Share your secrets to feeling great about life!
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What not to do
this must be the fourth time now where i've totally relapsed over the course of a month and lost all the self improvement gains I made, not only that, but I'm not willing to make them back anymore
any tips on how to get over the fear of suicide?
>implying ours wont
Nice trips btw Satan.
great b8 m8 i r8 8/8
excercise guys, seriously.
Any activity that'll make you feel like you're dying is good
Find out why you are allowing yourself to be unworthy of success.
seems like a drastic change in personality.
Since starting to work on myself in late August till today I have:
>changed to a higher paying job
>recently got promoted and got a raise
>started lifting 3-4 days a week
>got a gf recently
Plan on moving out by the end of the year, already saved up money to travel a bit. Life seems to be going upward bros
Lifting, reducing added sugar in diet, and cold showers have done wonders for alleviating my depression and social anxiety. Limiting porn use also helps a lot.
Still blaze, though. I love that shit.
Fuck off.
You can't force me to improve myself
what if I live in the middle of nowhere and finding people my age to socialize with is a rare occurance
Does weed actually affect mood? Proofs?
why cold showers?
I found out a long time ago, the truth is that I'm a useless piece of shit who probably doesn't even want to self improve because I unconsciously want nothing more in life than to sit around playing vidya and jacking off all the time, all the grand ambitions I have in life are probably just delusions of grandeur and I'm actually too stupid to have any employable qualities.
right now I'm just sucking up my dad's money and generosity and despite my pleading he refuses to just get rid of me like a sensible parent would, I think I will have to take matters into my own hands and kill myself, but I want to make sure that I'm not afraid of death or I'll hesitate
Pic Related should be your end goal.
I've been lifting for years now but recently picked something up from /fit/ which was cold or body temp showers, I've been doing it for a week or so and it really wakes you up, energizes you and makes you more aware and alert. Really helpful if you struggle waking up in the morning or maintaining focus at work or school. Don't jump into the shower as cold as possible, get in at a comfortable temperature and within a minute or so start turning it down to cold.
don't worry, your nation will follow shortly after
I moved in with a friend of mine who is really into fitness. He’s climbed K2, ran across a desert, goes glacier skiing etc. Basically I viewed it as my last chance to save myself.
I quit drugs. Quit smoking, cut drinking down massively. We don’t have a microwave or takeaway foods. We both cook and I’ve started training with him. This May im running my first marathon.
Started reading more, and also I paid off overdrafts and debts. I have a basic phone and a minimal internet connection. I’m saving a fortune and I have lost 7 stone in 9 months. Next week I’m going on my first date since I was 19.
>tfw all that running has destroyed your knees before age 40 and you actually die earlier than average due to exerting yourself excessively
I was advised against running until I dropped weight and instead just went on long marches at a 15 minute per mile pace. By the time I’d got to about 200lb I started running hard and doing lots of track and hill work.
Knees feel great and much better than when I was obese.
You are a romantic, and too scared of killing yourself. Its easy to tell by just reading your text. Sadly, you are too much of a coward to do it, and you never will, which is also the same reason you aren't getting anywhere. You have no WHY, no purpose. If you were thrown out on the streets you would become a bum in no time. Your dad will die one day and you will still be to afraid to kill yourself and you'll live in hell for not fixing yourself when you had the chance, that is worse than dying. Throw out all your electronics right now. Sell them. TV, laptop, downgrade your mobile to a cheap fucker without internet. Borrow your dads computer to check your male. You should not even have a chance to waste on porn, videogames, or shitposting. Look at my images and follow them step by step.
There’s been some research done on them and their benefits...from everything to increased testosterone to improved immune system. Frankly don’t know how much of it is junk science but the real benefits in my opinion are:
1. Wakes you up better than coffee. Great way to get you going in the morning if you’re trying to kick caffeine.
2. Instills in you a “can do” attitude when stressful situations arise. May be a placebo effect, but willingly putting yourself in an uncomfortable/unpleasant situation daily does a lot to improve confidence.
3. Improves your ability to live “in the now,” because when you are being hit by a stream of freezing water right after you get out of a warm bed, there’s really nothing else on your mind.
Then I would check your digits and ask if you do anything to travel or visit friends you already know.
