Why do you think liberals have higher IQs than conservatives?
Why do you think liberals have higher IQs than conservatives?
because people take iq tests seriously
because (((liberals))) are the ones taking and giving the tests.
>Racism in the title of the course
Biased study.
Present a peer-reviewed source please.
Liberals have more wealth due to their higher intelligence, this allows them to segregate more effectively from niggers as they have more freedom of movement because of that wealth.
> People with lower cognitive abilities also had less contact with people of other races.
"This finding is consistent with recent research demonstrating that intergroup contact is mentally challenging and cognitively draining, and consistent with findings that contact reduces prejudice"
They're literally making the case that living in a multicultural society makes you more intelligent. I've never seen such a bastardization of correlation vs causation in my life.
It's well documented that cities that vote democrat tend to be the MOST racially segregated. NY city has the highest amount of school segregation of any American city.
If they don't, they're just stupid.
If they do, they make so many stupid decisions that it doesn't even matter, thus making them just stupid.
Obviously this is true
National Socialists though...
High IQ people tend go to college(though of course these days shit loads of dummies do too) which means they go through more indoctrination than those who don't go to college. They generally lack street smarts though.
>A related point, central in Ellul's thesis, is that modem propaganda cannot work without "education"; he thus reverses the widespread notion that education is the best prophylactic against propaganda. On the contrary. he says, education, or what usually goes by that word in the modem world, is the absolute prerequisite for propaganda. In fact, education is largely identical with what Ellul calls "pre-propaganda ”the conditioning of minds with vast amounts of incoherent information, already dispensed for ulterior purposes and posing as "facts" and as "education." Ellul follows through by designating intellectuals as virtually the most vulnerable of all to modem propaganda, for three reasons: (1) they absorb the largest amount of secondhand, unverifiable information; they feel a compelling need to have an opinion on every important question of our time, and thus easily succumb to opinions offered to them by propaganda on all such indigestible pieces of information; (3) they consider themselves capable of "judging for themselves." They literally need propaganda.
Why do you think niggers have lower IQs than whites?
They don't. If respondents declare their own political affiliation right wingers are smarter. If they don't most of the studies pick "social" queues like views on gays and christianity.
You'll notice hispanics and blacks, who are on the low end of iq scales on average, don't like gays and love christianity. It's nothing more than simple sleight of hand.
>dumb people are more likely to be racists
>black people are dumb
>black people are anti-white racists
Interesting that liberals never actually follow the science to actual conclusions.
I don't think they have a higher IQ.
>Why do you think liberals have higher IQs than conservatives?
Because Nigs and spics always describe themselves as "conservative" or middle of the road but always vote straight Dem.
The “ideological refinement perspective,” by contrast, contends that cognitively sophisticated members of a dominant racial group are no more committed to racial equality than their peers with lower ability (Jackman 1978, 1981, 1994; Jackman and Muha 1984). They are, however, better equipped to understand, analyze, and act on their group interests; to develop effective legitimizing ideologies for extant inequalities; and to articulate an astute defense of their social position. According to this perspective, high-ability members of a dominant group avoid overtly prejudicial views about subordinate groups because these attitudes have the potential to inflame intergroup relations and provoke challenges to the status quo. Instead, they placate subordinate group members by avoiding these inflammatory attitudes and by offering superficial support for racial equality in principle. But given their keen awareness of group interests, dominant group members with higher cognitive ability are no more likely to support concrete efforts to overcome the inequalities from which they benefit.
Because they go to university and don't denounce them as Marxist liberal hell holes of satanic demon possession that want to rape children in secret sacrificial spaghetti parties that serve blood for beer.
>Because Nigs and spics always describe themselves as "conservative"
I dunno...why do you think liberals keep fucking losing?
Why do you post this thread every day?
It's the other way around, they vote democrat but their values are conservative.
>I dunno...why do you think liberals keep fucking losing?
GOP took gerrymandering to the next level. Now state SC's are starting to tackle the issue and go third-party or math-based modelling. GOP is going to start losing long-held seats in no time.
>Be libtard
>Live in the best civilization in the world
>hurr durr how can i make this even better?
>Votes to turn it into a third world shit hole >excuses rape gangs preying on thousands of kids from his own culture
>thinks everyone should get a free house and money courtesy of the tax payers and wealth creators
>dumbs down education to be about feelings and wacky tumblr theories
>Me am so Clevurr!!! Stoopid conservaitibz!!
