Poland is poo---

>Warsaw population: 1.75M
>Warsaw unemployed people: 26k
>Warsaw unemployment: 2%
>Warsaw GDP nominal per capita: $48,000 USD
>Warsaw # of companies: 400,000+
Apply to skilled job, get interview 100% of time and almost always job offer that you can negotiate to way higher salary

Even the guy in the wheelchair with down syndrome who plays kids xylophone in the underground pass by złote tarasy makes probably 500+ złoty a day

>that is more than a LEAF programmer makes lol

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So if I have 10 years of experience at office work, know German and English and I am 37 with two diplomas.
Is it reasonable for me to expect somewhere around 3.5k-4k netto in Poland?
I hate living in London and I am thinking about coming back.
I earn around 1.5k pounds in London.


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At least when speaking of Poland try to post actual pics from Poland and not Russia you kike idiot.

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hohols make 4k zł standing in a żabka, and they can't find enough workers

what degree do you have

>Posting Russian shit in comparison to Poland
>By an fucking Jew of all people
Did the kosher meat ban trigger your sensitive feeling, subhuman?

>Pretending that Warsaw isnt a liberal shithole
>Trying to make the city look good when it’s a monument to former and current degeneracy

t.Białołęka boi

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Attached: germany vs poland.jpg (1024x2836, 500K)

threadly reminder that
>Poznaj Żyda
>Get to know the Jew
is greatly appraised book about jewish tricks and how to avoid them

Attached: meet the jews.jpg (278x397, 49K)