Look at this disgusting provocation of violence!
Lauren Southern CLEARLY deserved to get banned from the UK
Other urls found in this thread:
No one cares
Anyone who doesn't side with the Mozzies against the sodomites is seriously stupid. Mozzies are not forcing Christians to bake their cakes, etc.
>women in politics at any level
But Allah is a gay god.
Lauren "Southern"
Changes name from Simonsen
Gets nose job
Lip injections
Dyes hair blond
>when you forget to change IP between your 2nd and 3rd posts
And smelly and brown.
>Trump goes to visit UK
>Brings Lauren Southern along
>They block her at customs
>Trump cancels his state visits, turns around and leaves with her
>"American solidarity"
>Media outrage on an epic scale
How dare she say such things in the Great British Caliphate?
The biggest question here is... what colour and style of panties was she wearing when she did this?
Take note: There is a brit flag faggot shilling for Lauren in every one of these threads. He is most likely her cock smoking faggot video editor who goes by the name Caolan.
>implying she was wrong
She is a roastie so it's thongs or nothing.
Are you ever going to leave this place, moarpheus?
>he doesn't want to spread the Poz to Gayslims
These Muslims will get used to the poz and general non-gender conforming queer folk.
>they think Sharia will win against the Poz
Oh sweetie, if you only knew about the covert feminization & sterilization programs
The guy is basically confirming his belief that muslims are homophobic and react violently to unpleasant opinions
HOMOS are sick and deranged individuals.
We agree with Muslims on the Faggot Question.
Go back to r3ddit faggot.
>random capitalization
Yep, it's moarpheus
her trying to join the UK via France and getting rejected was just a publicity stunt
she knew she would be barred from entering
>"purpose of provoking a response and possibly a violent one"
Is the cuck saying there is a potential for violence in the UK over claiming Allah is a homosexual? Sounds like the UK is a powder keg. It is almost like importing millions of Muslims was a bad idea.
Not only that, I guarantee nobody there bats an eye if she had the exact same message but instead of "Allah" it was Jesus Christ or God or whatever with a cross at her stand.
I'm an atheist and I think the double standard is retarded. If these people are fine with shitting all over Christianity, why are they so defensive about Islam? Because they're afraid of a violent reaction, and they know christians aren't going to kill people over it.
don't forget she's a coal burner
Someone spam him all the pictures at gay pride parades where gay muslims have "Allah is gay" signs.
Yes, and the responsibility lies with Lauren, she should know better than to be inflammatory.
Most of them have been buggered by their uncles by 12. It's why they get so upset about it.
To be fair, trolling bongland with gay vs muz is hilarious.
also, would like to point out that all of these people are misgendering her as "she" when he is legally a man.
Subversive whore. The problem with islam is that they are shitskins and it's just an all around disgusting foreign religion. Being anti gay is a positive quality. Being pro gay isn't a western/white value, it's a jewish/babylonian mystery school value.
Is he saying that Allah hates gays?
Is he saying that Muslims are intolerant and violent?
What did he mean by this?
You don't have to like Lauren to be against what you faggots are doing. I wouldn't mind if you just gave up the ruse that you guys are a free country because you're clearly more interested in sucking muzzie cock than taking care of your own citizens anymore. Wrongthink and it's off to the gulag with you, should've taken up child rape instead.
>responsibility lies with...
>should know better than to be inflammatory
What you cucks do not understand is that you imported literal Islamic savages under the guise of a "Liberal Progressive Diversity" agenda. You never seem to grasp the reality that now you are enforcing censorship upon yourselves for the sake of not angering the savage Muslims. What is going to stop your opponents from using the savages against you? All it takes is a "Allah is a Faggot" social media campaign to spark a war in your country. Are you going to shutdown the internet to keep that from happening? Do you want the entire world to censor itself to keep you cucks from being massacred by your Islamist pals?
You leftist will come to realize your push for a self-destructive "Diversity" agenda has become our greatest weapon.
I doubt she always wears thongs.
I suspect she has a wonderful collection of beautiful, feminine and pretty panties all tucked away in a drawer with little sachets of her perfume to make them an absolute godsend.
Sigh...one day I'll know what panties she has on.
Gay means happy, faggot.
>OMG why isn't the UK taking my obvious bad faith arguments and actions at face value!?
