Weed abusers btfo'd yet again

> More than 6,000 volunteers were tracked from their 15th birthday until they turned 30 to assess their risk of the condition.

> Smoking cannabis just five times as a teenager raises the risk of psychosis, new research suggests.

> The findings, led by Finnish researchers, back-up an array of evidence that shows cannabis can drive some to the point of suicide.

> Going from being an occasional marijuana user to indulging every day increases the risk of psychosis by up to 159 percent, research revealed in July 2017.

> Marijuana is thought to cause psychosis-like experiences by increasing a user's risk of depression, a study found. The two mental health conditions have previously been linked.

I don't know why we even bother telling these blaze it scums why it's bad to smoke weed. These schizoids are so delusional that if you even try to tell them that smoking weed is bad for your health they'll call you a "dare". I guess these young bucks will just have to learn first hand how damaging weed smoking actually is.

I'm surprised why they don't just call joints psychosis on a stick? Because that literally what weed high is, a transient psychosis in most cases, but in some cases a full on psychiatrically tricked psychosis.



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Predictions for this bait thread:
>OP only posts once
>five people take the bait
>three other people troll the other five
>huurrrdurrr smoking weed every day makes you depressed

Nice try trying to derail a serious issue, the propaganda that weed is anywhere near being considered a safe drug.

Go take another fat bong rip you scattered brain schizoid. Get detached from reality and sanity you cuck.

found the kike
can confirm all of this, weed is worst drug on the planet, current efforts are being used to appease liberal faggots who are being led to white genocide.

Duertes isn't harsh enough on drugs.

You only need to use a small amount once a week to get the benefits. I don't know how alcohol is in your country, OP, but Americans are drowning in booze and it doesn't help a single person.

>cannot kill you, non-toxic
>has never killed anyone
>might trigger pre-existing mental health issues due to degenerated, diseased, malnourished, and broken society brainwashed by judeo-masonic Illuminati
>somehow weed is the problem

Only 159% increase?

So what chance of getting phsychosis goes from 0.002% to 0.0034%. Oh no whatever will we do!

Quads of Truth.

Finland is depressed as fuck because of the cold and snow. Show me a larger data pool where subjects are devoid of Vitamin D3

>hits bong as i read

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What about smoking strains with high CBD and low THC?

Since CBD is antipsychotic would it counter the psychotic effect caused by THC?

Also according to the same study smoking tobacco can also raise the risk for psychosis.

>cannot kill you, non-toxic
Toxicity is not the only measure of harm. Estrogen pills won't kill men either, yet you wouldn't want to give them to men, and you wouldn't say they're harmless. Smoking weed is like smoking estrogen in plant form. That is why when you picture a stoner in your mind, you picture a docile, passive, smelly wreck of a human with flies swarming around.

If you use weed and experience psychosis your body is telling you you have deep-seated emotional issues likely stemming from childhood abuse or neglect. Weed is a tool that will show you the error of your ways. It's up to you to do something about it. Most people can't handle weed because it will force you to face your demons. Better that way than to stay a bluepilled wagecuck with repressed emotional trauma.

I've never met a person that I respect and smokes weed

That's my two cents

well cbd weed doesnt even really get you high and it's not a psychoactive substance so if you want to waste money and smoke something for its supposed health benefits then go for it.


Except estrogen IS toxic, brainlet. Too much of it and you will die; your organs will fail. You cannot overdose on cannabis. It is physically impossible.
Fucking brainlets need to start using cannabis and reducing that brain inflammation they've had for so many years. Lurk more.

I microdose. Helps relieve bordom and doesnt make you feel crazy if you dont over do it. Just vape a lil and feel a lil high.

but I know that WHOA IM LOSING MY MIND feel. just dont over do it. A little bit occasionally helps with relaxing and deep philosophical understanding.

It's good to lose your mind every now and then. You come out on the other side a better person. I've have some very simple yet profound revelations about my life stoned out of my mind. Cannabis is a helluva drug. No wonder people have been using it for thousand of years.

That's 2/3rds of the threads on Sup Forums but with leaf/memeflag posters

Respectful people usually don't tell other people that they consume and enjoy an illegal drug.

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Lol so what faggot
Stay mad that nobody wants to get high with you.

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You can die of heart attack when using weed.

it took drugs to have simple revelations because you're a fucking degenerate fuck up to begin with, the cleaner and sharper your mind and guess what? profound revelations become a regular occurrence.

>Helps relieve bordom
ever thought of you know fuckin doing something? or is learning and progressing in an interest completely off limits for you?

And what about those of us who didn't touch weed until we were nearly 30? By us, I mean responsible, non-stereotypical stoners with jobs who weren't stupid enough to use drugs as children.

