*beats Trump in 2020*
lmao you guys don't know what's coming? Biden is beloved by many in the Rust Belt and can easily re-win the white working class. No amount of false smears or childish, juvenile name-calling from Trump will stop Biden.
*beats Trump in 2020*
lmao you guys don't know what's coming? Biden is beloved by many in the Rust Belt and can easily re-win the white working class. No amount of false smears or childish, juvenile name-calling from Trump will stop Biden.
Other urls found in this thread:
lmao, considering Trump has done much worse, that wont affect Biden at all
He couldn’t even put poll John Edwards. Fuck off fag.
lol no chance in hell he survives a week after declaring. Waaaaay too much dirt on his sleeves.
I'll give you a hint why: Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong
Literally got less than 2% when he ran against the nigger in 08 and is a plagiarist that is the reason behind all you faggots whining about not being able to declare bankruptcy on your federally backed student loans. He sponsored the bill and all you "college" dumb fucks voted for him as vp.
With all the other projected garbage candidates the Dems are trying to prop up, I'm fairly certain you'll divide yourselves too thin to ever win anything again
>charisma vacuum
>got primaried twice
>creepy af
>the party of spics niggers and kikes voting for a straight white male
I live in the Rust Belt.
The same people who hate Pelosi hate Biden.
Biden is hated by the working-class here.
If the dems are sane, they will run Biden/Sanders with populist leftist platform like protectionism, single payer health care, etc. They should stay away from guns, abortions, and pro immigration. But they wont...
Joe Biden now has the name recognition, while also keeping a low profile in the Obama years. He can go toe to toe with Trump
why are the Dems sending Biden to all the Trump districts that they flipped and won? Seems like he is actually well liked. He campainged in Virginia, Alabama, etc.
Haha Biden is dead on arrival what a sicko
>now has the name recognition
>mfw been in the senate since 1973
Hangs out with Jeff Epstein, huh?
His creepiness will be used against him. He won't win due to too many incidents of child groping
Last time i checked demoshits want young candidates.
>biden ever being allowed to publicly speak again
they scramble every time that idiot opens his mouth
VP for 8 years did nothing to help the rust belt.
Trump president for 1 year made the most significant change to U.S. economy since ww2 and helped rust belt.
Your blue wave will be nothing more then a drip in the pan
Dems will either win the next election or the one following. Either way, they will force anons to defend themselves. It will be the final breakdown of American society. You have roughly 3-7 years to prepare.
I know this is a bait thread but I sooo want to believe people like OP exist
If he runs I'm sure all the video clips of him awkwardly smelling little girls hair and giving them a kiss whilst they wince and the parents look uneasy won't be spammed all over the internet for months on end lol.
And she's taking a selfie while creaming her jeans, not looking to her parents worried and helpless.
Why did the Democrats figure Wisconsin was in the bag?
I don't spend my time worrying about losing strategies except to take advantage of it.
Fuck off you don't know anything. It's happening this year.
talking about him fucking kids might
I don't think he'll even get the nomination for the following reasons:
1. He's white
2. He's old
3. He's male
4. He's part of the "establishment".
That Mississippi dude who just retired had been there since the 70s, heard literally nothing about him beyond when he nearly got chucked in the rep primaries. The senate is only a platform if you're a grandstander like Paul/warren/Cruz/harris
Trump's groping didnt affect him
lmao he's been interviewed on the news multiple times, he's being propped up as the candidate
They wont make that mistake next time around for sure. Why do you think they are flipping so many seats of Trump counties?
Annnnnd there it goes...
Go digging for dirt on ol' Biden, it ain't hard to find.
That's right, about time dems admit that white men are superior candidates.
