Nogs being targeted by package bombs in east side Austin, Atx resident, i live close by one of the bombing sites, AMA
Nogs being targeted by package bombs in east side Austin, Atx resident, i live close by one of the bombing sites, AMA
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Here’s some links from the local news
East Austin has always been a shithole though
why'd u do it
It’s being gentrified now though
Lol I have opinions and views, but I’d never do such thing, Sup Forums is a board of peace, although I do suspect the bomber is a channer
the madman
Whatcha doin', Tyrone?
kek I thought that too, what are the chances of some intelligent nog doing this to stir shit up
Real talk, nigger. The mosque on the east side is between the two bombings.
the african americans moved to texas after hurricane katrina, from what I remember, because their neighborhoods were flooded and destroyed completely.
Was the suspicious package nearby announced if it was a bomb yet?
Not just Texas if you look at a racial map of Alaska there's a black area that's from Katrina also. And Utah and other places that were white with little amount of blacks.
I remember those years as a kid, the nogs here in atx are somewhat docile and dangerous at the same time, so you could tell between LA nogs and ours
Checked, however, ALL of Austin is actually a shit hole. Lived there for years
Eh, central is the only nice place imo
My Dad started working there in 2000 by the time he left 15 years later it went from whites to Hispanics everywhere.
well i dont know what white people think will happen. black panther is the highest grossing movie of all time. white people cant be the master race
This is bait
Probably one of those fucking reborn nig muslims trying to start some shit, I wouldn’t even be surprised anymore
unfortunately it's by a bunch of fags and lezbos. or fortunate if you're a fag or lezbo.
Are they the ones that are Muslims in jail so they don't have to eat shitty ham sandwiches?
prob cartel related.
>also look at pic of the "17yr" old.
honestly, i’m not too sure about which demographic is taking over, because i’ve seen more whites recently, especially in minority areas, but probably only because they’re white libs who left California after turning it into a shithole
The Californian Hispanics have been pushing out blacks and Austin has seen an explosion of Hispanics over the last decade and a half.
Agree, i feel like austin has been getting whiter, but only bc its white people who white flighted the fuck out of California
I hate lefties.
((they)) are coming for Sup Forums. we have exposed to much of the jew to the normies and are a threat. false flags to take down "extremist views" you will see Sup Forums mentioned as soon as they label it race related for sure.
which means its pushing the niggers and beaners to the rest of the area, the once lily white suburbs are taking a beating
Me too bra, i honestly feel ATX is gonna be turbo leftist in 5 yrs
tfw an italian woman actually said precisely those things to her daughters that she had with an nog about our Trump
They’re moving out far east from what I’ve heard
Which in turn pushes the right wingers to the rural and secure areas.
thats not nice. How are they supposed to see the road on their way back to california?
How do we know that they are being targeted for racial reasons?
sauce on that claim manuel?
Only minorities have been wounded and killed and they hand delivered them instead of typing random addresses and having the post office d3livering it.
APD chief has already said some race baity shit about it on the local news, i’m assuming it’s racial
Could it be cartel related?
Nonsense. 4channers spread peace.
NOT one of us.
>this many automated messages today. Protip, you can See these are not human writers because they barely answer to a point or issue, but General nonesense.dont und erstand whats their goal tho
Can’t you read stupid mutt? I said I would never do such a thing, I just saw this shit on my local news like an hour ago and decided to make a thread
Are you calling me a bot?
more likely a false flag to come after 4chaners. we are a threat to them, our autism has exposed more of their lies than anyone.
Nogs vs spics?
Let's go niggers
I hope they both wipe each other out desu
nah I would pull for the spics, at least they work for cheap.
yes this would be the ideal situation.
I’d rather Austin go back to what it used to be pre obama era when the biggest story in the local news were the fires in bastrop county
agreed but its gone to far now.
We Austinites seriously do hate Californians. Turning into a pressure cooker here. Yet they still arrive in fucking droves fucking our shit up.
maybe, there have been several on tonight..your posthas no relation to any post beföre, therefore you are either an idiot who doesnt get the point oft a forum, be it a brunaian potatostamp forum or such...or you are a bot
Who else was here Saturday night when that user was posting about Ted Kacsynski and how come nobody else is doing unabomber shit?
you mean that leftest scum that was on here. yeah I remember something like that.