I live in North Dakota, and the locals are generally insufferable. A usually spend a month or two a year somewhere else, doing something else.
Just don't abuse it.
There are a couple of studies that show that it can fuck with memory. I can tell you from experience it can fuck with your mood.
>talking about improvement
I go to Europe for a couple weeks a year but this year I want to actually live somewhere else. Most of my friends are over there.
I think I just need to break away from the monotony of my current life
Check out this video.
psychological self improvement server
>If you were thrown out on the streets you would become a bum in no time
Actually that's a good idea. I can't back out of starving or freezing to death.
>throw out all your electronics right now.
literally never going to happen bud, never
this “20-24 year old trying to get his shit together” haircut needs to die.
Male equivalent of yoga pants.
Eat shit pastrami.
Trying to improve is better than doing nothing, that includes what you're doing.
How to Dress Like You Got Your Shit Together.
i've seen all of juden peterstein's videos and they really don't help. i'm beyond saving and just want advice on how to get dead ideally within 5 years
literally dad / fratcore clothing minus tge skinny jeans. the only men who should wear khakis are Target employees..
the Ronnenfelt style is the ideal fashion right now.
You sound like you have it figured out. I have known people who can live in utter social isolation, but they are a very small minority. Once my project portfolio winds down, I will be moving.
Suicide by cop.
Jump off a high mountain.
Go into the wilderness, you have a lot of that. At least you'll be something's lunch, and in that way, useful.
Heroin. You also have a lot of this.
If you want to die, you can do it. If you're so pathetic that you just want to complain and have anons comfort you then go fuck yourself.
I gave you a link to something that can help you fill the existential void, you just meme back with "der juden" bullshit. If you want to change your life then DO SOMETHING. Else, follow my advice.
>implying I need a cuck from Sweden to tell me how to improve
All check'd except
>Fulfilling career
>Active romantic/social life
Basically I make websites and apps for almost spare cash and I make ends meet, but not enough for future plans (buying a house, car is barely affordable so I get around on a bicycle). And stuff happened recently that made me basically nuke my social life. My best friend lives in the UK now, so I get around with two girls from my workplace, about once a week.
I’m excellemt at it. I just do nofap, drink bourbon, take LSD once in a while, and write music/watch films.
I gain energy in isolation, lose it around people.
No one asked you to come into this thread. No one even posted pics of pasta. So you only came in to tell others they can't do it. You should fuck off.
So what do you suggest to replace cardio? """"Powerwalks""""?
do a flip, you attention whore.
Northeastern dadcore/fratcore is the epitome of dressing like you're successful. Nothing offensive at all about these and they will always be in style and always have been. Literally no other article of clothing beats a plain white button down. Meanwhile that peacoat wearing faggot will look just like the mutton-chopped bell-bottom jean wearing homo from the 70s in about 5 years time.
Sigging isn't about following trends. It's about adhering yourself to the tried-and-true tenants of success.
>Drinking lots of water
This is the easiest and likely the one suggestion that will show the quickest results. I know many of you fucking nerds are not drinking enough water. Just a few glasses of water in place of a soda or coffee will make you feel better. Hydration is very important. So on and so forth....
How do I move on from grief
24yo Germanfag with formerly zero friends, previously khhv and acne-ridden face, who put all his focus during his early adult life on getting his degree and thus had no social life. From the threads from some months ago.
Got new friends (finally some invitations to bday parties), got a cute pale gf with green eyes and black hair, who cooks for me,has a good heart and earns more than me (and pays for our activities occasionally), met her parents who'd adopt me. she also lets me cum in her vajeyjey without a condom.
I am back on track, guys. Time to start my life.
>defending the scandicuck this much
Leave it to Sweden to find some jungle nigger as his lover. Times must be desperate for swedencucks to search pedros online to date.
Boxing and cycling.
What kind of grief
that kid is dressed horribly lmao he looks twice his age in that attire.
literally unsexy. Hank Hill-core
This may be hard for you user, but truth is this: you are narcissistic lazy bitch that is attention whoring on the internet for pity attention. Anonymously, because you are too scared to confront reality. People kill themselves in two types of situation: either it's spontaneous or it's planned. So you are not fooling anyone.
