The Finns

How come the Finns are genetically speaking a germanic people but speak an asiatic language?

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They aren't Germanic

There have been several genetical studies showing that they are most closely related to the Swedes.

they are finnic, but share a lot of genes with europeans but still have the finnic identity and language. Much like the turks, their identity is turkic mongolian but they share european, central asian and arab genes, but still call themselves turks even though the original turkish genes are a minority within their haplogroups. and death to croatia karelia will become serbian again

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>how come there isn't an iron clad connection between race and language
Why would there be?

My friend is a retard that says turks, huns, and finnish are the same thing because of mongols

buthurt serbs

>Look like elfs.

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Not germanic. They are a mixture of slavic and asiatic.

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Not real people. I go to finland many time and rape young girls. They not stop it.


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left an Finish male right a finish woman.

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>identity turkic mongolian
I know I shouldn't reply seriously to australian, but c'mon

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Well as far as I know the germanic people of Finland were never subjugated by the asiatic people of the near by areas so why speak their language

She is a perfect example of their Space Elf origins.

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how do you know ? where you there at that time or what ?

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Do these look like G*rmanics to you? I want nothing to do with them!

It's really a mystery why we adopted the Finnic language. We probably had some other language before it. Or of course we had, but nobody seems to know how long ''we'' have spoken Finnish. I've seen loads of claims, dunno which is correct.

Russians are Finnish too btw. They used to speak a Finnic language, but probably due to trade with Kievan Rus switched to a slavic language that we nowadays recognize as ''Russian''.

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>ywn tie her up and force her to eat surströmming while tickling her feet.

Feels bad, man.

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Culture is measured from what people create.

Language for the most part has been created. So now it is thought and learn cognitively.

She looks like my sister.


But they're not
>and death to croatia karelia will become serbian again
Can't wait

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Who is this girl and why does she frown like a sad puppy? Aside from shitty weather that is.


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Achmed in da House!

Wtf is """germanic""" gnetically. Friendly reminder germanus is latin word which means brother and these original germans were Slavs. Later some asthmatic nords came from Scandinavia, but it doesn't make them germans ok

>tfw finnish
>tfw mongol eyes
I am a living meme

This is what people will look like by 2050... and it's beautiful

The only pick of Sapce Elf feet that I have

Attached: ElvishFeet.jpg (1200x800, 169K)

for the average retarded croat (or serb,, same people) that is considered white and Aryan.

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You're no finnish with that flag. Swedes posing as finns tend to get the knife here.

Literally perfect.


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Haven't been knifed yet when I visit family in Uleåborg och Åbo
t. bättre folk

No i am from europe.

Not so fast, kikes

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Finnish are the perfect fusion between white and asian, no wonder they are a superior people.

I collected a few of her from that guy who has like 100 pics of her.

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they're Swedish-Uralic (Asian) rapebabies

>the Finns are genetically speaking a germanic people
That's where you're wrong

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that is actually one of the many finnish phenotypes. i've seen few finns who look exactly like him.
poor buggers

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>genetically speaking a germanic people
Finns have Chink admixture

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We all know who really did 9/11 but we just say it was (((them))) so we don't get Häyhä'd by the Spurdös

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You're retarded we arent germanic

No he's a Paki

finno-ugric + slav = master race

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Horg dorg burg durr hurr err hurdy durdy dur hur

genes speak louder than words

here is another one

I would still fuck here though

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Pls I've been an awfully good boy this year

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"haplogroup"? that's a big word for "roaches", amirite

>minus slav


All the Finnish women I know are pretty attractive and all related to me. Still... I got this one cousin...

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compared to the average american Mutt I'm sure they look attractive.

>Russians are Finnish too btw
Strong statement, bro. I personally like you, finns, but no offense, I hope you understand that you need to prove it.

That's true.

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western russians are finns larping as russians

Guess you never heard of the hyperwar

north/west russians are heavily mixed with finno-ugrics

It's only cause we're fat and our women are vulgar. I'm sure we'd be more attractive if we were skinnier. I'm su-

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>how come the American Blacks are genetically speaking an African people but speak a Germanic language?

It's in russian.

Komi girls are kawaii

They have less than 5% Asian admixture but they also have the highest amount of Northern European hunter-gatherer DNA

>germanic language

Its actually a black language ancient britons wuz black which makes your language black. KEK

>and our women are vulgar.
You think our women arent? Cursing is very common in finnish society. Our female president was known to once lash out on one of her assistants:
>"Perkele! I will hang that guy from his balls to that flagpole!"

Epäjärjestelmällistyttämättömyydellänsäkään is perfectly cromulent.

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The only non-vulgar women in the nordic countries are immigrants desu

Took me a few tries but now i can easily say this word 15 times in a row

Death sentence for the Starling Criminals?

I don't know but as far as "Aryan" people goes i think Finns(on average) are the best match:

How many minutes can you curse without repeating a curseword

Forever, just put together a word and a curseword and you have a new curseword

>tfw no Finnish girl to torture

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They would stab you to death, serkku.

And no, cheap as they are I wouldn't settle for an Estonian

They aren't.
Also, language is not genetically transmitted.

For example the Irish are not a Germanic people, but they speak a Germanic language. Similarly African-Americans are not Germanic but speak a Germanic language.

No, women are physically weak.

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A Finnish woman is as strong as 10 Americans. I don't know what she does when the 11th comes.

Because they are weird and to be avoided.

Thats true. Almost as weak as you manlet

The French speaking Normans subjugated the English, but ultimately adopted their language. They did add some vocabulary though.


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Btw why people call finnic languages asiatic?
i can't see to find it there. Or is it a meme?

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The inhabitants of Scandinavia and relative large portions of eastern Europe most likely spoke some kind of Finnish-Ugrian form of language before R1B1/The Aryans showed up and mixed with them, the result being proton-Germanic.

seems about right

I suspect that a Finnish girl would be more bothered by proximity than by torture.
>Ok, put on the nipple clamps already, just make sure to get back out of my 3 meter personal space circle!

Team murder by those who indeed kill with genitals?

No sure why you're shilling so hard for Finland, its kinda sad.
Not a manlet but even if I were it would be relatively easy to find a woman smaller than myself, the average woman in Finland is like 5'5".

Languages can live forever, ethnicities can change within a few generations.
Like you can be a Breton French or Welsh Britbong and speak your celtic language but chances are your genes are pretty damn close to the average northern french/south english

she's sort of perfect yet still slightly odd looking. would wed tho

But slavic is pretty much west Asiatic