fuck it, I want Obama back
Fuck it, I want Obama back
Other urls found in this thread:
its because they failed to repeal Obozocare the costs are set to skyrocket as soon as Obongo went back to the Jungle
>le deficits are bad maymay
>implying Obama would be any better with the deficit
watch as drumpf shills avoid this thread like the plague
literally see:
you retard
>recovery after worst recession since Great Depression
You are why they call us the leaf
exploding the budget deficit in the middle of a good economy
trump is a retard
he should be running a surplus like Clinton did
Obama bumped the deficit by a trillion in 2009 due to the stimulus package. It's like smoking 8 packs of cigarettes per day, and cutting down to 4 packs per day in a matter of 8 years.
>pic related
Notice any difference between Obama's deficits and Bush's deficits? Obama basically ran Bush's 2008 stimulus package every single year of his presidency + more spending on top of that.
FY2009 was Bush's last budget. Are you mentally retarded?
Clinton didn't run a surplus, and presidents don't control the purse. Congress does. Every year there was a surplus was when conservatives controlled congress, and every year with a deficit were when democrats controlled congress. It's on the WH treasury site, black and white... this is something I looked up years ago while O was still in office.
>>le deficits are bad
they are
>>implying Obama would be any better with the deficit
he was
That's how it had all happened right there!
>recovery after Bush
Republicans had nothing to do with the Clinton surplus. They pissed it away the moment they got the chance. Just like right now under Trump they are exploding the deficit. Republicans are explosive spenders who love massive budget deficits
Clinton siphoned money from social security, so he wasn't really running surpluses. At least not responsibly.
Other than that I agree. I think Trump is making a major mistake being another Bush. America might've been able to afford Bush in 2005, but not after 8 years of Obongo.
>presidents don't control the purse. Congress does
then blame the Republicans, they control Congress.
>as % of GDP
That's not an accurate measure of the deficit in real terms. GDP was growing during the recovery, which is why it deceeases as a percent of GDP. It was still going up in absolute terms, which signals a decrease in the growth of the deficit, not a decrease in the actual deficit.
Also, nice cherry picking. It was trending back upwards in Obama's last year in office.
And Obama doesn't get credit for the deficit, Congress does because they control the purse strings.
recovery from GOP economic policies
It still accounts for ARRA
But didn't the Bush government reduced most of the taxes didn't they?
>Clinton siphoned money from social security, so he wasn't really running surpluses. At least not responsibly.
lol no he didn't. that's just some shit u retards made up because u get triggered by facts
A president can't siphon money from Social Security. Do u get all your fake news from Sup Forums? You honestly sound retarded
Obama cut the budget deficit by 2/3, it looks the exact same as % of GDP as in real $
u people are actually legit retarded it's hilarious
I got a non-ironical question for Americans but too lazy to create a new thread.
Is it legal to carry a sword in your country? Like, a real honest-to-God sharp sword?
What did you like about Obama OP?
Did you like how he did closed/private Wallstreet speeches when he left office?
Did you like the expansion of the NSA Patriot act?
Really enjoying that Obamaphone?
Corporatist daddy is gone OP and the only reason anyone liked him was because he was well-spoken and had a goofy smile.
The economy is not good. There is an illusion of good because of unpresedented low interest rates and bond buying programs (QE).
only less than $100B of it was FY2009
it doesn't change the fact that Obama inherited a $1.2 TRILLION budget deficit from Bush
see that little blue blip in FY2009, that's what u based your entire retarded ideology on?
No it's not actually.
get out of my country
Started war in Kuwait Started war in Iraq
Obamaleaf, do you not have a job? Everytime someone mentions anything abput Obama, you're in the thread almost immediately. Also, Canada will collapse long before the US does and faggots like you will be hunted down for fresh meat
yep Bush wasted $6 trillion and counting in Iraq
gotta love fiscal conservatism
>you're in the thread almost immediately.
21 mins later
i saved this thread from death it was literally 5 threads away from the end
just happened to come upon it
depends on the state.
>not starting the axis at 0
>still cutting off 2016 and 2017
>implying Obama did anything
Wrong again. Obama can't "cut" anything because he doesn't have a line-item veto. It was the Republicans exercising Congress' budgetary authority and demanding spending cuts with policies like sequestration.