You have a choice to become meaningful human being. But it's up to you, not others. So stop craving attention.
Suicide isn’t the way, the world try’s to mold you into what it wants you to be, the ultimate red pill no one will tell you on this board is they’re all conformists user, they all follow the Jews while complaining about them. Just enjoy being alone with nothing. I’m content 100% of the time not doing anything. People don’t like when you’re content with less then them, the world wants you to be sad, especially if other people have more and aren’t happy
The world is mostly a joke my my guy. Read a book, play a vid ya, walk outside, go for a run, lift a weights, fuck make a video about your depression and record it to get it off your chest, as a place a reference to look back at. Just stop letting society tell you what you are, and start laughing at them putting so much time and effort into molding you, be water, free flowing
That can be helpful in a lot of cases, provided you don't become so isolated from society that you alienate yourself more than you can accept.
I start to get bothered after about a year of no meaningful social interaction, so nothing beyond maybe talking to someone in passing.
Hank Hill is the pinnacle of /SIG/
I socialize with girls/guys at my job + live with my brother. Good amount of socialization but I need more adventure in my life.
nothing like traveling to Europe alone and hooking up with qt’s all over the continent
Family member who I loved died recently, God bless his soul
Hank hill would never spend that much money on clothes. Nice try Glow nigger.
I can't understand grown men who fall for the clothing jew. I wear graphic t-shirts, flip-flops and shorts all the time and my life is great. Wear whatever you want, no one gives a fuck when you're actually successful/rich.
It's a fucking meme you dipshit
I'd bet $15 that you are currently wearing either a kekistani flag t shirt, or one with a sarcastic quote on the front.
Who /one meal a day/ here?
t. Balding soyboy
Congrats friend. Glad to hear of an anons success!
Lmao you probably look like a cretin.
>graphic t shirts
user I would tell you to kill yourself but since you're in /Sig/ there must be some hope for you. please consider wearing something else. It's manbaby tier shit to wear a graphic t shirt. I just pray to the lord that it's not a video game themed graphic t shirt.
If feeling good means being a boring normalfag shit, I'd rather feel bad and keep doing what I want.
I wish, but I'm stress eater.
Starting 4 day fast tomorrow thought.
>I judge people based on what they are wearing their free time.
I rotate between one picture to the other. I wake up early, go running, cook breakfast, go to bed early etc for months at a time, feeling great. Then something happens, something at work or I get rejected by a girl and I get into depression mode. There's a lazy addict in me that takes over. Any advice on overcoming this?
nice work man
Lost my dad unexpectedly. Cried my eyes out for a day or two. I actually went to a DMV to renew my license before going to the funeral. Though I would keep it together. Sat in the DMV line looking crazy with a red face and tear-rimmed eyes. I occasionally had to go to the restroom to sob. Then I had to be strong for my family and keep relatives (vultures) at bay. You'll move through the grief in waves of denial, sadness, acceptance, numbness, denial again, rinse and repeat. You live for the moments of denial, like a dream where you will spend time with them again, and wake up and realize they're gone all over again. It's not something you should try to rush through. The pain of feeling nothing is somehow worse.
A grown man caring about the fashion of others? Come on, you can do better than that.
I expect women to judge the shoes/hairdos/dresses of others, not men. Work on improving your life and you'll see how meaningless fashion is.
Anyone got good tips for stopping masturbation, other than to stop being a faggot?
Quit all my other vices (minus this shithole), but cant seem to grow past the temptation to wank when I spend periods of time without my woman.
>I am so worthless that I do not respect myself or those around me and I subject people to having to see my disgusting toes.
If you wear flip-flops anywhere except for the beach then you are disgusting.
I got all of those but the money and career.
Considering ending it all honestly.
I went through the most difficult depressive episode ever and my resume looks like swiss cheese (holes).
Now no decent company worth a fuck will come near me.
I've been on a self improvement kick for 6 months. I've lost like 40 lbs already, my skin is clearing up, and my depression is going away. The weirdest part is that I'm not as conservative as I used to be. I used to obsess about hating liberals and SJWs, but now I honestly consider myself a centrist and agree with some liberal positions.
Stop being a bitch
Great. Do you lift though?