The main danger is that it leads to apathy, lack of motivation/will to do things. If your life is together and you get high on the weekend not a big deal. If you are already in a hole trying to dig yourself out, weed will guarantee you never have the motivation to get out of it.

>getting this mad over people you don't know enjoying a relatively safe psychotropic

Don't you need a license in your country for being such a detached killjoy?

weed lmao

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Sure, if you have a bad heart. It's not the cannabis that kills you though, it's your shitty diet.
My mind is cleaner and sharper on cannabis though. This is proven with scientific study. Cannabis is an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drug that encourages homeostasis and regulates hormones. If you were raised perfectly (100% adequate nutrition, 100% healthy home environment, little to no early-in-life stress) and come from good genetics you'd be okay. But humans are imperfect and life is tough, so I am therefore grateful mother nature has taken care of us and offers us so many diverse, rich, ecosystems full of medical plants. Keep drinking that pharmaceutical kool-aid, faggot.
>smokes weed
>suddenly realizes how shitty and pointless his job and our society is thanks to endless usury and Jewish nepotism and endless war and poor nutrition OV VEY

>15th birthday
well yeah, you shouldn't be using recreational drugs including alcohol if you're 15

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all this proces is people with a pre disposition to psychosis find relief with cannibis

Excuse my shitty grammar I'm sober as fuck right now with a cold and am having a hard time eating cannabis. I type perfectly when I am stoned.

Old news, that's why schizos can't smoke weed.

proces = proves

Guns don't kill, weed kills: the absolute state of pol. What a miserable lot. Cry more over your bad experience fags.

Cheech and Chong are the reason why you see stoners that way.

You just describe a dirty hippy, #NotAllWeedSmorkers.

Modern strains are high THC retard

he doesn't understand chronic toxicity as a concept either

>"boredom" from doing nothing productive and having no will to work
degeneracy exemplified

Kill the hedonist lads, not even once

>children are harmed by doing drugs

good thing this isn't the case for sex changes ritalin and antidepressants

I can confirm the depression is real, been smoking since 16, now 23.


shut up reddit

Fucking this.

You can purchase with high amounts of CBD and little to no THC. Your point about "modern strains" is a fox news tier strawman that only boomers buy into

>Modern strains are high THC retard

There are strains with high CBD and minimal THC. It's mostly medical weed

Psychosis is pretty fun then man.

>implying i'm gonna stop smoking

jah bless

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The richest guy I know smokes weed and all day everyday.

The poorest and dirtiest person I know is a straight edge god fearing christian.

It's almost like as if it might be the individual and you shouldn't trust "recent studies show" with small sample sizes that didn't even calculate other life factors such as diet, stress, weight, and the environmental factors of each individual.

But what the fuck do I know.

Let's do the same study, but with booze.

I know for a fact nobody from Iceland posts here.
Fuck off shill.

t. anecdotal stories contrary to all survey evidence and fact

literally incorrect

In other words, used by none

>but muh alcohol causes psychosis!
Totally incorrect, faggot

>risk of psychosis
>Finnish researchers
everyone in funland has psychosis

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Bump. Fuck weed niggers.

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>Weed fags BTFO for the billionth time.
It keeps getting better and better.


>Totally incorrect, faggot

F10.5 alcohol:[3][4][5] Alcohol is a common cause of psychotic disorders or episodes, which may occur through acute intoxication, chronic alcoholism, withdrawal, exacerbation of existing disorders, or acute idiosyncratic reactions.[3] Research has shown that alcohol abuse causes an 8-fold increased risk of psychotic disorders in men and a 3 fold increased risk of psychotic disorders in women.[6][7] While the vast majority of cases are acute and resolve fairly quickly upon treatment and/or abstinence, they can occasionally become chronic and persistent.[3] Alcoholic psychosis is sometimes misdiagnosed as another mental illness such as schizophrenia.[8]



It's in the bible too

There are components of Darwinism that I, as a Christian, fully endorse

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How is that my statement incorrect? The production and sale of CBD only products is currently happening and only expanding as time goes on. I'm not denying certain strains are altered to contain more THC but it's a two-way street and the opposite case is also occurring.


How is my statement incorrect*

>Modern strains are high THC retard
High CBD weed is becoming more common.

How can they possibly be that autistic?

why would you smoke when your brain is developing?

posts a know piece shit

I bet you believe there are 64 genders too because "recent studies" say huh, faggot?

Who hurt you OP? Feels like a stepdad thing.

>Smoking cannabis just five times as a teenager raises the risk of psychosis, new research suggests.
That's true for literally every drug, including alcohol & caffeine.. If you're predisposed to be susceptible to psychosis, it can happen.

