Why don't you support the European Union, Sup Forums?

Why don't you support the European Union, Sup Forums?

Attached: EU flag.jpg (940x508, 96K)

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racist crackers dont want to give back to africa where we toiled and were enslaved by you colonizers
until reparations are achieved, there can be no harmony

Because Germany is gonna fuck it up

Because I would rather side with a democratically elected fuckup than support an unelected clique of ideological federalist leftcucks that suffer from a neurosis derived from responsibility for the War.

Attached: considerthefollowing.png (800x424, 293K)

Because all it does is take my money which it sends east where slavs build retarded useless shit with it, and in return I get a couple million rapefugees per year

Kind of a shitty deal desu famalamadingdong

Rather tell us why we should.
Show your flag, Mehmet.

Until then: sage

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I do.

Controlled by Jewish shadow government and has no many restrictions companies cant stay afloat amid paperwork.

It's a bait thread, we have it nearly everyday. Why do newfriends keep engaging with these threads, day-in, day-out?

>Why do newfriends keep engaging with these threads, day-in, day-out?

Because it sparks discussion and redpills foreign idiots who have no idea what the EU is. Why are you even on this board if you can't take this sort of shite in its stride?

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