, that much hasn't changed. INTP last i checked.
I feel like she would cover my weaknesses without making me uncomfortable.

ok bro, is there gonna be a problem here? or do you want we should each take half? i'll take Myon if needed.


Because "descriptions" don't define types. They just say "based on this and this, you MAY be this". Anyone who relies on descriptions or shitty online tests to type themselves is doing it wrong.

>Sup Forums
>INxx majority
ideas are powerful things


>tfw still the only ISFJ
Do I belong here?

You're fine, I guess.

INTP if anyone cares

>Do I belong here?
No but we belong with you

yeah basically

I'm enjoying the new anime.

I've always associated the intelligent nihilistic meme with INTJ.

What the hell am I reading

We belong here user.

Roughly same shit as /jp/ except Sup Forums has more "I feel like" and /jp/ has more "It is this/that"

>implying it isn't just 20 autists that are "too smart" for "friends"

Ideas can be of romance,love, passions, ideologies etc as well has theoretical/factual based.

which anime is kinda good at presenting.

through stories of course.

>The rei clone
this is so wrong

it's a sample anyway


I just want friends and visually appealing anime.

Guess my MBTI

I'm in a similar boat.

I used to get INTJ back when I was in school and happier, but now I only get INTP after having joined the workforce. Becoming a wage slave was a mistake.

this, Rei is ISTJ as fuck

>no clues
>I just want friends
>visually appealing anime
what were the last 5 anime series you've watch in the last few months


It always changes whenever i take those stupid tests but last time i got ENTP with a slight ENFP leaning (I got like 1 point higher in T or something)
anyways post correct version

Do you have link of the thread?


I'm not sure if it's good I got the same result as my waifu or not though.