Where is this surplus you speak of?
Are you going to argue with a .gov, my Clinton supporting friend?
>and faggots like you will be hunted down for fresh meat
ya probably by homosexual (nothing wrong with that) soyboys like you
>> And I thought that I was the only Canadian on this thread over here now, but I guess not.
Why do you support fiscal stimulus under democrats, but not under republicans? Seems to me that you're the ideologue here.
Why is Trump and the GOP Congress exploding the budget deficit right now?
THE DEFICIT YOU CREATED. Are people restarted. Look at the date of the first bar.
That doesn't disprove anything. You still reply to any thread about Obama
Sounds like I struck a nerve
you realize the Social Security Administration, years ago, put up a webpage debunking u right wing retards because you're that fucking stupid
a surplus isn't fake just because it hurts your fucking feelings
You are legitimately retarded. Are you unable to comprehend the difference between the worst Republican Recession since the Great Republican Depression in 2009, and the booming Obama economy in 2017?
you need to restart your brain
According to the U.S. Treasury Department, in the links I provided to you previous, Clinton added:
FY 1994 - $281 billion.
FY 1995 - $281 billion.
FY 1996 - $251 billion.
FY 1997 - $188 billion.
FY 1998 - $113 billion.
FY 1999 - $130 billion.
FY 2001 - $133 billion.
>booming Obama economy in 2017
>Republican majorities in both houses
I don't disagree that Bush was bad for the economy. But he was only bad because of his excessive regulation, war, spending and stimulus. Bush, with the help of Greenspan, stimulated himself out of every little recession, whether it was in 2001, in 2003, stimulating in 2005 due to Katrina, etc... Bush loved fiscal and monetary stimulus, and he loved to cut taxes while raising spending, same as Trump. I think these are bad policies. But Obama's policies were even worse. Obama raised spending and increased the deficits tremendously, and he's essentially got the US debt up to the point of no return.
I didn't like Clinton, I didn't like Bush, I didn't like Obama, and so far, I'm not liking Trump. The difference between me and you is that I hold a consistent view regarding the budgetary process, regardless of the (D) or (R) after the politician's name.
jesus fucking christ u don't know what a budget surplus is do you?
it's when revenues exceed expenditures
u people are legitimately proud of being retards
the intra-governmental portion of the debt went up because the budget surplus was put into the Social Security Trust fund.
any non-retard would know this
Were u eeven alive at the time?
President Clinton announces another record budget surplus
the people vote for Democrats, get stuck with Republicans
Leaf, post that chart you have showing that both Obama and Bush increased the total debt by X%
>fuck it, I want Obama back
Go fuck yourself.
>But he was only bad because of his excessive regulation, war, spending and stimulus
that's like saying "I don't disagree John was a bad husband, but he was only bad because he beat Stacy and cheated on her with hookers and sold her late mother's jewels for whiskey".
>getting blown the fuck out so hard that you resort to a non sequitur
Truly, Trudeau is the best representative of the Canadian people.
I'm pretty sure I do understand what a surplus and a deficit it. That's why I gave you the facts. Which is that Clinton added 18 billion dollars in debt at his lowest. Don't argue with me, argue with the US Treasury.
Are you so underaged that you haven't realized that Republicans have run up the debt and deficit every time they've gotten in office since Reagan?
So when Trump was inaugurated the debt was about $20 trillion.
So if he pulls a Bush, we'd will $36 trillion debt by the time he leaves.
How so? My point is that my problem with Bush is not that he was a tax-cutting capitalist. Bush's problem was that he in reality was a keynesian war-mongerer.
If a recession occurs subseqently after a republican has been in office, the liberals always blame capitalism, freedom, free-markets and tax cuts. Those are not the problems, those are the solutions. But that is not what republicans stand for. They are all keynesians at the end of the day.
Sad but true. Two parties = one party.
I bet you're the type that loves trickle down economics too. I bet you love that large jew corporations are getting large tax cuts.
Because they're engaging in pro-growth policies with tax cuts, regulatory reform, and trade renegotiation.
>the liberals always blame capitalism, freedom, free-markets and tax cuts. Those are not the problems, those are the solutions
seriously? You and I live in the some of the richest countries on Earth, and we're fucking poster boys of Keynesian Social-Democracy... you know this, broder fjeldabe, come on.
