why does this upset Sup Forums so much?
Why does this upset Sup Forums so much?
Nathaniel Reed
Grayson Collins
They don't like people thinking outside the box
Nicholas Foster
>go to get a job
>they drug test
>go home and have a bowl
Jacob Wright
Did the same thing yesterday
Jason Turner
it doesn't
Chase Clark
Have to take a drug test sometime this week.
Haven't smoked in 2 weeks, and I'm an infrequent user (1 or 2 times a week)
I think I can do it bros
Daniel Nguyen
drink some vinegar
Eli Gray
Many Jews have alcohol interests, Sup Forums has a lot of them watching.
Landon Torres
Because a lot of us have seen it ruin lives and it lowers testosterone and consequently lowers fertility. Have a family.
Jackson Ross
get a construction job. smoke on lunch breaks with the rest of them.