Smuggie Thread

I got some stuff for you. SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT.

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come with me

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So he's saying White People aren't all they're cracked up to be?

"Not MY history books!" was as alternative idea

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Fresh OC

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last one:

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goddamnit niggers. bump this shit

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this is the last one that I have OP, good luck

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bumping for more smuggies

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It's fucking cringeworthy, how can someone unironically enjoy that?
Just name sjwscum as it is, don't stoop to their absent humour level.

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Don't you have collusion evidence to remove?

What are you talking about?

I personally enjoy them for their cringe factor and poor quality, Ivanon.

I am so sorry about that. There probably is a cure for autism in the future.

It's related to the meme that Russians are involved with all facets of American politics.

Sup Forums is a bunch of SJW's they just shriek from a slightly different angle.

But they're still a bunch of sheltered spastics that spackle over their vapid and atrophied personalities with rhetoric and identity politics.

Both groups are tools wielded by hands that they do not perceive.

I don't find that interesting personally, but nicely meme'd.

Well said.

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...thats exactly what a Russian colluder would say...

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could u xplain for brainlet?

True. A good portion of Sup Forums needs to take a look in the mirror and realize they are nothing more than right wing SJWs.

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This is the exact reason it's pointless to have a political discussion in California. If you're not using a liberal propaganda source, it's not real.

Fucking idiots.

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the nature of mass is still a mystery. masses exist at discrete points.
>we can define position because reality is linear!
>I cause nonlinearity.

That's great.

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Yeah but we use this argument towards guns

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>I don't know what a sjw is the post

Fuck off back to Tumblr pls

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good one, and widely applicable. does anyone ever drop these into online convos where they are relevant?

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