Op here, honestly if ya’ll really want to know where this is heading, i’ll be give you a good hint, its gonna be an evil white guy who’s affiliated with some local militias who also conveniently browsed and posted on Sup Forums very often, and seein how this dump hole is ultra liberal, there’ll probably be some protests and white high schoolers walking out to demand justice and blah blah blah, i’ve seen enough already, nothing will happen, this board and the political right will be blamed, that’s it
Mailing bombs, you say? Why on Earth would anyone want to do that?
Seriously though, why are you mailing people bombs, OP?
Reported to the FBI and Texas Rangers (the baseball team; not the law enforcement agency).
I saw that, probably the dumb nigger who did this actually
Kek I love the rangers, both LEO and baseball
Glow. In. The. Dark. Niggers.
Its SXSW and someone wants attention. Might be a mussie.
> Texas Rangers (the baseball team; not the law enforcement agency).
they'll get some answers
dosn't take a genius to spot the jew anymore. that is the whole reason this is happening to come after the enemy of the jew. (((they))) never come up with anything new because as long as the nor mies stay asleep they can lead them with false flags all day.
I like North ...its still got the old austin feel.
Could also be that, and actually now thinking about SXSW, i might stay the fuck away from 6th street rn, who knows who’s bombing these nigs for whatever reasons, there could be a boston marathon type event too to be honest
Im a conservative from OK, but I wanna live in Austin sometime in the near future. UT is awesome, and the city seemed fun af to be a young adult. Tips? Go for it? Avoid? Where to live? San Marcos instead? Any anecdotal helps
i went to hs up north, i’ll know you’re a true Yee haw nigga if you can at least guess which one i went to
>It's niggers v whites
That clearly says Californians, and most Californians in that shithole Tehas are white
The niggers came from Louisiana
Avoid south and east Atx, ut is turbo leftist as fuck, you’d rather go A&M trust me man, but otherwise ATX is not a bad city, very friendly although leftist, very safe too unless you’re in the shit areas
>Texas Rangers (the baseball team; not the law enforcement agency)
yes because if you reported it to texas rangers (law enforcement) chuck norris would find the jew behind it and send him to the gas chamber
because why work to rebuild when you can just move somewhere nicer for free.
My ultra leftist brother and his goblin wife moved their family to Austin a few years ago from California. They are there to spread the good word of social justice.
kek is this supposed to be the bassists from weezer
I wouldn’t fuck with our local law enforcement, they’re reeeal good about their jobs and they’re more often than not good ole boys too. The TX rangers are cool as fuck though, I remember talking to one a couple years back, he had a nickle plated colt 45 with some nice Tejano design engraved in it
Prolly Lanier.
cucked again
Bombers not targeting niggers and spics. Its just that thats all you have there.
Making 56% nice.
This like a stolen package exploded thing? I'd pay per view that for sure
Dude honestly even some leftists that I know hate Californians, did you see how the “I love you” on SOCO wall was fucked up and a political slogan about communism and muh evil capitalism replaced it? Most likely done by a Californian or UT student, fucking hate those bastards
they need to get some gas chambers and ovens fired up. they have an infestation coming out of Cuckafornia
McCallum ;)
Neighbor of bombed woman said she was hispanic, not black.
We really do, honestly make all the jokes about muh 44% Tejas, but the real Texas would rather start their own civil war here in this land of ours before letting a bunch of Californians take over our local and state governments
La criautura
Friendly reminder that Donald J Trump was cleared of collusion charges by the House Intelligence Committee today.
ha pretty much central Austin these days.I live on Burnet real close.
No one gives a shit magapeed, this is a Texas thread
need to push this scenario hard to get out front of the 'Ebil White Menz' inevitable narrative. Also, that it's a ChemE J00 by any memes necessary.
Yeah bro, I really like north loop and central Atx, and some parts out west (westlake) but everything else can burn for all i care
really hate the petition to secede did not go though (thanks obama) North Carolina had one too, was really hoping it would be the start of something great.
you don't really believe a nog or spic can make an intricate IED do you? obviously it is a white man and obviously he's pissed the fuck off, most likely at niggardy
Only whites have the IQ stat to make bombs without killing themselves.
Trump supporter confirmed, Drumft BTFO
Dude I honestly don’t see Texas remaining in the union in 5-10 years, we’re so tired of the federal government’s shit as a whole, even with a republican in office
When they finally do the gun gabbing thing, Texas will. They will have to send the feds to every door to get them. Why they are dumping as many libs as they can on us.
Wrong, lot of spic OIF and OEF vets, maybe some crazy spic eod tech finally went full day of the rope
>Ted Kacsynski
never forget he is a J00
Anyone got the megapack?