Lmao he would get ripped apart...hes clearly a pedophile and its on video about 2 dozens times
>Joe "dubble burrel shotgun" Biden
>Joe "just take that shotgun and commit 2 felonies" Biden
>Joe "20, 30 shells to a clip in a magazine" Biden
Missed his chance already, should have ran last time. Now the DNC has gone too far pandering for the minority groups they feel will give them the election. After all this shit about the dnc being "too white" they will never run another white man, let alone a straight married one. His only hope is they start trying to really normalize pedophilia and can run him as a beacon of progressive values.
>During the discussions that led to the October 2013 passage of the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014, which resolved the U.S. federal government shutdown of 2013 and the U.S. debt-ceiling crisis of 2013, Biden played little role. This was due to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and other Democratic leaders cutting the vice president out of any direct talks with Congress, feeling that Biden had given too much away during previous negotiations.
If they didn't trust him then, then they never will.
Would love if the Dems ran a rich white male as their candidate. Pls do.
He can't win. He's a White male. White males can't win in the Democratic Party.
Difference is Trump didn't grope 6-14 year old children on video. There's video evidence of Biden molesting children.. show me a tape of Trump groping anyone please.
I really hope so. I can't wait to flood biden pedo memes far and wide
good luck GROPIN JOE
Creepy Joe is lucky he doesn't get tarred and feathered
>joe biden
Pick one, racist
>Trump has done much worse
feeling up little kids is much worse than marrying hookers
>Dems will either win the next election or the one following
7 years to go, but might not happen, we might be seeing the birth of the one great party that actually protects the interests of the common man
Anybody that was apart of the Obama admin is a bad run for the Democrats
also do you really think biden could throw or take a much shit as trump..
this is a new awakening dems are bullshit artist
But why couldn’t he and his buddy end the Korean War?? Took him 8 years and then they started launching nukes once he left...
He won’t win shit, user.
Tomorrow will be Pennsylvania's 18th congressional district special election between Rick Saccone (R) and Conor Lamb (D).
So far, the democrats have thrown millions in this election and will do everything to get this district. But I can't tell how many celebs went to campaign for Lamb or in what way is he being shilled there. Is he being portrayed as some sort of "conservative democrat"?
However since the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania made some (((changes))) of the district map for the midterm election, the winner might only keep the current district for few months and has to run in midterm again or loses his seat completely.
So to those people in Pennsylvania…
Vote Saccone!
We will never forgive his murdering our children just for his own personal political gain.
Anyone who trusts a Democrat is a fucking idiot.
We should go easy on Creepy Joe in the primaries though. Trump would kill him in the general. No minorities would be excited. And after the primaries till the general would be the perfect time to hammer home his creepiness
I'm in the rust belt and completely agree, but don't tell Democrats that.
>strongly associated with the Obama administration which the rust belt doesn't look back on fondly, not one fucking bit, considering it flipped a couple states for the first time since the '80s
>star power and supposed rust belt appeal will discourage the DNC from favoring a better candidate
>Biden's own vanity and regret over not running in '16 because he thinks he could've beaten Trump will blind him to reason and encourage him to fight tooth and nail for the nomination to the detriment of better candidates
Pretty much Hillary 2.0, except he has no social justice edge because it's white dude vs. white dude. That alone is enough of a god damn mess without the absolute shutshow the Democrat primaries are shaping up to be with Oprah, Warren, Kennedy, etc. Remember when Trump became presumptive nominee and all we had to do was sick back and watch the dumpster fire that was intra-Democrat conflict? Get ready for round two, boys.
Biden will be memed as a pedophile within months of announcing a campaign. Just go home, Joe. Otherwise, bring it.
Biden is the one man who i believe may have beaten trump in 2016, though not for sure it would have been closer. but he didn't run because of
>muh son
And now his window of orpportunity is over. His street cred has fallen significantly since so he would get killed by trump
oh god please run please run please run please run please run please run please run please run please run please run please run please run please run please run please run please run please run please run please run please run please run
>beloved by the rust belt.
>literally did nothing for the rust belt and made their lives worse for 8 whole years while VP.
Poor bait mate.
I would love to see him run