katakuri best onii-chan
One piece new chapter is out
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If he really has never laid down in his life, his back must be killing him.
If he is made of mochi, by default his body is soft and fluffy
>never laid down in his life
He never got laid... so is he a virgin or is he only doing it while standing?
In b4
This is gonna end with his back on the floor, isn't it?
I really like Katakuri. Hoping Oda doesn't make him job. There is no reason why Luffy should beat him.
landing on his back makes him even more depressed so he stops fighting and just give up on live like the edgy bitch he is
He'll lose soon.
Luffy won't beat him but he'll make Katakuri experience laying on his back for the first time in his life.
as he said
>i cant believe it went all the way in"
Yeah, Luffy's going to get a Gear4 hit on him, make him fall and then pass it as a "win"
>Katakuri lies on his back
>Oh hey this is pretty comfy
>He spends the rest of the arc taking a nap in the mirror world
please lets this happen
Only one night stands for him
There are more and more flags of Luffy awakening in this fight.
I want this.
Luffy needs to beat him. Lets just hope that he loses with honor.
Of course. Not this arc though.
Luffy's awakening will create the finest rubber mattress on the floor, Katakuri will have no choice but to lay down then
He stands in a corner of the room and creates tentacle mochi dicks to satisfy his partners.
Katakuri is one of the few Charlottes that actually gives a damn about his sibling. His true feat is coming out OK despite Big Mom's terrible parenting.
Jinbe vs Perospero
Luffy and Sanji vs katakuri?
The sweet commanders and Peros + Daifuku + Oven all seem like normal one piece human beings.
I would honestly expect 80% of BM's children to be powerful ugly retards like Weevil. Instead they're either strong and normal like I mentioned, or weak and retarded like Bobbins, Opera, etc, or useless pretty women.
Bobbin isn't a Charlotte.
How did he store THAT inside of him?
Does his body work like Caribou's?
Good chapter for us Katakuri chads
He was confirmed to be a virgin this chapter.
so where is this heading? big meme eats cake gets docile and weak bege and jobma wound her deep enough to snap her out of "i'm hella stronk" guys mindset? i doubt they kill her given oda's love of having the bad guy lose all their power and ambition defeats.
Manchildren and Womenchild often end up raising responsible kids. It's a matter of survival.
I still remember those kids I saw once at the mart. There were three kids following their parents who were fighting in the front. A car was about to roll over the smallest kid when the big sister who looked like she was in primary seized his hand and yanked him out of the way. The parents didn't even notice anything.
Wrong board Carlos.
u can have sex standing up you virgin
Kid, there's this thing called pornhub. Look it up. People can fuck standing or sitting.
>WCI was supposed to be a detour while Wano is the main act of this saga
>WCI ended up being one of the best arcs in the series while Wano looks more and more like a clusterfuck
What the fuck? No they can't.
no , he just fucks standing up like a true chad
Prolly extends like nami pole
The staff could be Mochi, he would only have to store the metal tip
Where the fuck is this dudes neck
Are you a mormon or something? Even prude muslims know this.
Yeah you can dumbass.
why do you think he has never laid down before?
considering they didn't even manage to hurt her at her lowest point, after the portrait was destroyed, i doubt it
>being 1.55cm tall
chad exposing virgins lmao
But your legs would get tired though
>what is doggy style
Not based chadkuri
>"Everything you do, I can do better."
>Katakuri is an even bigger virgin than Luffy
>Has never seen a woman naked
Spoiler said the fishman contacted Jinbe, but Jinbe didn't appear this chapter, what does it all mean
I hope you're just baiting because if not this is pretty sad. Sure I know many here are virgins and there's nothing wrong with that but there's being a virgin and then there's being ignorant.
it means you shouldn't believe what you read on the internet
What's wrong with this dog? Scary.
its so stupid how them germ fags get strong and survive after their suppose sacrifice/get btfo instantly
it sense your innocent virgin booty hole
>10k chess soldiers and some BM family members downed by Germa already
>Germa not even tired or injured and going back for more
I can't believe people actually rated an army of fodder because they preyed on a severely weakened Luffy exhausted from Cracker, Sanji and in need of a plot device to get captured.
But even then the fodder did nothing. The actual members of the family had to step in to defeat Luffy
why mont d'or is talking with his brother but then we're shown nichiji talking?
has he betrayed the Germa? Or it's just a mistake from Oda?
Who did they meet
maybe Niji can copy other people's voices? Like some electricity-related bullshit thanks to his powers
>With my synaptic control I can read minds and imitate the voice of anyone I want just by touching them! Wahahaha
I can already see it happening
There was like only two recognizable member this time. They weren't even named. Not the same army at all retard.
His virgindar must be broken. My booty hole is no virgin.
the onami pirates
Give me ONE (1) reason why G4 won't job to Katakuri next chapter. ONE REASON.
Because luffy will use G6 instead
Oda is a bad writter, we complain about stuff that doesn't make sense and all the Oda cock suckers get
>waaah shitposting
>here a pic that shows a stupid diagram that proves nothing
>waaaah speed reader
It won't be G4
Oda is going to draw that shit out for more than one chapter.
waaaaah shitposting
here a pic that shows a stupid diagram that proves nothing
He's using it to run away
Wow, nice one moot
What the fuck it posted a different image
You were made a fool of by moot. It happens.
Will germa defeat smoothie?
moot is gone user
First guess would be the Red Hair Pirates
The reason he's so strong is because he has a Devil Fruit, Haki, and fearsome wizard powers.
Why do you keep forgetting the battle was in their kingdom? They may as well have had 10k clones too, on their part.
Actually most of the Big Mom's children seem to care about each other. Not that they don't get angry when another one fucks up but it's not like they killed Opera for his screw up or Pudding messing up their plan.
The only real asshole is Big Mom herself. Seems like they've withstood a lot of abuse over the years.
Doesn't that look a little like Bege's ship?
Oda, where's my friend Zoro?
waaaah speed reader
>Cracker: Never felt pain in his life
>Gets slammed through multiple buildings
>Katakuri: Never been on his back
>Will probably get judo thrown into the dirt
>>WCI ended up being one of the best arcs in the series while Wano looks more and more like a clusterfuck
You come from the future? Tell me did we find out if Zoro is from Wano himself?
He doesn't have to beat him. If Luffy can just land a single hit that is strong enough to knock Katakuri down onto the floor, then Katakuri won't be able to get up and Luffy will just go on to Cacao Island.
If Luffy is incapable of winning against Cracker on his own, and didn't get his awakening in the 20 hours that he was losing against Cracker, then Luffy should not be able to beat Katakuri, who should be stronger than Cracker.
I can't believe niggastream is still insisting on calling him Dogtooth
He still lives through these bugs. It's a sign he's browsing Sup Forums right now.
I mean its certainly more ideal than being a generic villager in the age of pirates. You have access to probably nigh infinite riches, an entire country that worships your family (even if its out of fear for your mother) and you get sick ass devil fruits even if you're a shitty child. There only kids that end up getting hurt by Mom herself were ones that are too stupid to stay out of the way when shes rampaging, otherwise she seems to be very tolerant of her childrens behavior, unless it inconveniences her eg... Lola.
>Cracker: Never felt pain in his life
No, he just hates pain. For him to hate pain he obviously has felt it before. He has a huge scar too.
But they stopped, didn't they?
nothing interesting: the flowchart
what's up with this pic and the one where the same guy asks who's your favourite character to a crying girl
are they just random ass references