>Mega Churches
Elite Christians are pedo occultists and plebian Christians are sheep. Jesus father sacrificed him like a spirit cooking event.
Prove me wrong.
>Mega Churches
Elite Christians are pedo occultists and plebian Christians are sheep. Jesus father sacrificed him like a spirit cooking event.
Prove me wrong.
Don't fall for the bait, if you don't want to bump this, you can just type "sage" in the option field (i'm not breaking the anti-sagestorming rule).
Kill yourself.
You're pathetic. You know I'm right
>Kill yourself.
t. Christian
It's not like a spirit cooking (disgusting thing with semen and blood) but instead God the Son incarnated and sacrificed himself for our salvation, now GTFO.
fucking kids isnt god's will, that isnt tradtional catholic teaching, if a catholic fucks a child, then thats on him, that was his will, not god's. he's condemnd by tradtional catholic teachings god's will, he would have sinned and would have to make a good confession and make reparations for such an act of blasphemy.