>smokes blunt
>bro like nothing really matters bro
>like dude, like peace and love, dude
>woah, so deep
LMAO kys hippie faggot

* Passes you a joint

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Because when I think of cutting-edge scientific or medical discovery, Finland always tops my list.

Holy fuck Nostradamus, care to answer if I'll ever get a girlfriend?

>I NEED it to function!

You guys are fucking pathetic.

LSD can't kill you either or being exposed to war injuries, but the depression and ptsd can

nice strawman. Learn how to argue brainlet.

Dude lol it’s just weed.

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The most useless slob I know is a dude weed, Hardest worker I know is my Baptist grandfather who is never had a drink in his life. Kill yourself

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more or less

>ever thought of you know fuckin doing something?
Ever thought of doing something- while high? Weed got me through college because even subjects I didn't like became interesting to study while blazed.


Sadly, I know a few people who have smoked it, went mad, then killed themselves.

Drug dealers need to be executed.

Weed is fun
Fuck off nofun

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Everything has its risks you act like alcohol is any better, let people have there generally harmless vices freedom and all that.

Weed is degenerate. Period.

>but muh medicinal

Don't be that fucking retarded, that goes without saying you absolute faggot.

bitch im drinking white russians and smoking banana haze in hawaii, i dont have time for this shit

The answer is no trips predict it

I think a large reason it causes depression is because it pacifies you and prevents you from making any changes in your life
If I smoke once or twice alone I contemplate where my life is and where I should improve, and it gives me a different perspective than when I'm sober. If I do it with some m8s it can lead to interesting conversation and an opportunity to drop redpills
However, when I smoke very frequently I just end up stewing in my own depression, stop making changes/improvements in my life, and play vidya and watch TV.

I don't deny that it increases the risk of psychosis, but for depression this is how it's affected me and I wouldn't be surprised it's the same for others.


You guys are fucking pathetic. People who go this hard trying to prove weed is anything other than a soft drug, no different in harm than alcohol, are just as bad, if not worse, than "420 smoke weed everyday" fags.

I'm just enjoying the ride, senpai. I'm experiencing my life one moment at a time. I love smoking cannabis. I don't care what anyone else has to say. It's my choice. It has no negative effect on you.

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>everyone is retarded except me

>dont use science to show that my addiction is bad!

interesting take on it, care to elaborate on how to overcome these demons? i am one who suffers from weed induced psychosis if i smoke too much

>that goes without saying
So it isn't degenerate then? Just a drug like anyother? Why so much irrational hate for weed user? Did some stoners steal your gf? Spit in your cereal? Take a dump on your fathers nicely manicured lawn? Where did the evil stoner tough you?

It's a travesty that drugs are being pushed on teenagers. Your brain isn't done developing until you're 25. Giving kids drugs as they go through puberty is particularly fucked up.
Now with even easier access to weed in Canada our next generations are going to be even gayer.

Moderation is key with anything. You can be a healthy meth addict if you use correct moderation. Sadly it's fun as fuck to get high.

i learned this the hard way and it has ruined my life. i didnt even smoke that much but unfortunately it had a negative affect on my mind. some people have a brain that is not suited to taking strong strains of weed and unfortunately i eneded up being one of those people.

used to smoke casually with my friends probably smoked less than 100 times in my life though. one day i had a massive panic attack and was unable to touch the stuff without having a panic attack every time so i decided to stop alltogether. then slowly slowly over the space of 4 years i would have mild panic attacks for no reason but i never paid them any attention since they werent that bad. then some time last year i took an ibuprofen to help with a injury i had and boom i experienced the worst panic attack i have ever had in my life. this panic attack didnt go however and lasted a good week straight of nonstop panic attack-like symptoms. thats when i developed a deafening tinnitus that is worse than anything you can imagine and which i think i will be stuck with forever. then the panic attacks went away and came back in waves for a month or two. the panic attacks have stopped sort of but my body is in a constant state of anxiety and adrenaline rush. the anxiety has led me to develop derealisation/depersonalisation which is worse than the tinnitus and anxiety combined.

before i smoked weed i never had a panic attack and no i do not have any deep rooted or underlying emotional issues i was as happy as a pig in mud before all of this happened to me.

in my opinion mind altering drugs are too risky to mess with especially if you have an overly analyitical and hyper self aware mind. dont do it
this has ruined my life and if it wasnt for the fact that i have what i think is a very strong reslove i would have probably gone insane or committed suicide by now.
you might be somebody who can smoke weed with no problem at all but theres no way to know 100 percent until it is too late

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It's a little harder to use moderation with chemically addictive substances.

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>weed, a drug, can have negative effects

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