This is a screenshot of Erica Hartmann...

This is a screenshot of Erica Hartmann. Can someone explain to me why this takes place in the early to mid 1940's and she looks like a Nazi


Is that why she's a Nazi

It's an alternate universe story set around WW2 time where all the countries banded together to fight alien invaders using pantsless magical girls that have magical mecha plane legs and that girl is from the Germany equivalent.

I want to FUG Erica

This is a screenshot of Eila. Can someone explain to me how she manages to be so cute, handsome, sexy, and beautiful, all at the same time?

Tank witches anime when?

She puts a lot of effort into it, for Sanya.

Can we talk about why no one talks about this bonus episode? I didn't even know it was out til yesterday but it's been out since August. Sanya and Eila are the best things to come out of Strike Witches and this episode was amazing for them.

This is a screenshot of Gertrud Barkhorn. Can someone explain to me how she manages to look so good in a dirndl?

This is Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke and Mio Sakamoto. Can someone explain that if it's the 1940s why the fuck is one mega lesbo for the other?

It seems like it comes naturally for her, I guess she's that good.

Sadly threads don't live long on Sup Forums anymore, so it's easy to miss news. I liked the OVA, it didn't come close to the eilanya episode in season 2 (nothing ever will) or anything, but it was cute fun.

I also liked the fact that they finally showed how overpowered Eila is. They showed her goofing around a bit in S2E6, but here, they did a much better job showing us how capable she is.

That's what I've been getting out of the series so far

I've seen a lot of it in the world witches series

Honestly I wouldn't mind it "much" if it was at a later time like maybe 2000s or some shit but no, it's set in the damned 1940s, lesbians were pretty much never seen or heard of... And if they were it was treated as a mental illness... Not that it still isn't but you get the point.

Season after Brave Witches when?

Depends... How long did we have to wait for the first season of Brave Witches?

So many 'wut' reaction images, I don't know which to pick.


What? It's true. I don't know what to tell you.

Vasenka anime when?

>It's true.
Unlike anime.

This is Lynette Bishop. I don't have a question, I just thought she looks awful cute in this picture and thought I would share it.

She is adorable

My wife is very cute. Thank you for noticing.

Her friends are very cute too.

You're welcome, Yoshika.


Her sister is cute too.

Perrine is the cutest.

That's how it usually is with twins.

i want to marry yoshika,damn fuso girls are great

Perfect for teasing and bullying.




Best Ace, Best Striker model.

She looks good in everything. I want a Dirndl Trude figure, though.

I quit buying figures because I'm running out of places to put them, but this is one that would get me back in the game.

I need a bunny Trude to go with my bunny Erica.

>Strike Witches thread
>No Glamorous Shirley

You all disappoint me.

I like her glamorous knockers!

We have Erica. What more do you need?

The pantsu episode a shit.
Hartmann a shit.

A handsome Mio.

All I need is the angel.

Even scans of the last chapters would be fine.

A better question is, why do pants not exist for girls in this universe?

I only bought bunny Shirley so that I can pair her with bunny Trude. But they won't make her. ;_;

This is a screenshot of Nipa, can someone explain why she's so pure and a miracle of the universe?

You and me both!

How is Trude not aware Perrine has so many abandoned imoutos under her care? I wonder how jealous she'd be when she finds out.

Shirley's breasts are a miracle of the universe.

Because Nazis are cool.

Falling into an eternal slumber between Shirley's tatas.

Now that we'll never get another show like this, I'm only just beginning to appreciate its genius.

I love both Trude and Shirley but if someone had to force me to pick one I guess I'd go with Trude.

That's the wrong choice.


user has shit taste, nothing to explain.

Shirley is better than Trude. That is all.

I disagree, but you're entitled to your opinion.

Rudel is the best, of course.

Rudel is absolutely one of my favourite witches, doesn't help that Karlsland have so many top tier choices.

They come in a pack.

So you're a man of culture too

We really need some type of global event that could unite the world and save us from all our petty squabbling. If only we could coordinate an actual alien invasion.

Don't worry user, WW3 soon

Or we all just stop wearing pants. Maybe that's the secret to all of this?

I never do when I'm at home.

Well yes. What's not to love?

And was there ever a war at your home?

>why the fuck is one mega lesbo for the other?
One is a widow still, and the other is having a baby with her subordinate.

Mio looks like Ayatsuji.

Idk, but all chapters are already in Russian.

Let's not talk about it.

Would Perrine be the most fun witch to date?



I don't know but Eila should start dating her already.

Perrine is the least fun to do anything with.

Erica Hartmann
Eric Cartman

What about Nofunallowed?


How do you do that?

Spotted! Full version on the way, I hope.

Start doing anything fun and she'll show up.

>tfw a doujin artist continues making Erica femdom doujins
Truly we are blessed

Is that the ones with the ball busting?


Looks like she's asking to be mauled yet again.

I think I need to get into that then.

They are pretty good. I'm not into CBT but the artists is pretty good, so I enjoy them anyway.


Yeah, that's the worst part.

Also, holy shit, the series turns into actual yuri.

Cutest butt.

Cutest everything

trudefags btfo, MINNA A BEST

Yeah it was great seeing her idolized like that. It's easy to forget how strong the 501st members are.