>Obungos programs continue
The expenditure is the rest of Obungos programs. The good economy only happened recently once Trump became president.
Fake news, nigger.
For all the fun we have here on Sup Forums the new deficits created by the GOP majorities are a fucking disaster. For the last 8 years the one thing my generation knew for certain about politics in America is that the Republicans were the party that would balance the books and that you could trust on issues of money while the Democrats were the party of throwing the taxpayers dollars into a brown paper bag and setting it on fire.
And within one year of unexpectedly finding themselves in total control of Washington, what does the GOP do? It starts a fucking bonfire. From a branding standpoint it's a fucking disaster and very disheartening. Total whiplash.
Need to hang all liberals
Face it niggerleaf, obama is going to prison, also, he was a shit president.
daily reminder to report and sage spam threads
Inhale a shotgun shell, fag.
>Fag op claims GOP responsible for deficit
>Ignores Obungos programs that continue
These retards need to be gassed.
Good. Trump is an accelerationist.
You're right with that there now!
Because fiscal stimulus makes sense when you are in a recession and makes no sense when you're in a period of low unemployment and high growth?
>Wow, why do you support putting gas in your car when the tank is empty, but not when it's full? Are you a hypocrite?
Why the fuck are you surprised? This happens in literally every Republican administration.
>Obungo causes recession
>Trump adds stimulus to economy
>Ree treason
Kill yourself shill nigger
How do you know that the keynesianism isn't surpressing our growth? In my opinion the only reason for our prosperity here in Scandinavia is due to our respect for property rights, our good fiscal health, our relatively good standing business freedom, trade freedom, investment freedom and financial freedom.
Keep in mind that the swedish economy was very sluggish and relatively unimpressive during the poster child period of Scandinavian social-democracy, the 1970s to the 1990s. Sweden was starting to rack up national debts and the standard of living had slipped from being one of the highest in Europe to sub-par. When Sweden started liberalizing the economy and allowed for more economic freedom, much lower tax burdens and a tighter government budget, the country boomed. Sweden was running surpluses for the first time in decades, and experiences upwards of 4% economic growth. Unheard of in 2018 for western economies.
If you see this as anecdotal evidence, fine. But I can say that a very similar event around the same time period occured in Canada, with the same great results.
Obongo spent $10,000,000,000,000 for fucking nothing. Fucking nothing to show for it.
Came here to witness members of the "fiscally responsible" party abandon one of the only principals that justifies their parties existence...
I was not disapointed
Drumpf shill here
It-it's 4d chess. A-Am I rite, guize?
He spent it on weaves, Kool aid and watermelons for his shemale wife.
>Obungo causes recession
Kill yourself retard.
How did Obama cause a recession before he was president?
I'm legitimately curious where this baitpost goes.
>Obungo becomes president in 2009
>Recession hits 2010.
But it started in 2007?
>why do you support putting gas in your car when the tank is empty
It's funny, keynesians always, without exception compare the economy to a car or an engine. This is a fallacy that only makes sense to a keynesian, who believes that the economy can be fixed with a wrench. The reality is that the economy is a vast and complex organism, that needs to be left uninterfered.
Fiscal stimulus does nothing to boost the economy. Stimulus packages do nothing but defer austerity and create malinvestments.
>How do you know that the keynesianism isn't surpressing our growth?
because before we (Scandinavia) became social-democracies, we were feudal shitholes with filthy rich elites, and piss poor commoners starving to death.
history, read it.
So then at the very minimum, you must agree that stimulus deficit spending when we have a booming economy is the stupidest thing anyone could possibly do right?
I mean, if you think its useless during a bad time, it must be even worse during a good time.
Dems wouldn't let the budget pass without keeping in a ton of gibsmedats which exacerbate the deficit, I wasn't disappointed when you considering mcfucking killing yourself
dude, you need to seriously shut up and read up.
It started in early 2010 retard.
>The bait just ends in "Nuh uh!"
I'm disappointed.
Kill yourself
>being this retarded
I have read, niggertard
>republicans control a voting majority of both the house, and senate and control the office of the president but its still the democrats fault when they do fucked up things
your party is brain damage incarnate