Are they literally retarded?

>just a theory!
>theory of relativity = moral relativism
>using other people's work (how science is done) is somehow plagiarism
>muh Tesla
This video is legit low IQ. I know they used to be all about ayy lmaos but this is just too much. Do these people
not realize they make themselves look like retards when they do this shit?

Attached: CecYbfzE_400x400.jpg (400x400, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Red Ice are a bunch of new age pagan faggots so they have overlapping talking points with hippies occasionally.

>tesla worship

literally who?

I don't know... Electric Universe theory makes more sense than "Relativity" as dark matter.

I'm still mad at them for fucking up Futurefash and confusing it with Fashwave (the musical genre of Futurefash).

Attached: sound wave real.jpg (3012x2151, 754K)

This is what happens when you obsess over Jews to /this much/. Red Ice and their patsy Patrick Casey are some of the gayest elements in the movement. We would be a lot better off if they just disappeared.

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>just a theory!
for example darwin did actually worked for his theory unlike einstein
>theory of relativity = moral relativism
well that more cocaine freud
>>using other people's work (how science is done) is somehow plagiarism
normally scientist credit other people work if the use it
>muh Tesla
Muh einstein greatest genius ever exist

tesla worship is reddit indeed and ignoring relativity would make our GPSs unusable in a day.

truly they are non pure outsiders like us and I hate that they act like their one of us

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They push dumb shit on occasion but I'm glad they exist. Sometimes Henrik has great points and sometimes he's just talking out his arse

Russia probe ended. No collusion.

Check catalog. HAPPENING

Christopher Jon Bjerknes has documented how Einstein stole others ideas while working at the patent office.

not really:

it's all documented here:

Relativity is a pseudo science. Everything is electrical, the occult sciences being alchemy is completely based on Electromagnetism.

So yes they are somewhat in the right direction. As for Tesla he was the epoche of electrical research because it got Jewed into oblivion by Einstein and his ilk.

So how do we know the universe is run by electromagnetism?

>97%+ of the known universe is ionized(charged plasma)
>birkeland currents, massive electrical currents spanning our galaxy cluster has been found, and as is seen in our local solar system
>highly charged weather events also observed here, electrical sprites seen above high powered storm events.

Rosetta space mission, Jupiter mission, a lot of newer findings are showing the clear electrically embued properties of matter in space.

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Agree. They've done some cringy shit, but on balance they're a huge positive.

Love these guys! Without them I would never have learned that white people are actually a race of Giants who have been corrupt by Jews and become weaker over the last 10k years

His theories were mostly stolen from his wife, Serbian Mileva Maric.
Jews want to steal our culture and replace it with black people and jews and there's nothing wrong with fighting back.
We invented the concept of academia and university, even the concept of science itself, but jews work towards pushing us out of elite universities these days using Tribalism and Nepotism.

einstein was a fucking jew

jew did everything to avoid the oven

Edison > tesla
No idea why people fanboy over some faggot who never invented anything useful

Relativity is real, and it was a theory long before eistein. Einsteins version of it is farcical.

Do stormshits really deny relativity?

>they used to be all about ayy lmaos
No Chaim its always been a show about the JQ and their many lies. Einstein has been heavily mythologized. He was just another commie kike that played fast and loose with citations.

>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!