Lool you are something, but it isn't clever or masculine.
Liberals believe in things like IQ.
>GOP President starts a trade war with WHITE allies
>Doesn't push sanctions on Russia for invading a country or election tampering
>Does absolutely nothing to China
wew lad
Fake data. Everyone knows niggers have a near retarded level of iq. That would throw the data to somewhere near 90 for gimme-dat-liberals.
>>Doesn't push sanctions on Russia for invading a country or election tampering
invaded an area that was part of the USSR not long ago and was currently being run by proxy NWO fags.
yeah, and some liberals or lefties believe gender is a social construct.
ofc they are more intelligent...
>invaded an area that was part of the USSR not long ago and was currently being run by proxy NWO fags.
USSR also claimed East Germany you dumb faggot. USSR collapsed and so do any of their claims.
Because the average black person is a conservative. Everybody seems to forget that.
yes goym
trust us
what does very conservative mean?
are these the very conservative types the ones that read evola or the ones who watch tv and complain about dem queers on the tv?
Because cuckoldry is the thinking man's fetish.
They don't, I could possibly believe that WHITE Liberals had a higher IQ than White conservatives, but half of their voter-base are people with average IQs between ~75-90.
There is no way that this is accurate. It was probably made by some college students who surveyed a few dozen people.
For the same reason Ashkenazis increased their mean IQ by a full standard deviation within a single generation. It all depends on the people keeping score.
means nothing if the smartest person in the world is conservative
Because I'm a genius level republican with some values that are traditionally leftist, I count as liberal. Now the democrat nignog that loves Jesus is a conservative
>There is no way that this is accurate. It was probably made by some college students who surveyed a few dozen people.
The link in the image is an overview of a few different studies, not just one. It's interesting how people try to digest this. If it's the other group, then it makes so much sense!... but if it's your own group than there has to be wrong with how they looked into it.
ill tell you why as a person in the education system. People dont really form their opinions until hgohschol, and here is where we see the divide between the "smart" kinds and the not smart kids. The smart kids go on to take honors and AP classes, where so much liberal garbage is shoved down their throat and ears. by being exposed to it when their opinions are unshaped, their opinions take that shape. In normal classes, teachers do their job and just teach without opinionating anything.
Terrance Tao is conservative?
We just had this thread a couple days ago. Why do we have the same threads over and over?
>The smart kids go on to take honors and AP classes, where so much liberal garbage is shoved down their throat and ears. by being exposed to it when their opinions are unshaped, their opinions take that shape.
By this same logic you could say that the only radio stations that bother to broadcast in rural areas are conservative. And that having jobs where you can listen to the radio all day is just saturating rural people with conservative talking points. You can actually see this a lot when you question a rural conservative a bit deeper on certain topics. They only know the topics skin deep and start falling back on "I feel" or "I believe."
>no one has yet acknowledged that libertarians have demonstrated higher IQs, incomes, and health than liberals and conservatives in every peer reviewed study on the subject
Do they really though?
Isn't Mr. Allepo a poster child for your ideology?
Which of those groups contains the niggers and the spics? And why is this such a shitty, amateurish looking chart? Sorry, my low IQ friend, it is mathematically impossible for the Dems to have higher IQs. Their party is 2/3 nigger and spic, with IQs in the low 80s. Average IQ of Democrat voters is no more than 90.Since the country is roughly split 50/50, and the national IQ is 97 - if Dems are 7 points below, conservatives must be 7 points above. Is your IQ high enough to follow? If Conservatives are 7 points above average, that is 104. 14 points higher than retarded leftists. A full standard deviation higher. It is why we don't want low IQ leftists living in our country. I would love to see them dead in our country, though...
No ancaps take Gary Johnson seriously
Poster children for our ideology include Switzerland & Singapore
Add illegals and niggers to the equation (99% of which will join the Liberal side) and see how it changes.
Oh right, it's racist to give blacks IQ tests.
What do you think it's gonna feel like when that person you really love dies before you do?
They mean social conservative (you can tell from the link), which is what Niggers usually identify as
>Why does this obvious slide thread keep showing up?
Because it's a fucking slide thread you imbecile. Stop responding to them.
they don't. the two groups are rather close to parity actually. That chart is incorrect.
