Think of an anime

Got it? Now summarize that anime's plot using only Sup Forums board names. Hard mode: no /h/.
I'll start: /adv/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums

Sup Forums + /u/

/biz/ & /r9k/

/vr/, /c/

/trv/ /out/ /o/ /fit/ /asp/ /sci/ /x/


fuckin this

Initial D?

/vg/ Sup Forums /k/ /jp/ Sup Forums

did I do good?

/fit/ /fa/ /x/ /qst/ Sup Forums

Should be an easy one

jojo's silly sojourn

/his/ /bant/

>no /diy/
one fucking job op


or was that too easy?


/trash/ would be enough


/c/ /u/ /ck/

Sup Forums /x/ /sci/ /soc/ /r9k/

Good enough

Dragon Ball/Z.

/out/ /trv/ /k/ /o/

>went to seriously think about a cooking show with cute lesbians
>Koufuku Graffiti? Ben-To?
>oh wait it's just spelling out cuck

I was actually thinking of Koufuku Graffiti. Good job.

/sci/ /k/ /x/ /u/ Sup Forums

/3/ + Sup Forums + /u/

/trv/ /out/ /w/ /k/ /ck/

show by rock or kemono friends?

/c/ /u/ /u/

/c/ Sup Forums /k/ /e/

None of these.
OP said to summarize the plot. I don't see how any of these two would be related to /3/.

you forgot /lgbt/ and Sup Forums

/m/ /o/ /fit/ /x/

It's from the early 2000s

Yuru Yuri?

Berg Katze is more Sup Forums than Sup Forums though. Insight never fucking happened.

/u/ /u/ shiki

Sup Forums /jp/ /c/

The Big O?

No it's only tentatively /m/ material

/biz/ /his/ /an/

Spice and Wolf

/ck/ /trv/ /tg/

Made in Abyss


New game.

No and you can add /qst/


Oh and I screwed up it only has a manga.





>Sup Forums

Was thinking about Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou.
This is a hard game.

ZZ Gundam

Why /w/?


/fa/ /fit/ /asp/ /trv/

Because it's pretty nice.


You forgot Sup Forums

Try this for size:

/sci/ Sup Forums /u/ /t/



Never seen an anime mentioning bittorenting.



/x/ /k/ /his/ /u/ /y/

/m/ with a dash of /asp/ and a bit of /c/

Was not sure what else to do...

Mouretsu Pirates


/k/, /tg/, /x/, Sup Forums

G Gundam



Not quite, I'll give you guys one more guess.

/k/ /his/ Sup Forums Sup Forums /c/

Majestic Prince?

/u/, /k/, inverse-Sup Forums

Okay I cheated a little but I'm fucking amazed this exists. And great pick user.

Nope, not quite.

/u/ /m/ Sup Forums

Hint: tamashii

If not GATE then I need to know what so I can watch the fuck out of it.

Better not be Tanya

Sup Forums Sup Forums /u/

Eureka Seven

God damnit, I have no idea why I did not think of that.



Outbreak company?

/x/ + /e/

No worries Mon Amis

Here is an easy one:
/k/ /biz/ /ss/

/m/+Sup Forums

/x/ /d/ /sci/ Sup Forums

fuck why didn't I think of that

/r9k/ + /m/ + /adv/

/fa/ + /fit/ with a bit of /trv/

/c/ + /an/ + /out/

/out/ /trv/ /x/ /wg/

Better not be kemono friends

Black lagoon?

Sup Forums /o/ /adv/ /his/ /u/ /y/

Close, think of the other show with the same focus.

Of course it is!