>Warsaw population: 1.75M >Warsaw unemployed people: 26k >Warsaw unemployment: 2% >Warsaw GDP nominal per capita: $48,000 USD >Warsaw # of companies: 400,000+ Apply to skilled job, get interview 100% of time and almost always job offer that you can negotiate to way higher salary
Even the guy in the wheelchair with down syndrome who plays kids xylophone in the underground pass by złote tarasy makes probably 500+ złoty a day
So if I have 10 years of experience at office work, know German and English and I am 37 with two diplomas. Is it reasonable for me to expect somewhere around 3.5k-4k netto in Poland? I hate living in London and I am thinking about coming back. I earn around 1.5k pounds in London.
threadly reminder that >Poznaj Żyda AKA >Get to know the Jew is greatly appraised book about jewish tricks and how to avoid them >lubimyczytac.pl/ksiazka/261037/poznaj-zyda