In truth, moderates have the lowest IQ. People get smarter as you head out in either direction, politically.
When is this from? I used to be more liberal during the Bush presidency. It seemed like the war in Afghanistan and Iraq was cheered on by low IQ conservatives who were whipped into a patriotic fever.
I am vegetarian and a nationalist, vegetarians have average iqs of 110 compared to meat eaters 100, trailer trasg ziocuckservatives are literal golems controlled by jews.
Thank you for furthering proof that the IQ "system" is outdated and needs reform.
You have it completely backwards. The facts favor conservative, nationalist, traditionalist views, where a nation and its citizens are objectively better off under those types of policies. Neoliberals, globalists, and "progressives" are the ones who always use emotional arguments because cold hard statistics show that open borders, restricting rights, outsourcing, lopsided trade deals, multiculturalism, affirmative action and quotas, feminism, homosexuality, pedophilia, anti-white racism, anti-male sexism, high taxes destroy the happiness and quality of life for everyone, and destroy the society.
It takes alot of abstract thinking to ignore the obvious and find alternative explanations.
For example, it`s obvious that blacks on average have lower IQ and that`s partly due to genetics. But if you say that to a liberal, they will find all excuses to justify that blacks are just as equal as everyone else and genetics has nothing to do with it.
lol, retard logic
>i didnt win so you must have cheated
Niggers hate fags and trannies so they skew the conservative ideology group
because fag ops exist
>ignore the obvious and find alternative explanations.
>For example, it`s obvious that blacks on average have lower IQ and that`s partly due to genetics. But if you say that to a liberal, they will find all excuses to justify that blacks are just as equal as everyone else and genetics has nothing to do with it.
It's an inversion of Occam's Razor
>High IQ, easier way to college
>College=left indoctrination
High IQ=> liberal
Liberal=\=> high IQ
The article from 2012 you fucking tard. Glad to see you migrated to the right and brought their IQ down even more.
These are the same folks who administered polls that had Hillary winning at 95%. You don't think stats can be skewed? You must not understand how stats work. Take a sample of conservatives outside the church of hokey doke in buttfuck nowhere Alabama, and all your liberals from the campus of some top Ivy League school. There I designed a sample where the liberal looks smarter.
The reality is the median republican supporter makes more money than the average democuck. This is a more objective metric of who is better at life.
using a misleading graph to try and push a point it starts at 90
yes. "conservatives" are mostly motivated by fear, a just fear in fact. they're afraid of being left behind in the game of globalism. immigration of highly skilled labour is bad for them because they'll be outcompeted, both socially and professionally. immigration of stupid people will push wages down and flood their low-class neighborhoods with more crime and dysfunction
a college-educated person is smarter than the average joe and they're more likely to survive in a more competitive environment. there's no reason for them to flaunt whatever "xenophobic" views they might hold because it would hurt their opportunities in a marketplace that favors socially flexible individuals
at the higher end it's anyone's game. an IQ of 135+ and you'll see people thinking their ideology through and coming up with more disparate conclusions.
It's a distribution thing
there are piles of really crazy, straight up retarded conservatives, and then a few brilliant ones in business and leadership positions
I'll leave it to the people of Sup Forums to decide which category they fall into
Please stop replying to slide threads, thank you.
Then why arent blacks the most conservative people in existence?
>missed the point
>i didnt win so you must have cheated
retard logic
there you go
As lefties are quick to remind us regarding their pet minorities, these tests are skewed to avoid empowering people other than themselves.
bullshit, republicans are smarter than democrats
"conservative" is a meaningless level, low-IQ blacks are "conservative" and vote for "gibmedat" leftists
>Brainlets arguing over which one of them is king of the brainlets.
Your befuddlement amuses us. Please plebbies, do continue.
>hurr you didnt win my polls so we must have cheated??? durr hurr
>actually you didnt win and cheated the polls, Trump is president
Marxist pseudointellectual retards
How do I s*ge them and make lurkers aware its a repeat shill/slide thread unless I post, you absolute faggot?
kys sarcuck fancuck
u got butthurt
>the gift that keeps on giving
I'm neutral neutral with a 149. Learn from me, skags
This. I also imagine the moment you remove (((Whites))) that number plummets
>( 0+10 ) / 2 = 5
>therefore all you're beliefs are a 5
This is how brainlets actually reason.