Is there any quote from any anime or manga as true to reality as this?
Is there any quote from any anime or manga as true to reality as this?
Where's this from? is it from Darker than Black?
It's obviously from Bible Black
But what if I forget to die when I get killed?
Anything is possible when you
Now this has to be from Bible Black
that's the edgiest quote i've read
>Bible Black
Not a single asshole was protected in that anime.
I object, since that's the fact all creature have and will accept eventually the moment they are born in this world. That's why communism failed, all utopian lofty ideals fall before the grim reality of primal human psyche and the only way to cope with the bad news of being born is to cling to the fact that we as humans will eventually turn into empty husk of carbon and water.
>hurrr the sky is blue
Bankokuhannnoki-san boku ha rainbow de!
people die when they are killed
I bet Obenstein would kick Johan's ass
>user didn't watched shit show from last month
meh close enough
the quote truly comes into it's own with context though. Lots of vinland saga gets realer than real.
doesn't get more true than that.
How ? He's right, human were never equel and probably never will.
nothings more real than true Olev
>It could be said that in death, a man has become a thing of love far greater than any living being could hope to be. Already, he does not hate, does not kill, does not steal. Is it not magnificent? Left where he is, he will selflessly provide sustenance for animals and insects. Buffeted by harsh winds, pelted by stinging rain, still he will not utter a single word in protest. Death is that which completes a man.
newfag redditor
>tfw never equel
Once you're dead, you're not a human anymore. Checkmate atheists
Word-for-word taken from the Quran.
Bravo, Urasawa.
>that filename
Death as in all humans will eventually experience death, only once. Checkmate theists
Not the manga monster! HOW CAN HE KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT!?
Naoki Urasawa's Monster
Watch or read it immediately, so fucking good.
>Let him eat chicken meat
What did he mean?
>posts pic of immortals
Alice in Borderlands was amazing.
Oh, yes, I heard from a reliable source that it's overrated shit. Dropped.
I'd like to see a battle of wits between those two
That image is shit.
how so
There, I fixed it now stop arguing.
>not even a remotely original quote
Which one is better, manga or anime?
>Being so weak that you drop because of other people's opinions
Madhouse stayed painstakingly close to the manga so it doesn't matter
>being so unbelievably stupid that you thought I was being serious
I already read Monster, you mongoloid.
With the manga you can go at your own pace. The anime is a little slow for atmospheric effect but some people don't like that.
>humans are equal in death
>Implying that the level of public dialogue on Sup Forums hasn't dropped to the point that statements like that are anything but bait for poe's law
I don't care much if you want to be start slinging shit over "I was only pretending to be retarded, you must be retarded for thinking I was :^)," but it should be pointed out that there's enough shitters on Sup Forums right now that would say something that stupid that it's not surprising that user took it at face value.
Whatever. I'm not even mad at you for being stupid so don't worry, move on.
Implying the rich guy's better off? He has nicer corpse-housing, but it's not like he's less dead for it.
It's just fluff.
I'm not that user, I'm just pointing out that it wouldn't be entirely surprising if some Sup Forumsutist actually meant it.
I love this series because of how sincere the characters are with their struggles. Maybe it hits more to home because I have my own apathy towards life and am trying to find my drive. But this is one I genuinely enjoyed.
>but it's not like he's less dead for it
Actually he is less dead user. The tiny virgin stone will erode away after some light wind, whereas the Chadoleum will be around until the heat death of the universe.
We all were once new enough to believe in all the lies certain anons make, like fake spoilers or false information. It's that were the case I wouldn't blame them.
It's unoriginal at this point, many many people have said it
I realize you're joking, but read Ozymandias.
It'll take like 30 seconds tops
the bunch of atoms they put above his body isn't part of his consciousness
It is merely a remainder of it. And only when it completely fades away does he truly count as dead.
>doesn't count as dead
For you maybe, not for him. He can't teleport his consciousness inside the heads of people who remember him. Would be cool though.
A corpse is still a corpse no matter what, and we all become dust, the only thing that remains is our thoughts, and even that can disappear through the pass of the time. A rich can create a monument of their life while a poor poet can leave their poems to the world.
>My future grave on the left
>A corpse is still a corpse no matter what
Provided we ignore literally everything about where the corpse is, and what impressions the corpse gives off to people around it.
Much like a king and some malnourished bum in a slum somewhere. "a human is still a human no matter what :^)"
a corpse doesn't need food or housing
it's just bones and dust m8
>a corpse doesn't need food or housing
Neither do humans.
Read my post again. Everyone regardless of how they lived can leave a little piece of themselves in the world, if they tried.
actually they do
Nope. They don't need it, much like a corpse doesn't need anything either.
>humans don't need food
I read it user.
I'm not sure what your point is.
That's right user. Maybe if you think real hard, and wish upon a star, you might actually learn to parse the English language.
they need food and housing to keep alive
a corpse doesn't need to keep alive because it's fucking dead and doesn't need anything because it lacks the necessary functions to need something
>they need food and housing to keep alive
>a corpse doesn't need to keep alive because it's fucking dead
Now you don't even know what it means for a corpse to be dead. Protip: graves keep corpses ALIVE.
im not even trolling at this point, i honestly don't get your point. Humans need food to survive, right? Or am i fucking retarded now.
He is a communist.
user is baiting you.
What was that user? Couldn't hear you over how much more superior these guys are to you, even in death.
alright i'll rephrase it
a corpse doesn't need to fulfill biological functions because its consciousness is gone and whether or not there is a rock above him or another being talking about what he was doesn't make his consciousness come back
since his consciousness is gone he can't register anything and nothing can have any meaning for him because he's not there at all
therefore it's all meaningless for him and the only persons for who it matters are some of us, not the dead guy
>Humans need food to survive
This is correct. But Humans don't need to survive. That's the thing. Humans sacrifice their lives to achieve things that merely surviving won't allow them to. That's why humans don't need food per se.
Are we just posting FKMT now?
You're baiting, I'm not even interested in continuing reading your post.
Oh please user, don't jest, we know you couldn't read it, ie. PARSE it, anyway.
You're a depressing idiot, user. I honestly don't care.
You can't care about something you don't understand.