There is a very clear difference from banning someone from your nation, rather than allowing them to enter and then kidnapping them. This isn't the first time Britain has done this to an America citizen. This is NK style bullshit.
Is the government implying there's anything wrong with being a gay god?
Fucking bigots
how is that racist
oh wait it's because she's white and she said something
fuck the UK
It is not just that they are doing this but why they are doing this. They have a well known and very serious problem with Muslims that forces the Brits to censor themselves to prevent terror attacks. This is not going away and will only get worse.
Of course not his huge Jewish ego won't let him.
Lauren is /our little girl/
These fag enabling subversive civnat kikes want people to think that the problem with the muslims is that they are not feminists or gay acceptant. That is not the problem with them. The problem with them is that they are NOT WHITE and that they are IN WHITE COUNTRIES. Being anti feminist and anti gay are POSITIVE QUALITIES. It's subversion. They want WNs to start defending FAGGOTRY and feminism as white/western values. It's a PSYOP, and these people are subversive OPERATIVES.
siding with invaders is completely unacceptable no matter the reason
>All it takes is a "Allah is a Faggot" social media campaign to spark a war in your country.
we should push this honestly, it would wake them up
This fat retard is the biggest cunt on the planet.
They go forever sleep
>luton exposed
what is the deal with luton? Is is the designated free speech area in the UK ot someting?
It's called holding leftists to their own standards.
That pic looks like a gay parade to me. Not even one woman. All islam marches look like that.
The UK and Europe is a powder keg due to these mass immigration of Muslim policies. Even Merkel is at a point she has to admit there are issues and she has been a powerhouse behind the suicidal policies.
All of the leftist thought the complaints about Muslims being imported into Europe was only a "Muh White Europe" problem. Clearly they did not realize or maybe they did that once they imported literally millions of fresh off the battlefield Middle East and African Muslims things were going to be ok.... they are severely mistaken.
>All of the leftist thought the complaints about Muslims being imported into Europe was only a "Muh White Europe" problem.
wait, it isnt?
They're morons then. Islam is a religion dominated by males; it's obviously going to be an aggresive group of people, who will push their backwards culture down your throat and try to subverse your way of life. But most leftists don't understand that, and even go so far as to accept their backward practices.
>their women are ok with covering up
>it's just part of their culture
>it's not because they have been brainwashed and terrified by male dominance since birth
This is the kind of messed up justifications leftists go through. The propaganda machine of the west ((())) understands the true game though. They know that the children of these immigrants are going to be slowly converted to western values, so much so that most females will ditch the cover up mentality in a couple of generations. They seek to have one culture for the world, and it is a propaganda controlled culture, not religion based.
Allah is just Arabic for God.
To expect only Muslims which are a small minority to rise against a kike coming from another continent to call God a homosexual shows how cucked and degenerate Anglos are.
Based Muzzies, I'm proud of them.
read this thread guys, my fuckin god, how delusional can you get?
Why would words provoke a violent response from civilized people? Are they, dare I say it, not actually civilized?
Yes he is saying Allah hates gays which is true, and that Muslims will not applause you for calling their God gay.
In short even him knows that Muslims are based.
muslim ghetto
her tactics are too dangerous, our propaganda officers know this
ok so if the thing is something like this:
1. We are a diverse open country that values liberalism and free speech to the point that:
2. We tolerate hardlines muslim marches with ISIS flags, etc.....
what are your speech guidelines? why are muslims allowed to openly proclaim that they want to takeover but a white person cannot say "I wanna keep this nation European"?
Why are anti muslim shitposters arrested but muslims chanting in the street about how happy they are about dead soldiers are not? Has the law changed recently?
making a gay joke about imaginary god.
which may cause their new upright citizens to get mad and start being violent.....cuz they are so civilized and all
No. Importing millions of fresh off the battlefield Muslims brings with them more issues than simple demographic replacement. These savages are so unstable that a cartoon has sparked literal massacres. There is much more a play than many on Sup Forums have began to grasp.
I think many people believe these millions of Muslims being imported is the end all be all of this policy. This is just the beginning. Once these first waves are established there are millions more to come. Those Muslims are not going to be Westernized and the Muslims here now will not be acceptable in the eyes of Islam. This is only giving these invaders a foot into the door.
So what is the solution? If twitter is anything to go by the white brits simply dont care at all or defend it.