It's honestly not even fashion. I'm not saying that you have to keep up to date with trends and follow fashion blogs. Just dress like you respect yourself. A collared shirt, a pair of pants, and any regular shoes that aren't flip flops. You won't get very far in politics or business dressing like a chronic-masturbator.
>If you wear flip-flops anywhere except for the beach then you are disgusting.
I used to wear crocs in high school. What are you going to do about that fag?
Congrats bro. I'm glad for you.
Laugh at you for being such a repulsive weirdo, I guess? I don't need to venture very far into this interaction to determine that you didn't get laid in high school.
>You won't get very far in politics or business dressing like a chronic-masturbator.
You're obviously right about the politics part, but wrong on the business side. You should see how some of my clients dress. Last week had a rich oil guy come in my office with a fucking Arsenal football jersey. Dude is crazy good at what he does, and no one gave a fuck about his clothing choices.
Also, I should mention that I wear a suit to work every weekday. T-shirt+shorts+flip-flops is night/weekend wear.
Write down your goal. Write down microroutines that will help you achieve your goal. The process of moving toward the goal will activate the reward center in your brain. It sounds like you're fixed on the worst case scenario. That's actually a good thing. Now you know the direction you don't want to go. Envision what you really want. Is it to work for an AAA company? Or is it to earn money? Is it to see the world? Get laid? There are steps you'll need to take up the ladder. Right now you're on the other side, and have seen how fast things can exponentially deteriorate. The opposite is also true, you might be surprised how exponentially things can improve.
>ur a virgin
if you want to lose weight don't fast! That triggers your body into thinking you're falling on bad times and it makes it harder to lose weight/ keep it off.
Excercise is much better than fasting. Remember that weight is dictated by the ratio of input/output.
If you output more energy than you consume then you WILL lose weight, and even gain muscle mass, which consumes calories just by existing, so it's easier to keep the weight off.
The best method I have found is taking it slow. I stopped drinking, have become more productive and I have improved my relationships incredibly. My secret is working on issues little by little with different strategies. It is all about habits you see. You can acquire a good habit in the same way you acquire a bad one, little by little. You have ease into it.
The other thing that is important is fear of change. It is a huge enemy along the way but you don't have to face your fear at once. You can face it and defeat parts of it as you go along.
Another thing is failure. I have found that you have to teach yourself to not be thinking about failure and almost ignore it completely. Also another thing is that before every major success, I usually experience a huge failure before it. For instance, before becoming more productive after a week of things going somehow smooth with my plans to become more productive, I experienced a huge failure and was totally a mess for four days, but once this was over I became much more productive. It is like going through a membrane and it is you self-sabotaging because of fear or because you have hard time easing into a new life and schedule.
Also create a positive feeling. You have to have a positive, motivating feeling going on and that will return on itself.
Lift off is extremely difficult but once you make it, boy, you are in the game big league.
Well then I suppose that is appropriate. I just don't want to see my fellow siggers walking around looking like a child.
Again, it isn't even fashion. You don't have to follow any trends, or worry about matching or anything. Just look presentable. Video game t shirts and janky hair and cargo shorts are not acceptable and you'd be surprised to find how quickly people write you off and ignore what you say when you're dressed like that.
>Implying sex before marriage is good and healthy and in no way contributes to the downfall of traditional values.
I'm not sure if you are trolling or being serious.
Don't give up.
We all fall down, and we all fail. Getting used to getting up makes it easier the next time. Think of it like a rep.
I am commited to nofap but when I see a qt on the street it hurts my chest. Is there any way to fix this?
Sup Forums, how do you meet women? When I was younger i had enough attention from girls, but having left school some years ago i now have 0 social life at all. It's kinda fucking impossible to put yourself in a situation to meet women when you literally have no friends. I workout most days, train bjj, eat clean etc. I'm gonna be an incel if i don't sort my shit out soon
Wanking isn't bad. What you should try to do is to quit porn (if you use it).
Masturbation is healthy in moderation, porn use pushes it into the unhealthy range.
Congrats. Keep up the good work.
Thank you for the advice. :)
What is considered regular exercise? I would like to get back at 3-4 times a week but it's getting more and more difficult. I 'm currently at 1 or 2 times a week.
What's a good way to flavor oats? I usually put butter and a dash of sugar.